Entity Type Sample Clauses

Entity Type. Select the appropriate entity type.
Entity Type. Section II requires that the Stock Entity is properly categorized as a means of fully identifying it in this agreement. A checklist presenting various types of Entities has been made available for this purpose. Properly classify the Stock Entity’s type by placing a mark in the appropriate checkbox. For instance, if the Stock Entity is a “Corporation” then select the first checkbox and do not mark any of the remaining checkbox definitions (“LLC,” “Partnership,” “General Partnership,” Limited Partnership,” and “Other.”) Bear in mind that if a Stock Entity does not fit into any of the first five categories, the “Other” checkbox should be selected and the type of Entity whose stock is being sold should be documented directly on the blank line in this option. III. Shares
Entity Type. The undersigned is: ----------- [_] An individual [_] A corporation [_] A partnership [_] A trust
Entity Type. If the Pavee in Section 1 is a(n)... Individual • Sole Proprietorship • Grantor (Revocable Livinq) Trust disreqarded for federal tax purposes Limited Liability Company (LLC) owned by an individual and is disregarded for federal tax purposes THEN Select the Box for... Sole Proprietor/Individual Sinqle Member LLC-owned bv an individual Partnerships • Limited Liabilitv Partnerships (LLP) • and, LLC treated as a Partnership Partnerships Estate • Trust (other than disreqarded Granter Trust) Corporation that is medical in nature (e.g., medical and healthcare services, physician care, nursery care, dentistry, etc. • LLC that is to be taxed like a Corporation and is medical in nature Corporation that is legal in nature (e.g., services of attorneys, arbitrators, notary publics involving legal or law related matters, etc.) • LLC that is to be taxed like a Corooration and is leqal in nature Corporation that qualifies for an Exempt status, includinq 501(c) 3 and domestic non-profit corporations. Estate or Trust Corporation-Medical Corporation-Legal Corporation-Exempt Corporation that does not meet the qualifications of any of the other corporation types listed above • LLC that is to be taxed as a Corporation and does not meet any of the other corporation tvoes listed above Corporation-All Other
Entity Type. Stockholder is: o An individual o A corporation o A partnership o A trust o Other
Entity Type. Please select the appropriate entity type for which the account is being opened, by ticking one of the boxes below. Individual or joint individuals Individual or joint individuals acting as trustee of a trust or superannuation fund, or as executor of an estate Company Company acting as trustee of a trust or superannuation fund Association (Unincorporated or Incorporated) Partnership Other (please specify)
Entity Type. The Competition is open to all types of applicants, including any of the following, as long as the applicant meets the eligibility criteria in Section 2(b): ▪ Individuals or individual Entities: Companies of any size, academic researchers, research institutions, accelerators, incubators, technology transfer firms, consultants, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, and inventors. ▪ Team Entries: Teams and collaborative groups of one or more individuals or entities (each, a “Team”) provided that (i) the Entry Materials submitted for the Team designates a primary point of contact (“Team Contact”) to engage with LG NOVA; (ii) LG NOVA shall not be responsible for communicating with any Team members other than the Team Contact; and (ii) LG NOVA shall not be held responsible for or be deemed a party to any teaming agreements, verbal, written or implied, formed between members of the Team.
Entity Type. New Participation - is 2019-2020 the first year you are submitting a CCEP Commitment Form? Renewed/Existing Participant - did you submit a CCEP Commitment Form last year? Business TypeCheck one box
Entity Type. If the Payee in Section 1 is a(n)… T HEN Select the Box for… Individual ● Sole Proprietorship ● Grantor (Revocable Living) Trust disregarded for federal tax purposes Sole Proprietor/Individual Limited Liability Company (LLC) owned by an individual and is disregarded for federal tax purposes Single Member LLC-owned by an individual Corporation that is medical in nature (e.g., medical and healthcare services, physician care, nursery care, dentistry, etc. ● LLC that is to be taxed like a Corporation and is medical in nature Corporation-Medical Corporation that is legal in nature (e.g., services of attorneys, arbitrators, notary publics involving legal or law related matters, etc.) ● LLC that is to be taxed like a Corporation and is legal in nature Corporation-Legal Corporation that does not meet the qualifications of any of the other corporation types listed above ● LLC that is to be taxed as a Corporation and does not meet any of the other corporation types listed above Corporation-All Other
Entity Type. The undersigned is: ☐ An individualA corporation ☐ A limited liability company ☐ A partnership ☐ A trust ☐ Other: