Common use of Environmental Terms Clause in Contracts

Environmental Terms.  ACT – Antiquities Code of Texas  APE - Area of Potential Effects  Archeological Historic Property - an archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60) or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (XXX) (TAC, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26).  CE – Categorical Exclusion Action  CFR – Code of Federal Regulations  CSJ – Control Section Job  Deliverables – Reports for environmental services  EA – Environmental Assessment  Environmental Services – environmental documents, studies, research, permit applications, public involvement, training and other activities for completion of environmental documentation.  EO – Executive Order  EPIC – Environmental Permits Issues and Commitments  Environmental Compliance Toolkits - the official location for approved policies, procedures, standards, and guidance from the Environmental Affairs Division of the Sate (web address: xxxx:// txdot/division/environmental/compliance-toolkits.html)  FHWA Technical Advisory T 6640.8A (1987) – FHWA Format Guidance  FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact (23 CFR 771 and TAC, Title 43)  Historic-age resource - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site (defined in accordance with 36 CFR 60) that is at least 50 years old at the time of a transportation project's letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F  Historic Property - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60).  IP – Individual Permit  ISA – Initial Site Assessment  MSAT – Mobile Source Air Toxics  NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969  NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program  NHPA – National Historic Preservation Act  NRHP – National Register of Historic Places  NRI – Nationwide River Inventory  NWP – Nationwide Permit  PCN - Pre-Construction Notification  Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies.  XXX – State Antiquities Landmark  Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies.  Section 4(f) – refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966, which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites in transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. §303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR §774.  Section 4(f) Evaluation – an evaluation prepared when a project proposed to use resources from any significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges and any land from an historic sites of national, state or local significance.  Section 7 – refers to Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 X.X.X. §0000 et seq.), called “Interagency Cooperation,” which is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.  Section 106 – refers to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F U.S.C. 306108), which requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and to provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) with a reasonable opportunity to comment. In addition, federal agencies are required to consult on the Section 106 process with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO), Indian Tribes (to include Alaska Natives) [Tribes], and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO).  SOP – Standard Operating Procedure – established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation.  Study Area - the geographic area to be discussed in an environmental document.  TAC – Texas Administrative Code  TPDES – Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  Transportation Activity - a construction or other project performed by the State or under its jurisdiction  Transportation Project - The planning, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility that the department has the legal authority to plan, construct, or reconstruct, including but not limited to, a public road or highway, bridge, ferry, transit facility, or high occupancy vehicle lane.  TxDOT NEPA MOU – the December 16, 2014 “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA and TxDOT concerning the State of Texas’ Participation in the Project Delivery Program Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327.”  TXNDD – Texas Natural Diversity Database  USC – United States Code  Wetland Determination – Preliminary study to determine whether a wetland is present.  UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator  Wetland Delineation – Demarcation of the boundaries of a wetland in accordance with the most current version of the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1).  Waters of the U.S. – Jurisdictional limits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Waters Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F ATTACHMENT C SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER The work to be performed by the Engineer shall consist of providing preliminary engineering services for development of a design schematic , environmental documents/studies in support of the schematic work, public involvement, value engineering study, permit procurement, data collection analysis, mitigation and remediation, monitoring, drainage, conceptual traffic control, traffic projections, traffic engineering and operations including traffic simulations and 3-D modeling, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (XXX), and utility coordination for various highway projects located within the State of Texas. The Engineer shall complete the services to be provided by the Engineer according to the milestone work schedule established in the work authorization. The Engineer shall submit a written progress report to the State monthly indicating the actual work accomplished during the month, scheduled work to be accomplished for the month, and the estimated work to be accomplished for the coming month. The progress report will use a bar chart diagram to indicate the percentage complete of each task shown on the previous report and the percentage complete of each tasks. The Engineer is required to meet with the designated State project manager or environmental coordinator on a monthly basis for progress tracking purposes unless prior agreement is made with State not to hold a meeting in any given month. The Engineer shall submit minutes of the meeting summarizing the events of the meeting within seven calendar days after each meeting. The Engineer shall prepare a project work schedule. The work schedule must incorporate an allocation of time for stage reviews of the design schematic and the environmental documents by State personnel. The Engineer shall present the work schedule to the State for review and acceptance, and provide assistance in interpreting the proposed work schedule. Each member of the Engineer’s project team must take the following Environmental Management System (EMS) e-Learning courses prior to working on the project:

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Environmental Terms.  ACT – Antiquities Code of Texas  APE - Area of Potential Effects  Archeological Historic Property - an archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60) or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (XXX) (TAC, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26).  CE – Categorical Exclusion Action  CFR – Code of Federal Regulations  CSJ – Control Section Job  Deliverables – Reports for environmental services  EA – Environmental Assessment  Environmental Services – environmental documents, studies, research, permit applications, public involvement, training and other activities for completion of environmental documentation.  EO – Executive Order  EPIC – Environmental Permits Issues and Commitments  Environmental Compliance Toolkits - the official location for approved policies, procedures, standards, and guidance from the Environmental Affairs Division of the Sate (web address: xxxx:// txdot/division/environmental/complianceDocuSign Envelope ID: 6DA01770-toolkits.html719C-4EFF-A344-425189FAC6FB xxxx://  FHWA Technical Advisory T 6640.8A (1987) – FHWA Format Guidance  FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact (23 CFR 771 and TAC, Title 43)  Historic-age resource - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site (defined in accordance with 36 CFR 60) that is at least 50 years old at the time of a transportation project's letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F  Historic Property - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60).  IP – Individual Permit  ISA – Initial Site Assessment  MSAT – Mobile Source Air Toxics  NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969  NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program  NHPA – National Historic Preservation Act  NRHP – National Register of Historic Places  NRI – Nationwide River Inventory  NWP – Nationwide Permit  PCN - Pre-Construction Notification  Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies.  XXX – State Antiquities Landmark  Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies.  Section 4(f) – refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966, which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites in transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. §303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR §774.  Section 4(f) Evaluation – an evaluation prepared when a project proposed to use resources from any significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges and any land from an historic sites of national, state or local significance.  Section 7 – refers to Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 X.X.X. §0000 et seq.), called “Interagency Cooperation,” which is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.  Section 106 – refers to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F U.S.C. 306108), which requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and to provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) with a reasonable opportunity to comment. In addition, federal agencies are required to consult on the Section 106 process with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO), Indian Tribes (to include Alaska Natives) [Tribes], and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO).  SOP – Standard Operating Procedure – established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation.  Study Area - the geographic area to be discussed in an environmental document.  TAC – Texas Administrative Code  TPDES – Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  Transportation Activity - a construction or other project performed by the State or under its jurisdiction  Transportation Project - The planning, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility that the department has the legal authority to plan, construct, or reconstruct, including but not limited to, a public road or highway, bridge, ferry, transit facility, or high occupancy vehicle lane.  TxDOT NEPA MOU – the December 16, 2014 “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA and TxDOT concerning the State of Texas’ Participation in the Project Delivery Program Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327.”  TXNDD – Texas Natural Diversity Database  USC – United States Code  Wetland Determination – Preliminary study to determine whether a wetland is present.  UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator  Wetland Delineation – Demarcation of the boundaries of a wetland in accordance with the most current version of the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1).  Waters of the U.S. – Jurisdictional limits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Waters Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F ATTACHMENT C SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER The work to be performed by the Engineer shall consist of providing preliminary engineering services for development of a design schematic , environmental documents/studies in support of the schematic work, public involvement, value engineering study, permit procurement, data collection analysis, mitigation and remediation, monitoring, drainage, conceptual traffic control, traffic projections, traffic engineering and operations including traffic simulations and 3-D modeling, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (XXX), and utility coordination for various highway projects located within the State of Texas. The Engineer shall complete the services to be provided by the Engineer according to the milestone work schedule established in the work authorization. The Engineer shall submit a written progress report to the State monthly indicating the actual work accomplished during the month, scheduled work to be accomplished for the month, and the estimated work to be accomplished for the coming month. The progress report will use a bar chart diagram to indicate the percentage complete of each task shown on the previous report and the percentage complete of each tasks. The Engineer is required to meet with the designated State project manager or environmental coordinator on a monthly basis for progress tracking purposes unless prior agreement is made with State not to hold a meeting in any given month. The Engineer shall submit minutes of the meeting summarizing the events of the meeting within seven calendar days after each meeting. The Engineer shall prepare a project work schedule. The work schedule must incorporate an allocation of time for stage reviews of the design schematic and the environmental documents by State personnel. The Engineer shall present the work schedule to the State for review and acceptance, and provide assistance in interpreting the proposed work schedule. Each member of the Engineer’s project team must take the following Environmental Management System (EMS) e-Learning courses prior to working on the project:

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Environmental Terms. ACT – Antiquities Code of Texas APE - Area of Potential Effects Archeological Historic Property - an archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60) or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (XXX) (TAC, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26). CE – Categorical Exclusion Action CFR – Code of Federal Regulations CSJ – Control Section Job Deliverables – Reports for environmental services EA – Environmental Assessment Environmental Services – environmental documents, studies, research, permit applications, public involvement, training and other activities for completion of environmental documentation. EO – Executive Order EPIC – Environmental Permits Issues and Commitments Environmental Compliance Toolkits - the official location for approved policies, procedures, standards, and guidance from the Environmental Affairs Division of the Sate (web address: xxxx:// txdot/division/environmental/compliance-toolkits.html) FHWA Technical Advisory T 6640.8A (1987) – FHWA Format Guidance FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact (23 CFR 771 and TAC, Title 43) Historic-age resource - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site (defined in accordance with 36 CFR 60) that is at least 50 years old at the time of a transportation project's letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276E7DAA847-D54D-42BABF7C-44E6-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F  B32B-712DD5062C72 • Historic Property - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60). IP – Individual Permit ISA – Initial Site Assessment MSAT – Mobile Source Air Toxics NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program NHPA – National Historic Preservation Act NRHP – National Register of Historic Places NRI – Nationwide River Inventory NWP – Nationwide Permit PCN - Pre-Construction Notification Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. XXX – State Antiquities Landmark Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. Section 4(f) – refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966, which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites in transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. §303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR §774.  Section 4(f) Evaluation – an evaluation prepared when a project proposed to use resources from any significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges and any land from an historic sites of national, state or local significance.  Section 7 – refers to Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 X.X.X. §0000 et seq.), called “Interagency Cooperation,” which is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.  Section 106 – refers to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F U.S.C. 306108), which requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and to provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) with a reasonable opportunity to comment. In addition, federal agencies are required to consult on the Section 106 process with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO), Indian Tribes (to include Alaska Natives) [Tribes], and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO).  SOP – Standard Operating Procedure – established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation.  Study Area - the geographic area to be discussed in an environmental document.  TAC – Texas Administrative Code  TPDES – Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  Transportation Activity - a construction or other project performed by the State or under its jurisdiction  Transportation Project - The planning, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility that the department has the legal authority to plan, construct, or reconstruct, including but not limited to, a public road or highway, bridge, ferry, transit facility, or high occupancy vehicle lane.  TxDOT NEPA MOU – the December 16, 2014 “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA and TxDOT concerning the State of Texas’ Participation in the Project Delivery Program Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327.”  TXNDD – Texas Natural Diversity Database  USC – United States Code  Wetland Determination – Preliminary study to determine whether a wetland is present.  UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator  Wetland Delineation – Demarcation of the boundaries of a wetland in accordance with the most current version of the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1).  Waters of the U.S. – Jurisdictional limits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Waters Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F ATTACHMENT C SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER The work to be performed by the Engineer shall consist of providing preliminary engineering services for development of a design schematic , environmental documents/studies in support of the schematic work, public involvement, value engineering study, permit procurement, data collection analysis, mitigation and remediation, monitoring, drainage, conceptual traffic control, traffic projections, traffic engineering and operations including traffic simulations and 3-D modeling, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (XXX), and utility coordination for various highway projects located within the State of Texas. The Engineer shall complete the services to be provided by the Engineer according to the milestone work schedule established in the work authorization. The Engineer shall submit a written progress report to the State monthly indicating the actual work accomplished during the month, scheduled work to be accomplished for the month, and the estimated work to be accomplished for the coming month. The progress report will use a bar chart diagram to indicate the percentage complete of each task shown on the previous report and the percentage complete of each tasks. The Engineer is required to meet with the designated State project manager or environmental coordinator on a monthly basis for progress tracking purposes unless prior agreement is made with State not to hold a meeting in any given month. The Engineer shall submit minutes of the meeting summarizing the events of the meeting within seven calendar days after each meeting. The Engineer shall prepare a project work schedule. The work schedule must incorporate an allocation of time for stage reviews of the design schematic and the environmental documents by State personnel. The Engineer shall present the work schedule to the State for review and acceptance, and provide assistance in interpreting the proposed work schedule. Each member of the Engineer’s project team must take the following Environmental Management System (EMS) e-Learning courses prior to working on the project:

Appears in 1 contract


Environmental Terms. ACT – Antiquities Code of Texas APE - Area of Potential Effects Archeological Historic Property - an archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60) or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (XXX) (TAC, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26). CE – Categorical Exclusion Action CFR – Code of Federal Regulations CSJ – Control Section Job Deliverables – Reports for environmental services EA – Environmental Assessment Environmental Services – environmental documents, studies, research, permit applications, public involvement, training and other activities for completion of environmental documentationdocumention. EO – Executive Order EPIC – Environmental Permits Issues and Commitments Environmental Compliance Toolkits - the official location for approved policies, procedures, standards, and guidance from the Environmental Affairs Division of the Sate (web address: xxxx:// txdot/division/environmental/compliance-toolkits.html) FHWA Technical Advisory T 6640.8A (1987) – FHWA Format Guidance FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact (23 CFR 771 and TAC, Title 43) Historic-age resource - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site (defined in accordance with 36 CFR 60) that is at least 50 years old at the time of a transportation project's letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3253127681680129-D54D-42BA218F-4A62-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F  86EE-68C3C135A630 • Historic Property - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60). IP – Individual Permit ISA – Initial Site Assessment MSAT – Mobile Source Air Toxics NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program NHPA – National Historic Preservation Act NRHP – National Register of Historic Places NRI – Nationwide River Inventory NWP – Nationwide Permit PCN - Pre-Construction Notification Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. XXX – State Antiquities Landmark Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. Section 4(f) – refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966, which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites in transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. §303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR §774.  Section 4(f) Evaluation – an evaluation prepared when a project proposed to use resources from any significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges and any land from an historic sites of national, state or local significance.  Section 7 – refers to Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 X.X.X. §0000 et seq.), called “Interagency Cooperation,” which is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.  Section 106 – refers to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F U.S.C. 306108), which requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and to provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) with a reasonable opportunity to comment. In addition, federal agencies are required to consult on the Section 106 process with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO), Indian Tribes (to include Alaska Natives) [Tribes], and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO).  SOP – Standard Operating Procedure – established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation.  Study Area - the geographic area to be discussed in an environmental document.  TAC – Texas Administrative Code  TPDES – Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  Transportation Activity - a construction or other project performed by the State or under its jurisdiction  Transportation Project - The planning, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility that the department has the legal authority to plan, construct, or reconstruct, including but not limited to, a public road or highway, bridge, ferry, transit facility, or high occupancy vehicle lane.  TxDOT NEPA MOU – the December 16, 2014 “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA and TxDOT concerning the State of Texas’ Participation in the Project Delivery Program Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327.”  TXNDD – Texas Natural Diversity Database  USC – United States Code  Wetland Determination – Preliminary study to determine whether a wetland is present.  UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator  Wetland Delineation – Demarcation of the boundaries of a wetland in accordance with the most current version of the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1).  Waters of the U.S. – Jurisdictional limits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Waters Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F ATTACHMENT C SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER The work to be performed by the Engineer shall consist of providing preliminary engineering services for development of a design schematic , environmental documents/studies in support of the schematic work, public involvement, value engineering study, permit procurement, data collection analysis, mitigation and remediation, monitoring, drainage, conceptual traffic control, traffic projections, traffic engineering and operations including traffic simulations and 3-D modeling, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (XXX), and utility coordination for various highway projects located within the State of Texas. The Engineer shall complete the services to be provided by the Engineer according to the milestone work schedule established in the work authorization. The Engineer shall submit a written progress report to the State monthly indicating the actual work accomplished during the month, scheduled work to be accomplished for the month, and the estimated work to be accomplished for the coming month. The progress report will use a bar chart diagram to indicate the percentage complete of each task shown on the previous report and the percentage complete of each tasks. The Engineer is required to meet with the designated State project manager or environmental coordinator on a monthly basis for progress tracking purposes unless prior agreement is made with State not to hold a meeting in any given month. The Engineer shall submit minutes of the meeting summarizing the events of the meeting within seven calendar days after each meeting. The Engineer shall prepare a project work schedule. The work schedule must incorporate an allocation of time for stage reviews of the design schematic and the environmental documents by State personnel. The Engineer shall present the work schedule to the State for review and acceptance, and provide assistance in interpreting the proposed work schedule. Each member of the Engineer’s project team must take the following Environmental Management System (EMS) e-Learning courses prior to working on the project:

Appears in 1 contract


Environmental Terms. ACT – Antiquities Code of Texas APE - Area of Potential Effects Archeological Historic Property - an archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60) or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (XXX) (TAC, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26). CE – Categorical Exclusion Action CFR – Code of Federal Regulations CSJ – Control Section Job Deliverables – Reports for environmental services EA – Environmental Assessment DocuSign Envelope ID: 9EFC6FE2-229E-4628-90C6-20E86398200F • Environmental Services – environmental documents, studies, research, permit applications, public involvement, training and other activities for completion of environmental documentationdocumention. EO – Executive Order EPIC – Environmental Permits Issues and Commitments Environmental Compliance Toolkits - the official location for approved policies, procedures, standards, and guidance from the Environmental Affairs Division of the Sate (web address: xxxx:// txdot/division/environmental/compliance-toolkits.html) FHWA Technical Advisory T 6640.8A (1987) – FHWA Format Guidance FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact (23 CFR 771 and TAC, Title 43) Historic-age resource - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site (defined in accordance with 36 CFR 60) that is at least 50 years old at the time of a transportation project's letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F  Historic Property - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60). IP – Individual Permit ISA – Initial Site Assessment MSAT – Mobile Source Air Toxics NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program NHPA – National Historic Preservation Act NRHP – National Register of Historic Places NRI – Nationwide River Inventory NWP – Nationwide Permit PCN - Pre-Construction Notification Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. XXX – State Antiquities Landmark DocuSign Envelope ID: 9EFC6FE2-229E-4628-90C6-20E86398200F • Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. Section 4(f) – refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966, which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites in transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. §303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR §774.  Section 4(f) Evaluation – an evaluation prepared when a project proposed to use resources from any significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges and any land from an historic sites of national, state or local significance.  Section 7 – refers to Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 X.X.X. §0000 et seq.), called “Interagency Cooperation,” which is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.  Section 106 – refers to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F U.S.C. 306108), which requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and to provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) with a reasonable opportunity to comment. In addition, federal agencies are required to consult on the Section 106 process with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO), Indian Tribes (to include Alaska Natives) [Tribes], and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO).  SOP – Standard Operating Procedure – established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation.  Study Area - the geographic area to be discussed in an environmental document.  TAC – Texas Administrative Code  TPDES – Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  Transportation Activity - a construction or other project performed by the State or under its jurisdiction  Transportation Project - The planning, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility that the department has the legal authority to plan, construct, or reconstruct, including but not limited to, a public road or highway, bridge, ferry, transit facility, or high occupancy vehicle lane.  TxDOT NEPA MOU – the December 16, 2014 “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA and TxDOT concerning the State of Texas’ Participation in the Project Delivery Program Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327.”  TXNDD – Texas Natural Diversity Database  USC – United States Code  Wetland Determination – Preliminary study to determine whether a wetland is present.  UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator  Wetland Delineation – Demarcation of the boundaries of a wetland in accordance with the most current version of the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1).  Waters of the U.S. – Jurisdictional limits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Waters Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F ATTACHMENT C SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER The work to be performed by the Engineer shall consist of providing preliminary engineering services for development of a design schematic , environmental documents/studies in support of the schematic work, public involvement, value engineering study, permit procurement, data collection analysis, mitigation and remediation, monitoring, drainage, conceptual traffic control, traffic projections, traffic engineering and operations including traffic simulations and 3-D modeling, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (XXX), and utility coordination for various highway projects located within the State of Texas. The Engineer shall complete the services to be provided by the Engineer according to the milestone work schedule established in the work authorization. The Engineer shall submit a written progress report to the State monthly indicating the actual work accomplished during the month, scheduled work to be accomplished for the month, and the estimated work to be accomplished for the coming month. The progress report will use a bar chart diagram to indicate the percentage complete of each task shown on the previous report and the percentage complete of each tasks. The Engineer is required to meet with the designated State project manager or environmental coordinator on a monthly basis for progress tracking purposes unless prior agreement is made with State not to hold a meeting in any given month. The Engineer shall submit minutes of the meeting summarizing the events of the meeting within seven calendar days after each meeting. The Engineer shall prepare a project work schedule. The work schedule must incorporate an allocation of time for stage reviews of the design schematic and the environmental documents by State personnel. The Engineer shall present the work schedule to the State for review and acceptance, and provide assistance in interpreting the proposed work schedule. Each member of the Engineer’s project team must take the following Environmental Management System (EMS) e-Learning courses prior to working on the project:

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Environmental Terms. ACT – Antiquities Code of Texas APE - Area of Potential Effects Archeological Historic Property - an archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60) or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (XXX) (TAC, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26). CE – Categorical Exclusion Action CFR – Code of Federal Regulations CSJ – Control Section Job Deliverables – Reports for environmental services EA – Environmental Assessment Environmental Services – environmental documents, studies, research, permit applications, public involvement, training and other activities for completion of environmental documentationdocumention. EO – Executive Order EPIC – Environmental Permits Issues and Commitments Environmental Compliance Toolkits - the official location for approved policies, procedures, standards, and guidance from the Environmental Affairs Division of the Sate (web address: xxxx:// txdot/division/environmental/compliance-toolkits.htmlxxxx:// FHWA Technical Advisory T 6640.8A (1987) – FHWA Format Guidance FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact (23 CFR 771 and TAC, Title 43) Historic-age resource - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site (defined in accordance with 36 CFR 60) that is at least 50 years old at the time of a transportation project's letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F  Historic Property - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site eligible for inclusion in DocuSign Envelope ID: 5A2DC6EC-64DB-4A02-A984-B96FAAFF8279 PeopleSoft Contract No. 7490 Legacy Contract No. 12-7IDP5009 the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60). IP – Individual Permit ISA – Initial Site Assessment MSAT – Mobile Source Air Toxics NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program NHPA – National Historic Preservation Act NRHP – National Register of Historic Places NRI – Nationwide River Inventory NWP – Nationwide Permit PCN - Pre-Construction Notification Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. XXX – State Antiquities Landmark Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. Section 4(f) – refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966, which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites in transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. §303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR §774.  Section 4(f) Evaluation – an evaluation prepared when a project proposed to use resources from any significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges and any land from an historic sites of national, state or local significance.  Section 7 – refers to Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 X.X.X. §0000 et seq.), called “Interagency Cooperation,” which is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.  Section 106 – refers to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F U.S.C. 306108), which requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and to provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) with a reasonable opportunity to comment. In addition, federal agencies are required to consult on the Section 106 process with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO), Indian Tribes (to include Alaska Natives) [Tribes], and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO).  SOP – Standard Operating Procedure – established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation.  Study Area - the geographic area to be discussed in an environmental document.  TAC – Texas Administrative Code  TPDES – Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  Transportation Activity - a construction or other project performed by the State or under its jurisdiction  Transportation Project - The planning, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility that the department has the legal authority to plan, construct, or reconstruct, including but not limited to, a public road or highway, bridge, ferry, transit facility, or high occupancy vehicle lane.  TxDOT NEPA MOU – the December 16, 2014 “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA and TxDOT concerning the State of Texas’ Participation in the Project Delivery Program Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327.”  TXNDD – Texas Natural Diversity Database  USC – United States Code  Wetland Determination – Preliminary study to determine whether a wetland is present.  UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator  Wetland Delineation – Demarcation of the boundaries of a wetland in accordance with the most current version of the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1).  Waters of the U.S. – Jurisdictional limits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Waters Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F ATTACHMENT C SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER The work to be performed by the Engineer shall consist of providing preliminary engineering services for development of a design schematic , environmental documents/studies in support of the schematic work, public involvement, value engineering study, permit procurement, data collection analysis, mitigation and remediation, monitoring, drainage, conceptual traffic control, traffic projections, traffic engineering and operations including traffic simulations and 3-D modeling, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (XXX), and utility coordination for various highway projects located within the State of Texas. The Engineer shall complete the services to be provided by the Engineer according to the milestone work schedule established in the work authorization. The Engineer shall submit a written progress report to the State monthly indicating the actual work accomplished during the month, scheduled work to be accomplished for the month, and the estimated work to be accomplished for the coming month. The progress report will use a bar chart diagram to indicate the percentage complete of each task shown on the previous report and the percentage complete of each tasks. The Engineer is required to meet with the designated State project manager or environmental coordinator on a monthly basis for progress tracking purposes unless prior agreement is made with State not to hold a meeting in any given month. The Engineer shall submit minutes of the meeting summarizing the events of the meeting within seven calendar days after each meeting. The Engineer shall prepare a project work schedule. The work schedule must incorporate an allocation of time for stage reviews of the design schematic and the environmental documents by State personnel. The Engineer shall present the work schedule to the State for review and acceptance, and provide assistance in interpreting the proposed work schedule. Each member of the Engineer’s project team must take the following Environmental Management System (EMS) e-Learning courses prior to working on the project:

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Environmental Terms. ACT – Antiquities Code of Texas APE - Area of Potential Effects Archeological Historic Property - an archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60) or for designation as a State Archeological Landmark (XXX) (TAC, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26). CE – Categorical Exclusion Action CFR – Code of Federal Regulations CSJ – Control Section Job Deliverables – Reports for environmental services EA – Environmental Assessment Environmental Services – environmental documents, studies, research, permit applications, public involvement, training and other activities for completion of environmental documentationdocumention. DocuSign Envelope ID: D0894D65-6FF6-4E21-BE5E-BEEA53479086 • EO – Executive Order EPIC – Environmental Permits Issues and Commitments Environmental Compliance Toolkits - the official location for approved policies, procedures, standards, and guidance from the Environmental Affairs Division of the Sate (web address: xxxx:// txdot/division/environmental/compliance-toolkits.html) FHWA Technical Advisory T 6640.8A (1987) – FHWA Format Guidance FONSI - Finding of No Significant Impact (23 CFR 771 and TAC, Title 43) Historic-age resource - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site (defined in accordance with 36 CFR 60) that is at least 50 years old at the time of a transportation project's letting. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F  Historic Property - a building, structure, object or non-archeological site eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places (36 CFR 60). IP – Individual Permit ISA – Initial Site Assessment MSAT – Mobile Source Air Toxics NEPA – National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 NCHRP – National Cooperative Highway Research Program NHPA – National Historic Preservation Act NRHP – National Register of Historic Places NRI – Nationwide River Inventory NWP – Nationwide Permit PCN - Pre-Construction Notification Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. XXX – State Antiquities Landmark Project Area - a geographic area designated for performance of specified analyses, such as wetland or archeological studies. Section 4(f) – refers to the original section within the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Act of 1966, which established the requirement for consideration of park and recreational lands, wildlife and waterfowl DocuSign Envelope ID: D0894D65-6FF6-4E21-BE5E-BEEA53479086 refuges, and historic sites in transportation project development. The law, now codified in 49 U.S.C. §303 and 23 U.S.C. §138, is implemented by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) through the regulation 23 CFR §774.  Section 4(f) Evaluation – an evaluation prepared when a project proposed to use resources from any significant publicly owned public parks, recreation areas, or wildlife and waterfowl refuges and any land from an historic sites of national, state or local significance.  Section 7 – refers to Section 7 of the federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973 (16 X.X.X. §0000 et seq.), called “Interagency Cooperation,” which is the mechanism by which Federal agencies ensure the actions they take, including those they fund or authorize, do not jeopardize the existence of any listed species.  Section 106 – refers to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (54 DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F U.S.C. 306108), which requires Federal agencies to take into account the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and to provide the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) with a reasonable opportunity to comment. In addition, federal agencies are required to consult on the Section 106 process with State Historic Preservation Offices (SHPO), Tribal Historic Preservation Offices (THPO), Indian Tribes (to include Alaska Natives) [Tribes], and Native Hawaiian Organizations (NHO).  SOP – Standard Operating Procedure – established procedure to be followed in carrying out a given operation or in a given situation.  Study Area - the geographic area to be discussed in an environmental document.  TAC – Texas Administrative Code  TPDES – Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System  Transportation Activity - a construction or other project performed by the State or under its jurisdiction  Transportation Project - The planning, construction, or reconstruction of a transportation facility that the department has the legal authority to plan, construct, or reconstruct, including but not limited to, a public road or highway, bridge, ferry, transit facility, or high occupancy vehicle lane.  TxDOT NEPA MOU – the December 16, 2014 “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between FHWA and TxDOT concerning the State of Texas’ Participation in the Project Delivery Program Pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327.”  TXNDD – Texas Natural Diversity Database  USC – United States Code  Wetland Determination – Preliminary study to determine whether a wetland is present.  UTM – Universal Transverse Mercator  Wetland Delineation – Demarcation of the boundaries of a wetland in accordance with the most current version of the USACE Wetlands Delineation Manual (Technical Report Y-87-1).  Waters of the U.S. – Jurisdictional limits of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Clean Waters Act, as defined in 33 CFR 328. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32531276-D54D-42BA-B8CD-1FFE51D0946F ATTACHMENT C SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED BY THE ENGINEER The work to be performed by the Engineer shall consist of providing preliminary engineering services for development of a design schematic , environmental documents/studies in support of the schematic work, public involvement, value engineering study, permit procurement, data collection analysis, mitigation and remediation, monitoring, drainage, conceptual traffic control, traffic projections, traffic engineering and operations including traffic simulations and 3-D modeling, surveying and mapping, subsurface utility engineering (XXX), and utility coordination for various highway projects located within the State of Texas. The Engineer shall complete the services to be provided by the Engineer according to the milestone work schedule established in the work authorization. The Engineer shall submit a written progress report to the State monthly indicating the actual work accomplished during the month, scheduled work to be accomplished for the month, and the estimated work to be accomplished for the coming month. The progress report will use a bar chart diagram to indicate the percentage complete of each task shown on the previous report and the percentage complete of each tasks. The Engineer is required to meet with the designated State project manager or environmental coordinator on a monthly basis for progress tracking purposes unless prior agreement is made with State not to hold a meeting in any given month. The Engineer shall submit minutes of the meeting summarizing the events of the meeting within seven calendar days after each meeting. The Engineer shall prepare a project work schedule. The work schedule must incorporate an allocation of time for stage reviews of the design schematic and the environmental documents by State personnel. The Engineer shall present the work schedule to the State for review and acceptance, and provide assistance in interpreting the proposed work schedule. Each member of the Engineer’s project team must take the following Environmental Management System (EMS) e-Learning courses prior to working on the project:

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