Equipment and Supply Budgets Sample Clauses

Equipment and Supply Budgets. Each university will allocate funds from its annual budget to departments for the purchase of equipment and supplies. The allotments will be made by the local University administration after consultation with the departments involved. Barring demonstrable fiscal exigencies such allocations shall not be arbitrarily withdrawn, reduced, postponed, or cancelled once made.
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Related to Equipment and Supply Budgets

  • Equipment and Supplies Independent Contractor, at Independent Contractor's sole expense, shall provide all equipment, tools and supplies necessary to perform the Service.

  • Project Budget A Project Budget shall be prepared and maintained by Grantee. The Project Budget shall detail all costs for which the Grant will be used during each calendar month of the Term. The Project Budget must be approved in writing by the Project Monitor. Grantee shall carry out the Project and shall incur costs and make disbursements of funds provided hereunder by the Sponsor only in conformity with the Project Budget. The current approved Project Budget is contained in Attachment B. Said Project Budget may be revised from time to time, but no Project Budget or revision thereof shall be effective unless and until the same is approved in writing by Project Monitor. The funds granted under this Grant Contract cannot be used to supplant (replace) other existing funds.

  • Equipment and Software To use the Mobile Remote Deposit Services, you must obtain and maintain at your expense, compatible equipment and software that we may specify from time to time.

  • Project Plans The Contractor: must carry out the Contractor's Activities in accordance with, and otherwise implement, the Project Plans; and for the purposes of subparagraph (i), must: prepare Project Plans based, where applicable, on the draft Project Plans lodged by the Contractor in its tender for the Contractor's Activities, and otherwise in accordance with the requirements of the Contract and submit them to the Contract Administrator so as to ensure that there is no delay or disruption to the Contractor's Activities and in any event no later than the number of days specified in the Contract Particulars after the Award Date for each Project Plan; not commence any of the Contractor's Activities to which any Project Plan applies, unless the Contract Administrator has had the number of days specified in the Contract Particulars for each Project Plan to review the Project Plan and has not rejected the Project Plan; if any Project Plan is rejected, submit an amended Project Plan to the Contract Administrator; in any event, finalise each Project Plan so as to ensure that there is no delay or disruption to the Contractor's Activities and in any event in accordance with the requirements of the Contract to the satisfaction of the Contract Administrator; after each Project Plan has been finalised: regularly review, update and amend each Project Plan in accordance with the process set out in each Project Plan (and otherwise at least on each anniversary of the Award Date); update or amend a Project Plan on request of the Contract Administrator; and continue to correct any defects in or omissions from a Project Plan (whether identified by the Contract Administrator or the Contractor), and submit an updated or amended Project Plan to the Contract Administrator, after which: the Contractor must continue to comply with the requirements of the then current Project Plan until the process in subparagraph (ii) has been completed in respect of the updated or amended Project Plan; and subsubparagraphs B - E will apply (to the extent applicable); and document and maintain detailed records of all: reviews, updates, amendments and submissions of each Project Plan; audits or other monitoring of each Project Plan; and training and awareness programs and communications provided to Contractor and subcontractor personnel in respect of each Project Plan (including each updated or amended Project Plan). The Contractor will not be relieved from compliance with any of its obligations under the Contract or otherwise at law or in equity as a result of: the implementation of, and compliance with, the requirements of any Project Plan; any direction by the Contract Administrator concerning a Project Plan or the Contractor's compliance or non-compliance with a Project Plan; any audit or other monitoring by the Contract Administrator or anyone else acting on behalf of the Commonwealth of the Contractor's compliance with a Project Plan; or any failure by the Contract Administrator, or anyone else acting on behalf of the Commonwealth, to detect any defect in or omission from a Project Plan including where any such failure arises from any negligence on the part of the Contract Administrator or other person.

  • Project Construction Budget The project construction cost allowance specifically stated in writing as the ‘revised’ or ‘current’ ‘Project Construction Budget’ by the Trustees at each applicable phase of plan development.

  • For Product Development Projects and Project Demonstrations  Published documents, including date, title, and periodical name.  Estimated or actual energy and cost savings, and estimated statewide energy savings once market potential has been realized. Identify all assumptions used in the estimates.  Greenhouse gas and criteria emissions reductions.  Other non-energy benefits such as reliability, public safety, lower operational cost, environmental improvement, indoor environmental quality, and societal benefits.  Data on potential job creation, market potential, economic development, and increased state revenue as a result of the project.  A discussion of project product downloads from websites, and publications in technical journals.  A comparison of project expectations and performance. Discuss whether the goals and objectives of the Agreement have been met and what improvements are needed, if any.

  • Equipment and Software Requirements In order to view and retain electronic communications that we make available to you, you must have: • A PC or other device with an Internet browser that has “cookies” enabled and supports 128 bit encryption • An Internet connection • An email address • A PDF viewer (such as Adobe Reader) • A printer or computer with sufficient electronic storage space All communications shall be delivered to the last address we have on file for you. These notices will be sent through electronic delivery (email) and will be considered delivered the same day as sent. If you have opted out of electronic delivery, communications sent to you through the United States Postal Service are considered delivered 5 business days after the postmark date. It is your responsibility to notify the Custodian of any email address change or residential address change. We will not be held liable for any losses or damages if you have not provided Custodian with the most current address information. The electronically signed copy of this document should be considered equivalent to a printed hard copy form. It is considered a true and complete record of the document, admissible in arbitration and/or administrative hearings or proceedings. Your electronic signature on the Application and other electronic forms such as the Investment Direction are considered valid and the same as if the paper form or Application were signed.

  • Project Plan Development of Project Plan Upon the Authorized User’s request, the Contractor must develop a Project Plan. This Project Plan may include Implementation personnel, installation timeframes, escalation procedures and an acceptance plan as appropriate for the Services requested. Specific requirements of the plan will be defined in the RFQ. In response to the RFQ, the Contractor must agree to furnish all labor and supervision necessary to successfully perform Services procured from this Lot. Project Plan Document The Contractor will provide to the Authorized User, a Project Plan that may contain the following items: • Name of the Project Manager, Contact Phone Numbers and E-Mail Address; • Names of the Project Team Members, Contact Phone Numbers and E-Mail Address; • A list of Implementation milestones based on the Authorized User’s desired installation date; • A list of responsibilities of the Authorized User during system Implementation; • A list of designated Contractor Authorized Personnel; • Escalation procedures including management personnel contact numbers; • Full and complete documentation of all Implementation work; • Samples of knowledge transfer documentation; and • When applicable, a list of all materials and supplies required to complete the Implementation described in the RFQ. Materials and Supplies Required to Complete Implementation In the event that there are items required to complete an Implementation, the Contractor may request the items be added to its Contract if the items meet the scope of the Contract. Negotiation of Final Project Plan If the Authorized User chooses to require a full Project Plan, the State further reserves the right for Authorized Users to negotiate the final Project Plan with the apparent RFQ awardee. Such negotiation must not substantively change the scope of the RFQ plan, but can alter timeframes or other incidental factors of the final Project Plan. The Authorized User will provide the Contractor a minimum of five (5) business days’ notice of the final negotiation date. The Authorized User reserves the right to move to the next responsible and responsive bidder if Contractor negotiations are unsuccessful.

  • Construction Progress Schedule; Overall Project Schedule The Contractor shall submit for review by the Design Professional and approval by the Owner a Construction Progress Schedule based upon the Design Professional’s Preliminary Design and Construction Schedule and prepared using a CPM (Critical Path Method) process within sixty days after the Effective Date of the Contract, utilizing a full-featured software package in a form satisfactory to the Design Professional and Owner, showing the dates for commencement and completion of the Work required by the Contract Documents, including coordination of mechanical, plumbing, and electrical disciplines, as well as coordination of the various subdivisions of the Work within the Contract. Milestones must be clearly indicated and sequentially organized to identify the critical path of the Project. The Construction Schedule will be developed to represent the CSI specification divisions. It shall have the minimum number of activities required to adequately represent to the Owner the complete scope of Work and define the Project’s (and each Phase’s if phased) critical path and associated activities. The format of the Construction Progress Schedule will have dependencies indicated on a monthly grid identifying milestone dates such as construction start, phase construction, structural top out, dry-in, rough-in completion, metal stud and drywall completion, equipment installation, systems operational, inspections for Material Completion and Occupancy Date, and Final Completion Date. The Contractor shall submit, along with the Construction Progress Schedule, the Submittal Schedule for approval by the Design Professional, correlating the associated approval dates for the documents with the Construction Progress Schedule. Upon recommendation by the Design Professional and approval by the Owner, the Construction Progress Schedule shall become the Overall Project Schedule, which shall be utilized by the Design Professional, Owner and Contractor. The Contractor must provide the Design Professional and the Owner with monthly updates of the Overall Project Schedule indicating completed activities and any changes in sequencing or activity durations, including approved change orders. See also Article 3.3.5.

  • Equipment and Facilities For On-Site Courses, you will supply the facility and equipment as set forth at If Red Hat agrees to provide the training facilities and hardware, you will be liable for any loss or destruction of this equipment and hardware used in connection with the Training.

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