ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. Each environmental service provided by the Engineer shall have a deliverable. Deliverables shall summarize the methods used for the environmental services, and shall summarize the results achieved. The summary of results shall be sufficiently detailed to provide satisfactory basis for thorough review by the State, The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and (where applicable) agencies with regulatory oversight. All deliverables shall meet regulatory requirements for legal sufficiency, and shall adhere to the requirements for reports enumerated in the State’s NEPA MOU.
a. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Review For each deliverable, the Engineer shall perform quality assurance quality control (QA/QC) reviews of environmental documents and on other supporting environmental documentation to determine whether documents conform with: • Current Environmental Compliance Toolkit guidance published by the State’s Environmental Affairs Division and in effect as of the date of receipt of the documents or documentation to be reviewed; • Current state and federal laws, regulations, policies, guidance, agreements, and memoranda of understanding between the State and other state or federal agencies; and • FHWA and American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) guidelines contained in “Improving the Quality of Environmental Documents, A Report of the Joint AASHTO and American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) Committee in Cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration” (May 2006) for: o Readability, and o Use of evidence and data in documents to support conclusions. Upon request by the State, the Engineer shall provide documentation that the QA/QC reviews were performed by qualified staff.
a. Deliverables shall contain all data acquired during the environmental service. All deliverables shall be written to be understood by the public and must be in accordance with the State’s Environmental Toolkit guidance, documentation standards, current guidelines, policies and procedures.
b. Electronic versions of each deliverable must be written in software which is compatible to the State and must be provided in a changeable format for future use by the State. The Engineer shall supplement all DocuSign Envelope ID: F4888AB1-5DA1-49AB-A751-51413985E885 hard copy deliverables with electronic copies in searchable Adobe Acrobat™ (.pdf) format, unless another format is specified. Each deliverable shall be a single, searchable .pdf file that mir...
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION i) Grantee submits to the State all applicable environmental permits,
ii) Documents that satisfy the CEQA process are received by the State,
iii) State has completed its CEQA compliance review as a Responsible Agency, and
iv) Grantee receives written concurrence from the State of Lead Agency’s CEQA documents and State notice of verification of environmental permit submittal. State’s concurrence of Lead Agency’s CEQA documents is fully discretionary and shall constitute a condition precedent to any work (i.e., construction or implementation activities) for which it is required. Once CEQA documentation has been completed, State will consider the environmental documents and decide whether to continue to fund the projects or to require changes, alterations or other mitigation. Grantee must also demonstrate that it has complied with all applicable requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act by submitting copies of any environmental documents, including environmental impact statements, Finding of No Significant Impact, and mitigation monitoring programs as may be required prior to beginning construction/implementation.
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. Each environmental service provided by the Engineer shall have a deliverable. Deliverables shall summarize the methods used for the environmental services and shall summarize the results achieved. The summary of results shall be sufficiently detailed to provide satisfactory basis for thorough review by the State, and (where applicable) agencies with regulatory oversight. All deliverables shall meet regulatory requirements for legal sufficiency and shall adhere to the requirements for reports enumerated in the State’s NEPA MOU.
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. Awarding this agreement will have no environmental impact. The appropriate environmental documentation will be completed prior to returning to your Board to request authorization to construct the project.
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. In compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (“CEQA”) TAMC has prepared and certified the FORTAG Final EIR (SCH # 2019060053), and has approved a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan, and has further adopted findings with respect thereto. A map designating the evaluated FORTAG alignment is attached hereto as Exhibit B.
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. The recommended actions are not a project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because they are activities that are excluded from the definition of a project by Section 21065 of the Public Resources Code and Section 15378(b)(5) of the CEQA Guidelines. The proposed action to award an on-call surveying and related services consultant agreement for anticipated future projects is an administrative activity of the government that will not result in direct or indirect changes to the environment. Public Works will return to the Board, as necessary, for consideration of appropriate environmental documentation pursuant to CEQA prior to commencement of activities under the agreement that may constitute a project under CEQA.
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. This project is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301(c) of the CEQA Guidelines and Class 1 of the Environmental Reporting Procedures and Guidelines adopted by the Board on November 17, 1987. These exemptions provide for the licensing, operation, and maintenance of existing facilities with no expansion of use.
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. A- E may be required to prepare any of the environmental documents described below in conformance with County of Orange environmental procedures and CEQA and NEPA statutes. The environmental documentation process shall, at a minimum, include A-E's review of existing environmental documents, visiting the project site, assessing environmental conditions and impacts, identifying and evaluating alternative concepts, if required, based on existing and ultimate conditions, and producing a preliminary and final revised document following review by OC Engineering Project Management Staff. To ensure adequate document preparation, A-E shall attend project status meetings with OC Engineering Project Management Staff and with others as required to discuss status and/or details of the project. Environmental documents could, depending on the project fund and nature of the project and evaluation of potential environmental impacts/consequences, consist of any the following:
1. Initial Study
2. Categorical Exemption (CE)
3. Notice of Exemption (XXX)
4. Negative Declaration (ND)
5. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) a. Initial Document
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. Applications shall include completed environmental documentation, as applicable, as required in 4970.11.
ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION. Approval of this Agreement is categorically exempt from the provisions of CEQA per Section 15304