Design Exceptions Sample Clauses
Design Exceptions. The Engineer shall identify design exceptions and waivers, and shall document the necessity for each design exception or waiver for approval.
Design Exceptions. All design Deviations or design exceptions from Project Standards shall be submitted to IFA for review and approval in accordance with the IDM. All requests for Deviations and exceptions shall be submitted with a justification report detailing the reasons to retain a nonstandard or substandard feature or for providing an improvement that does not bring the feature up to standard. Requests for design Deviations and exceptions shall be submitted not later than the Stage 1 Design Review and approved by IFA, in writing, before the affected Design Units will be Released-for-Construction.
Design Exceptions. Design Exceptions on projects not selected as PoDI require approval and concurrence as described in FDM 122.
Design Exceptions. The Engineer shall prepare up to 8 (eight) design waivers or exception questionnaires as warranted per State guidance (up to 2 design waivers/exceptions for each schematic Phase / Segment). The Engineer shall supply the required justification, facts, and summaries to support the proposed Design Waivers or Exceptions. The Engineer shall make up to two submittals and corresponding revisions of the design exception report.
Design Exceptions. The following design exceptions are allowed:
1. Level 1 Design Exception for Des. No. 1383332, 1383336 and 1383337-The left (inside) shoulder width on I-69 (Line “A”) for both northbound and southbound directions shall be a minimum eight feet paved , within the project limits except as noted below:
a. A shoulder width of 4’ is allowed in the southbound lane at the begin project point;
b. A shoulder width of 5.9’ is allowed along the northbound lanes at the XX XX 37 overpass bridge pier.
2. Level 1 Design Exception for Des. No. 1383332 – The horizontal stopping sight distance for southbound lanes within the curve at P.I. Station 326+00.03 “A” shall meet the posted speed limit of 65 mph.
Design Exceptions. Elements to be constructed at less than the design guidelines will be identified, and a clear description of required exceptions and appropriate justification will be provided (BLRS Manual Section 27-7). DEPARTMENT form BLR 22120 will be completed. These items will be discussed at an FHWA meeting. For budgeting purposes, it is assumed that up to a total of three (3) Design Exceptions may be needed, one (1) for each intersection.
Design Exceptions. FHWA signature approval of all exceptions to contract design requirements is required. FHWA review of all design exceptions will be performed concurrent with the MoDOT review, to expedite the review and approval process. The design exception process should be consistent with the process in MoDOT’s Engineering Policy Guide, or with the RFP contract requirements. Reduction of construction costs is not, by itself, considered adequate justification for a design exception. Feedback, rejection, or approval of design exception requests will be given within 5 days of receipt of the request. MoDOT must insure that approval signature lines are provided on the design exception form for the proposing team, MoDOT and FHWA. FHWA concurrence of the design exception form to be used is highly encouraged.
Design Exceptions. CONSULTANT will check the geometrics of the existing and proposed state facility for non- standard features and update the list of mandatory and advisory design exceptions identified previously (Task 2), if necessary. Geometric refinements will be further investigated to assess if any non-standard features can be eliminated. Fact Sheets will be drafted and submitted to Caltrans HQ geometrician and District 4 for review and comment. CONSULTANT will address any comments and submit final Fact Sheets for Caltrans approval, prior to submittal of the Draft Project Report. Mandatory design exceptions for interchange spacing, median width and shoulder width are anticipated. Traffic and accident analysis, physical constraints, cost, access control, and environmental impacts will be critical factors in justifying the design.
Design Exceptions. The Engineer will spend up to 40 hours identifying design exceptions and waivers. The Engineer shall determine the necessity for each design exception or waiver for approval. If the Owner agrees that design exception or waiver is necessary, the Engineer shall prepare the Owner’s required design exception or design waiver documentation. The Engineer shall document the operational and safety analysis for comparison of the no-build, build with standard design, and build with proposed design alternatives.
Design Exceptions. The Consultant shall adhere to the design criteria Reference Materials.
3.10.1. Design Exceptions are not favored and should be suggested as a last resort.
3.10.2. Using the methods set forth in Section 8.8.2 of the Road Design Manual, the Consultant will identify and justify, in writing, all Design Exceptions.
3.10.3. Except when no practical alternative exists, the justification for a Design Exception must include an economic analysis.
3.10.4. Except on projects on which the FHWA has identified the project as a Project of Division Interest, MDT has the sole discretion to approve or disapprove all requests for Design Exceptions.