Environmental Guaranty Sample Clauses

Environmental Guaranty. The Parent shall have executed and delivered to Lender the Environmental Guaranty.
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Environmental Guaranty. Each Borrower shall have executed and delivered to Lender the Environmental Guaranty.
Environmental Guaranty. Throughout the Original Deed of Trust, ---------------------- the term "Environmental Guaranty" shall be deemed to mean the Environmental Guaranty from Guarantors to Beneficiary, dated February 22, 1991, as reaffirmed by the Modification Agreement, as such Environmental Guaranty may from time to time be further reaffirmed, amended, modified, supplemented, restated or extended.
Environmental Guaranty. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, who are the controlling shareholders of Tenant, personally and unconditionally guarantee the performance by Tenant of its obligations pursuant to Sections 30 and 31 of this Lease, including without limitations, the performance of any indemnification obligation arising thereunder, the discharge of any lien, the performance of any obligation required to be performed by Tenant pursuant to an Enforcement Notice and compliance by Tenant with any obligations arising under ECRA. The above named guarantors shall be jointly and severally liable for all obligations to be paid or performed by them pursuant to this guaranty. This guaranty shall not be affected or impaired by the death or disability of a guarantor.
Environmental Guaranty. Tenant hereby indemnities and agrees to defend and save and hold Landlord and its directors, officers, beneficiaries, trustees, employees, agents, successors and assigns harmless from and against any and all losses, liabilities (including, without limitation, strict liability and common law liability), obligations, damages (including, without limitation, injuries to the environment), defenses, charges, penalties, interest, expenses, fees (including attorneys' fees at all administrative and judicial hearings, trial and all appellate levels), costs (including, without limitations, costs of any settlement), judgments, administrative or judicial proceedings and orders, remedial action requirements, enforcement actions, claims and demands of any and every kind whatsoever paid (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Liabilities"), incurred or suffered by, or asserted against Landlord by any person or entity or governmental agency or body for, with respect to, related to, arising out of, or as a direct or indirect result of, in whole or in part, the violation by Tenant, its subtenants or licensees, or Tenant's partners, directors, officers, agents, employees, invitees or contractors of any Environmental Laws applicable to the Leased Property or any activity conducted thereon, for the present and future use, generation, release, treatment, discharge, emission, escape, seepage, leakage, spillage, handling, storage, transportation, disposal, clean-up or presence, at, on or under the Leased Property, or to the soil, air or to the surface or ground water thereat, of any Hazardous or Toxic Materials by Tenant, or any of Tenant's subtenants or licensees or Tenant's partners, directors, officers, agents, employees, invitees or contractors. All sums paid and costs incurred by Landlord with respect to the foregoing matters shall bear interest at the highest applicable legal rate. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Tenant shall not be liable for and Tenant shall not be required to indemnify and hold Landlord harmless from and against the Liabilities for any acts or omissions of Landlord, its agents, licensees, trustees, partners, beneficiaries, employees, directors, officers, contractors, prior tenants that leased the Leased Premises from Landlord before the date hereof, prior owners, or other parties' actions or omissions that occurred prior to the Lease Commencement Date. This indemnification shall inure to the benefit of any transferee of title to the Leased Pre...
Environmental Guaranty. As used herein, "Environmental Guaranty" shall ---------------------- mean the joint and several guaranty in the form of Exhibit E hereto made by Guarantors in favor of Lender guaranteeing Borrower's performance of certain obligations under the Deed of Trust relating to Hazardous Material.

Related to Environmental Guaranty

  • Environmental Indemnity Agreement Borrower and each Guarantor will be required to execute at closing the Environmental Indemnity and to abide by their obligations thereunder.

  • Environmental Indemnity Borrower agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Indemnitees from and against all proceedings, claims, damages, penalties and costs (whether initiated or sought by Governmental Authorities or private parties), including Attorneys’ Fees and Costs and remediation costs, whether incurred in connection with any judicial or administrative process or otherwise, arising directly or indirectly from any of the following:

  • Environmental Release The Borrower agrees that upon the occurrence of an Environmental Release at or on any of the Properties it will act immediately to investigate the extent of, and to take appropriate remedial action to eliminate, such Environmental Release, whether or not ordered or otherwise directed to do so by any Environmental Authority.

  • Guaranty Agreement FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and in consideration of the agreement of United Development Corporation (the "Developer") to permit deferral of the Developer Fee pursuant to the Development Fee Agreement due from United Development Co., L.P.- 97.1 a Tennessee limited partnership ("Debtor") to the Developer, the undersigned Guarantor(s), hereby unconditionally guaranty the full and prompt payment when due, whether by acceleration or otherwise of that certain Developer Fee from Debtor to the Developer, evidenced by the Development Fee Agreement dated the even date herewith, and incorporated herein by this reference. The foregoing described debt is referred to hereinafter as the "Liabilities" or "Liability." The undersigned further agree to pay all expenses paid or incurred by the Developer in endeavoring to collect the Liabilities, or any part thereof, and in enforcing the Liabilities or this Guaranty Agreement (including reasonable attorneys' fees if collected or enforced by law or through an attorney-at-law). The undersigned hereby represent and warrant that the extension of credit or other financial accommodations by the Developer to Debtor will be to the interest and advantage of the undersigned, and acknowledge that this Guaranty Agreement is a substantial inducement to the Developer to extend credit to Debtor and that the Developer would not otherwise extend credit to Debtor. The Developer may, from time to time, without notice to or consent of the undersigned, (a) retain or obtain a security interest in any property to secure any of the Liabilities or any obligation hereunder, (b) retain or obtain the primary or secondary liability of any party or parties, in addition to the undersigned, with respect to any of the Liabilities, (c) extend or renew for any period (whether or not longer than the original period) or alter any of the Liabilities, (d) release or compromise any Liability of the undersigned hereunder or any Liability of any other party or parties primarily or secondarily liable on any of the Liabilities, (e) release, compromise or subordinate its title or security interest, or any part thereof, if any, in all or any property now or hereafter securing any of the Liabilities or any obligation hereunder, and permit any substitution or exchange for any such property, and (f) resort to the undersigned for payment of any of the Liabilities, whether or not the Developer shall have resorted to any property securing any of the Liabilities or any obligation hereunder or shall have preceded against any other party primarily or secondarily liable on any of the Liabilities. The undersigned hereby expressly waive: (a) notice of the existence or creation of all or any of the Liabilities, (b) notice of any amendment or modification of any of the instruments or documents evidencing or securing the Liabilities, (c) presentment, demand, notice of dishonor and protest, (d) all diligence in collection or protection of or realization upon the Liabilities or any thereof, any obligation hereunder, or any security for any of the foregoing, and (e) the right to require the Developer to proceed against Debtor on any of the Liabilities. In the event any payment of Debtor to the Developer is held to constitute a preference under the bankruptcy laws, or if for any other reason the Developer is required to refund such payment or pay the amount thereof to any other party, such payment by Debtor to the Developer shall not constitute a release of Guarantor from any Liability hereunder, but Guarantor agrees to pay such amount to the Developer upon demand and this Guaranty shall continue to be effective or shall be reinstated, as the case may be, to the extent of any such payment or payments. No delay or failure on the part of the Developer in the exercise of any right or remedy shall operate as a waiver thereof, and no single or partial exercise by the Developer of any right or remedy shall preclude other or future exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right or remedy. No action of the Developer permitted hereunder shall in any way impair or affect this Guaranty Agreement. For the purpose of this Guaranty Agreement, the Liabilities of Debtor to the Developer are guaranteed notwithstanding any right or power of Debtor or anyone else to assert any claim or defense as to the invalidity or unenforceability of any such obligation, and no such claim or defense shall impair or affect the obligations of the undersigned hereunder. Payment by the Guarantor under this Guaranty Agreement shall be recorded as a capital contribution payment from the Guarantor to Debtor and, subsequently, as a payment of the Development Fee from Debtor to Developer. This Guaranty Agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned, and upon the legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns of the undersigned. This Guaranty Agreement has been made and delivered in the state of Tennessee and shall be construed and governed under Tennessee law. Whenever possible, each provision of the Guaranty Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law, but if any provision of this Guaranty Agreement shall be prohibited by or invalid under such law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition of invalidity, without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Guaranty Agreement. Whenever the singular or plural number, masculine or feminine or neuter is used herein, it shall equally include the other where applicable. In the event this Guaranty Agreement is executed by more than one guarantor, this Guaranty Agreement and the obligations hereunder are the joint and several obligation of the undersigned. Guarantor consents to the jurisdiction of the courts in the State of Tennessee and/or to the jurisdiction and venue of any United States District Court in the State of Tennessee having jurisdiction over any action or judicial proceeding brought to enforce, construe or interpret this Guaranty. Guarantor agrees to stipulate in any such proceeding that this Guaranty is to be considered for all purposes to have been executed and delivered within the geographical boundaries of the State of Tennessee, even if it was, in fact, executed and delivered elsewhere.

  • Guaranty Agreements Any Guaranty Agreement or any provision thereof shall for any reason cease to be in full force and effect or valid and binding on or enforceable against any Credit Party or a Credit Party shall so state in writing or bring an action to limit its obligations or liabilities thereunder; or any Credit Party shall fail to perform any of its obligations thereunder; or

  • Personal Guaranty If the tenant’s business is not credible then the landlord should consider having the tenant sign a Personal Guaranty which binds the owner of the Company to the lease. So if the tenant defaults the individual’s assets would be liable, not just the business. Step 9 – Determine the Security Deposit Once the tenant has been approved by the landlord the Security Deposit should be made known to the tenant. In residential real estate, there are State Laws that limit how much a landlord may ask from the tenant. In commercial real estate, there are no limits to how much the landlord would like to charge the tenant. The landlord will commonly ask between 2-3 months rent in case the tenant stops paying the monthly rent or to safeguard against any damage that the tenant may cause during their time on the property. Step 10 – Write the Commercial Lease Agreement Use an attorney or draft the lease yourself. Make sure to gather all the information about the property and the tenant and enter into the agreement. Once completed, the document should be signed with the tenant and landlord in the presence of a notary public. This way the signatures are proven and the agreement is much more likely to hold up in court if its legality is ever questioned. Step 11 – Taking Occupancy After the security deposit has cleared and the lease has been signed the tenant should take occupancy. This means that the tenant can begin using the space as directed for use in the lease. Both parties will be held accountable for their specified duties until the end of the lease term. Estoppel Certificate – May be requested by the landlord after lease signing to certify a lease exists between the tenant and landlord. Required Clauses American’s with Disability Act (42 U.S. Code § 12183) – Also known as the ‘ADA’, requires that any commercial tenants which offer “public accommodation” (such as a restaurant, retail store, etc.) or have at least fifteen (15) employees adhere to all handicap access rules. This rule is only grandfathered to properties that have not been built or had renovations since 1992. Per 42 U.S. Code § 12183 if the Lessee is using the Premises as a public accommodation (e.g. restaurants, shopping centers, office buildings) or there are more than 15 employees the Premises must provide accommodations and access to persons with disabilities that is equal or similar to that available to the general public. Owners, operators, lessors, and lessees of commercial properties are all responsible for ADA compliance. If the Premises is not in compliance with the Americans with Disability Act any modifications or construction will be the responsibility of the Lessor. Hazard Waste (42 U.S. Code § 6901) – Forces the tenant to sign in writing that they will adhere to any federal, State, or local laws in regards to the disposal of hazardous wastes. “Shall mean any and all federal, state, or local laws, ordinances, rules, decrees, orders, regulations, or court decisions relating to hazardous substances, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, toxic substances, environmental conditions on, under, or about the Premises, the Building, or the Property, or soil and ground water conditions, including, but not limited to, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, any other law or legal requirement concerning hazardous or toxic substances, and any amendments to the foregoing.” Other Lease Terms In addition, there may be other areas of the lease, outside of the monthly rent, that the parties may want to negotiate such as: Option to Renew – Use if the tenant would like to have the option to stay in the property for a longer time then they may request an ‘Option to Renew’ the lease. This gives them the right to extend the lease for a specified rental price if they want. Option to Purchase – Use if the tenant would like the option to purchase the property for a specified price during the course of their lease. First (1st)

  • Parent Guaranty The Parent REIT hereby irrevocably, absolutely and unconditionally guarantees as primary obligors and not as surety to each holder of any Note or Notes at any time outstanding the prompt payment in full, in Dollars, when due (whether at stated maturity, by acceleration, by mandatory or optional prepayment or otherwise) of the principal of and Make-Whole Amount (if any) and interest on the Notes (including interest on any overdue principal and Make-Whole Amount (if any) and interest at the Default Rate (if any) and interest accruing at the then applicable rate provided in the Notes after the filing of any petition in bankruptcy, or the commencement of any insolvency reorganization or like proceeding, relating to the Company, whether or not a claim for post-filing or post-petition interest is allowed in such proceeding) and all other amounts from time to time owing by the Company under this Agreement and the other Note Documents to any holder (including costs, expenses and taxes) (such payments being herein collectively called the “Guaranteed Obligations”). The Parent REIT hereby further agrees that if the Company shall default in the payment of any of the Guaranteed Obligations (after giving effect to all applicable grace and cure periods), the Parent REIT will (x) promptly pay the same, without any demand or notice whatsoever, and that in the case of any extension of time of payment or renewal of any of the Guaranteed Obligations, the same will be promptly paid in full when due (whether at extended maturity, by acceleration, by mandatory prepayment or otherwise) in accordance with the terms of such extension or renewal and (y) pay to the holder of any Note such amounts, to the extent lawful, as shall be sufficient to pay the costs and expenses of collection or of otherwise enforcing any of such holder’s rights under this Agreement, including reasonable counsel fees. All obligations of the Parent REIT under this Section 13 shall be referred to as the “Parent Guaranty” and shall survive the transfer of any Note. Any obligations of the Parent REIT under this Section 13 with respect to which the underlying obligation of the Company is expressly stated to survive payment of any Note shall also survive payment of such Note.

  • Environmental Notices The Borrower shall furnish to the Banks and the Agent prompt written notice of all Environmental Liabilities, pending, threatened or anticipated Environmental Proceedings, Environmental Notices, Environmental Judgments and Orders, and Environmental Releases at, on, in, under or in any way affecting the Properties or any adjacent property, and all facts, events, or conditions that could lead to any of the foregoing.

  • Environmental and Safety Laws To its knowledge, the Company is not in violation of any applicable statute, law or regulation relating to the environment or occupational health and safety, and to its knowledge, no material expenditures are or will be required in order to comply with any such existing statute, law or regulation.

  • Indemnity Agreement The Indemnity Agreement Regarding Hazardous Materials made by the Borrower and Guarantors, in favor of the Agent and the Lenders, as the same may be modified, amended or ratified, pursuant to which each of the Borrower and the Guarantors agrees to indemnify the Agent and the Lenders with respect to Hazardous Substances and Environmental Laws.

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