Check one box Sample Clauses

Check one box am attaching a cashier’s, personal or certified check, or have arranged for a wire transfer of immediately available funds to the Company, in an amount equal to the Aggregate Exercise Price.
Check one box. ¨ No performance target levels are applicable to this grant of Restricted Shares. ¨ The following performance target levels are applicable to this grant of Restricted Shares. In addition to the continued employment of Participant by (the “Employer”), the lapse of the forfeiture provisions referred to in Section 1 above shall also be conditioned upon the achievement by the Employer and its Subsidiaries, if any, of the following stipulated levels of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”) for the measurement periods noted below: Measurement Date Measurement Period Percentage of Shares as to which Forfeiture Provisions Lapse EBITDA Target Level1 First anniversary of Grant Date Preceding twelve calendar months 20 % % of Base EBITDA 2 Second anniversary of Grant Date Preceding twelve calendar months 20 % % of Base EBITDA Third anniversary of Grant Date Preceding twelve calendar months 20 % % of Base EBITDA Fourth anniversary of Grant Date Preceding twelve calendar months 20 % % of Base EBITDA Fifth anniversary of Grant Date Preceding twelve calendar months 20 % % of Base EBITDA 1 In computing EBITDA for periods subsequent to , 20 , the Company shall use actual revenues for the relevant measurement period and the expenses used in determining Base EBITDA.
Check one box. ☒ All travel and meals are included as part of this Contract. No reimbursements shall be made to Contractor. ☐ The University shall reimburse travel and meals in accordance with the Contract and subject to University’s Travel Policy.
Check one box. If no box is checked, the Alternate Beneficiary is your Estate. Any balance in my Account not distributed to the above shall be distributed as follows:
Check one box. ☒ All travel and meals are included as part of this Contract. No reimbursements shall be made to Contractor.
Check one box. I do not give permission for my child to access the District’s technology resources. I have read the District’s technology resources policy, associated administrative regulations, and this user agreement. In consideration for the privilege of my child using the District’s technology resources, I hereby release the District, its operators, and any institutions with which it is affiliated from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use of, or inability to use, these resources, including, without limitation, the type of damage identified in the District’s policy and administrative regulations. I understand that my child’s use of the District’s technology resources is not private and that the District may monitor my child’s activity. I understand that the District uses certain cloud-based (online) applications that allow authorized individuals to access student information, including assignments and grades, through the internet for school-related purposes. See xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xx/Departments/TechnologySupportServices. I give permission for my child to access the District’s technology resources, including District-approved online applications, and certify that the information contained on this form is correct. Parent’s or guardian’s name (print): Parent’s or guardian’s signature: Date: To grant or deny consent to the District’s technology resources, the parent will need to acknowledge acceptance and understanding of the Technology Acceptable Use/BYOD Communication form. If the form is not returned, permission is assumed granted for participation in the District’s technology resources. The District permits use of personal telecommunications or other electronic devices by students for instructional purposes while on campus, in accordance with the following provisions. If the District does not issue graphing calculators for a course requiring their use, a student may use a calculator application with the same functionality as a graphing calculator on a phone, laptop, tablet, or other computing device in place of a graphing calculator.
Check one box. □ 1 person □ 6 persons □ 2 persons □ 7 persons □ 3 persons □ 8 persons □ 4 persons □ Over 9 persons □ 5 persons Household/Family Income Summary Check one box □ $42,850 or below family income □ $71,400 or below family income □ $106,000 or below family income □ $139,950 or above family income □ Other: Hispanic: Yes / No □ White □ Black/African American □ Asian □ American Indian/Alaskan NativeNative Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Ethnicity Check one box □ American Indian/White □ Asian/White □ Black/White □ American Indian/Black □ Other/Multi-Racial I acknowledge that the Tech Lending Library Services are intended for library patrons who do not otherwise haveaccess to the equipment or services sufficient to meet the patron’s educational needs. To the best of my knowledge, the information above is correct and I fully understand that the information provided will be shared with the Library Services special grant reporting purposes, where names and identifiable information will be removed. Signature: Date: Email Address: Library card # Demographic Information (REQUIRED): Cell/Home #: Gender: Male/Female [ ] Chromebook Serial Number Issued: [ ] Mi-Fi (up to 1 device) Serial Number Issued: [ ] Samsung Tablet Serial Number Issued: Yellow Green Orange Device Check-Out Date: Device Return Date: • Hayward Public Library’s technology equipment may be checked-out by Hayward residents whom otherwise do not have access to broadband internet or a computing device, who are 18 years and older, and complete this Borrowing Policy & Agreement Form. • A valid Hayward Public Library card number is required. • A borrower must read, understand, and sign this agreement before any technology equipment is checked- out. • The loan period for technology equipment check-out is 12 weeks. After the last day of the loan period, any late or unreturned devices will be disabled and rendered useless after the 2 day grace period. • All equipment and peripherals (boxes, power brick, etc.) must be returned on or before the due date and time indicated.
Check one box. 🞎 I do not give permission for my child to access the District’s technology resources.
Check one box. The Authority will acknowledge your election and the applicable Accepted Allocation when executing the Agreement. Customer elects to purchase ALL of the RNY Market Power listed under Accepted Allocation from the Authority: Customer Signature: SAMPLE Option 1 Allocation Information (will apply if ALL of the RNY Market Power that is part of the Awarded Allocation is purchased from the Authority) RNY Hydropower (kW): RNY Market Power (kW): Total (kW): RNY Hydropower (kW): RNY Market Power (kW): Total (kW): Contract Demand (kW)* 7 years (from the date of commencement of Electric Service) Date Customer City, NY *The value listed for the Contract Demand is subject to the Takedown Schedule, if any, attached to the Agreement as Schedule C. APPLICANT: Customer Name CONSOLIDATED FUNDING APP. No: APP ID Customer elects to purchase NONE of the RNY Market Power listed under Accepted Allocation from the Authority: Customer Signature: Option 2 Allocation Information (will apply if NONE of the RNY Market Power that is part of the Awarded Allocation is purchased from the Authority) RNY Hydropower (kW): RNY Market Power (kW): Total (kW): RNY Hydropower (kW): RNY Market Power (kW): 0 Total (kW): Contract Demand (kW)* 7 years (from the date of commencement of Electric Service) Date Customer City, NY SAMPLE *The value listed for the Contract Demand is subject to the Takedown Schedule, if any, attached to the Agreement as Schedule C. Authority Acknowledgement of Customer election: Accepted Allocation: kW RNY Hydropower purchased from the Authority: kW RNY Market Power purchased from the Authority: kW The provision of RNY Power to the Customer is in consideration of, among other things, the commitments made by the Customer as provided for in this Schedule B.
Check one box. (a) The Holder represents that it is exercising the Warrants in an “offshore transaction” as defined in Regulation S under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”) and is not a “U.S. Person” as defined in Regulation S (a “U.S. Person”) and is not exercising the Warrants on behalf of a U.S. Person. (b) The Holder has included with this notice of exercise an opinion of counsel (which must be reasonably satisfactory in form and substance to the Company) that an exemption from registration under the 1933 Act is available for exercise of this Warrant.