Common use of Escalator Clause Clause in Contracts

Escalator Clause. 24.1 In the event that Hydro One and the Society negotiate a Collective Agreement for a term of more than one year, a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) escalator clause shall become part of such an Agreement and shall be applicable to all employees covered by that Agreement. (Article 24 is suspended for duration of Agreement) HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,862 15 1,747 14 1,638 13 1,536 12 1,441 1,747 11 1,351 1,638 10 1,267 1,536 09 1,189 1,441 08 1,351 07 1,267 06 1,862 1,189 05 1,747 1,115 1,638 04 1,638 1,046 1,536 03 1,536 981 1,441 02 1,441 920 1,351 01 1,351 863 1,267 Labour Relations January 1, 2003 HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,918 15 1,799 14 1,687 13 1,583 12 1,484 1,799 11 1,392 1,687 10 1,305 1,583 09 1,224 1,484 08 1,392 07 1,305 06 1,918 1,224 05 1,799 1,148 1,687 04 1,687 1,077 1,583 03 1,583 1,010 1,484 02 1,484 947 1,392 01 1,392 888 1,305 Labour Relations January 1, 2004 HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,938 15 1,817 14 1,704 13 1,598 12 1,499 1,817 11 1,406 1,704 10 1,319 1,598 09 1,237 1,499 08 1,406 07 1,319 06 1,938 1,237 05 1,817 1,160 1,704 04 1,704 1,088 1,598 03 1,598 1,020 1,499 02 1,499 957 1,406 01 1,406 897 1,319 Labour Relations January 1, 2005 01 03 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,554 1,657 1,767 1,884 2,009 2,142 114 1,541 1,643 1,752 1,868 1,991 2,123 113 1,527 1,628 1,736 1,851 1,974 2,105 112 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,956 2,086 111 1,500 1,599 1,705 1,818 1,939 2,067 110 1,487 1,585 1,690 1,802 1,921 2,049 109 1,473 1,571 1,675 1,786 1,904 2,030 108 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 1,887 2,011 107 1,446 1,542 1,644 1,753 1,869 1,993 106 1,433 1,527 1,629 1,737 1,852 1,974 105 1,419 1,513 1,613 1,720 1,834 1,956 104 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,937 103 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 102 1,378 1,470 1,567 1,671 1,782 1,900 101 1,365 1,455 1,552 1,655 1,764 1,881 Ref Pt 100 1,351 1,441 1,536 1,638 1,747 1,862 99 1,338 1,427 1,521 1,622 1,729 1,844 98 1,324 1,412 1,506 1,605 1,712 1,825 97 1,311 1,398 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 96 1,297 1,383 1,475 1,573 1,677 1,788 95 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 94 1,270 1,355 1,444 1,540 1,642 1,751 93 1,257 1,340 1,429 1,524 1,624 1,732 92 1,243 1,326 1,414 1,507 1,607 1,713 91 1,230 1,311 1,398 1,491 1,590 1,695 90 1,216 1,297 1,383 1,474 1,572 1,676 89 1,203 1,282 1,367 1,458 1,555 1,658 88 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,442 1,537 1,639 87 1,176 1,254 1,337 1,425 1,520 1,620 86 1,162 1,239 1,321 1,409 1,502 1,602 85 1,149 1,225 1,306 1,392 1,485 1,583 84 1,135 1,210 1,291 1,376 1,467 1,564 83 1,122 1,196 1,275 1,360 1,450 1,546 82 1,108 1,182 1,260 1,343 1,432 1,527 81 1,095 1,167 1,245 1,327 1,415 1,509 Min 80 1,081 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1351.4456 1440.9789 1536.4438 1638.2332 1746.7661 1862.4894 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2003 01 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,601 1,707 1,820 1,940 2,069 2,206 114 1,587 1,692 1,804 1,924 2,051 2,187 113 1,573 1,677 1,788 1,907 2,033 2,168 112 1,559 1,662 1,772 1,890 2,015 2,149 111 1,545 1,647 1,757 1,873 1,997 2,129 110 1,531 1,663 1,741 1,856 1,979 2,110 109 1,517 1,618 1,725 1,839 1,961 2,091 108 1,503 1,603 1,709 1,822 1,943 2,072 107 1,489 1,588 1,693 1,805 1,925 2,053 106 1,476 1,573 1,677 1,789 1,907 2,033 105 1,462 1,558 1,662 1,772 1,889 2,014 104 1,448 1,544 1,646 1,755 1,871 1,995 103 1,434 1,529 1,630 1,738 1,853 1,976 102 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,957 101 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,938 Ref Pt 100 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 99 1,378 1,469 1,567 1,671 1,781 1,899 98 1,364 1,455 1,551 1,654 1,763 1,880 97 1,350 1,440 1,535 1,637 1,745 1,861 96 1,336 1,425 1,519 1,620 1,727 1,842 95 1,322 1,410 1,503 1,603 1,709 1,822 94 1,308 1,395 1,488 1,586 1,691 1,803 93 1,295 1,380 1,472 1,569 1,673 1,784 92 1,281 1,365 1,456 1,552 1,655 1,765 91 1,267 1,351 1,440 1,536 1,637 1,746 90 1,253 1,336 1,424 1,519 1,619 1,727 89 1,239 1,321 1,408 1,502 1,601 1,707 88 1,225 1,306 1,393 1,485 1,583 1,688 87 1,211 1,291 1,377 1,468 1,565 1,669 86 1,197 1,276 1,361 1,451 1,547 1,650 85 1,183 1,262 1,345 1,434 1,529 1,631 84 1,169 1,247 1,329 1,417 1,511 1,611 83 1,155 1,232 1,314 1,401 1,493 1,592 82 1,141 1,217 1,298 1,384 1,475 1,573 81 1,128 1,202 1,282 1,367 1,457 1,554 Min 80 1,114 1,187 1,266 1,350 1,439 1,535 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1391.9890 1484.2083 1582.5371 1687.3802 1799.1691 1918.3641 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2004 01 05 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,617 1,724 1,838 1,960 2,090 2,228 114 1,603 1,709 1,822 1,943 2,072 2,209 113 1,589 1,694 1,806 1,926 2,053 2,189 112 1,575 1,679 1,790 1,909 2,035 2,170 111 1,561 1,664 1,774 1,892 2,017 2,151 110 1,546 1,649 1,758 1,875 1,999 2,131 109 1,532 1,634 1,742 1,858 1,981 2,112 108 1,518 1,619 1,726 1,841 1,963 2,093 107 1,504 1,604 1,710 1,824 1,944 2,073 106 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 1,926 2,054 105 1,476 1,574 1,678 1,789 1,908 2,034 104 1,462 1,559 1,662 1,772 1,890 2,015 103 1,448 1,544 1,646 1,755 1,872 1,996 102 1,434 1,529 1,630 1,738 1,854 1,976 101 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,957 Ref Pt 100 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,938 99 1,392 1,484 1,582 1,687 1,799 1,918 98 1,378 1,469 1,566 1,670 1,781 1,899 97 1,364 1,454 1,550 1,653 1,763 1,879 96 1,350 1,439 1,534 1,636 1,744 1,860 95 1,336 1,424 1,518 1,619 1,726 1,841 94 1,322 1,409 1,502 1,602 1,708 1,821 93 1,307 1,394 1,486 1,585 1,690 1,802 92 1,293 1,379 1,470 1,568 1,672 1,783 91 1,279 1,364 1,455 1,551 1,654 1,763 90 1,265 1,349 1,439 1,534 1,635 1,744 89 1,251 1,334 1,423 1,517 1,617 1,724 88 1,237 1,319 1,407 1,500 1,599 1,705 87 1,223 1,304 1,391 1,483 1,581 1,686 86 1,209 1,289 1,375 1,466 1,563 1,666 85 1,195 1,274 1,359 1,449 1,545 1,647 84 1,181 1,259 1,343 1,432 1,526 1,628 83 1,167 1,244 1,327 1,415 1,508 1,608 82 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 1,589 81 1,139 1,214 1,295 1,380 1,472 1,569 Min 80 1,125 1,199 1,279 1,363 1,454 1,550 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1405.9089 1499.0504 1598.3625 1704.2540 1817.1608 1937.5477 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2005 OF REF PT FMP09 FMP10 FMP11 FMP12 FMP13 FMP14 FMP15 FMP16 Max 115 1,367 1,458 1,554 1,657 1,767 1,884 2,009 2,142 114 1,355 1,445 1,541 1,643 1,752 1,868 1,991 2,123 113 1,343 1,432 1,527 1,628 1,736 1,851 1,974 2,105 112 1,331 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,956 2,086 111 1,319 1,407 1,500 1,599 1,705 1,818 1,939 2,067 110 1,308 1,394 1,487 1,585 1,690 1,802 1,921 2,049 109 1,296 1,382 1,473 1,571 1,675 1,786 1,904 2,030 108 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 1,887 2,011 107 1,272 1,356 1,446 1,542 1,644 1,753 1,869 1,993 106 1,260 1,344 1,433 1,527 1,629 1,737 1,852 1,974 105 1,248 1,331 1,419 1,513 1,613 1,720 1,834 1,956 104 1,236 1,318 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,937 103 1,224 1,305 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 102 1,212 1,293 1,378 1,470 1,567 1,671 1,782 1,900 101 1,201 1,280 1,365 1,455 1,552 1,655 1,764 1,881 Ref Pt 100 1,189 1,267 1,351 1,441 1,536 1,638 1,747 1,862 99 1,177 1,255 1,338 1,427 1,521 1,622 1,729 1,844 98 1,165 1,242 1,324 1,412 1,506 1,605 1,712 1,825 97 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,398 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 96 1,141 1,217 1,297 1,383 1,475 1,573 1,677 1,788 95 1,129 1,204 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 94 1,117 1,191 1,270 1,355 1,444 1,540 1,642 1,751 93 1,106 1,179 1,257 1,340 1,429 1,524 1,624 1,732 92 1,094 1,166 1,243 1,326 1,414 1,507 1,607 1,713 91 1,082 1,153 1,230 1,311 1,398 1,491 1,590 1,695 90 1,070 1,141 1,216 1,297 1,383 1,474 1,572 1,676 89 1,058 1,128 1,203 1,282 1,367 1,458 1,555 1,658 88 1,046 1,115 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,442 1,537 1,639 87 1,034 1,103 1,176 1,254 1,337 1,425 1,520 1,620 86 1,022 1,090 1,162 1,239 1,321 1,409 1,502 1,602 85 1,010 1,077 1,149 1,225 1,306 1,392 1,485 1,583 84 999 1,065 1,135 1,210 1,291 1,376 1,467 1,564 83 987 1,052 1,122 1,196 1,275 1,360 1,450 1,546 82 975 1,039 1,108 1,182 1,260 1,343 1,432 1,527 81 963 1,027 1,095 1,167 1,245 1,327 1,415 1,509 Min 80 951 1,014 1,081 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS FMP09 FMP10 FMP11 FMP12 FMP13 FMP14 FMP15 FMP16 1188.7225 1267.4754 1351.4456 1440.9789 1536.4438 1638.2332 1746.7661 1862.4894 Note 1. While all grades apply to Management staff, only the top six grades will be used for positions requiring Professional staff.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Agreement, Collective Agreement

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Escalator Clause. 24.1 In the event that Hydro One and the Society negotiate a Collective Agreement for a term of more than one year, a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) escalator clause shall become part of such an Agreement and shall be applicable to all employees covered by that Agreement. (Article 24 is suspended for duration of Agreement) HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,862 1,808 15 1,747 1,696 14 1,638 1,590 13 1,536 1,492 12 1,441 1,747 1,399 1,696 11 1,351 1,638 1,312 1,590 10 1,267 1,536 1,231 1,492 09 1,189 1,441 1,154 1,399 08 1,351 1,312 07 1,267 1,231 06 1,862 1,189 1,808 1,154 05 1,747 1,115 1,638 1,696 1,082 1,590 04 1,638 1,046 1,536 1,590 1,015 1,492 03 1,536 981 1,441 1,492 952 1,399 02 1,441 920 1,351 1,399 893 1,312 01 1,351 863 1,267 Labour Relations 1,312 837 1,231 Compensation, Benefits & Health Services January 1, 2003 HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,918 15 1,799 14 1,687 13 1,583 12 1,484 1,799 11 1,392 1,687 10 1,305 1,583 09 1,224 1,484 08 1,392 07 1,305 06 1,918 1,224 05 1,799 1,148 1,687 04 1,687 1,077 1,583 03 1,583 1,010 1,484 2002 01 02 1,484 947 1,392 01 1,392 888 1,305 Labour Relations January 1, 2004 HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,938 15 1,817 14 1,704 13 1,598 12 1,499 1,817 11 1,406 1,704 10 1,319 1,598 09 1,237 1,499 08 1,406 07 1,319 06 1,938 1,237 05 1,817 1,160 1,704 04 1,704 1,088 1,598 03 1,598 1,020 1,499 02 1,499 957 1,406 01 1,406 897 1,319 Labour Relations January 1, 2005 01 03 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF - DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,554 1,657 1,767 1,884 2,009 2,142 1,509 1,609 1,715 1,829 1,950 2,079 114 1,541 1,643 1,752 1,868 1,991 2,123 1,496 1,595 1,701 1,813 1,933 2,061 113 1,527 1,628 1,736 1,851 1,974 2,105 1,483 1,581 1,686 1,797 1,916 2,043 112 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,956 2,086 111 1,500 1,599 1,705 1,818 1,939 2,067 110 1,487 1,585 1,690 1,802 1,921 2,049 109 1,473 1,571 1,675 1,786 1,904 2,030 108 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 1,887 2,011 107 1,446 1,542 1,644 1,753 1,869 1,993 106 1,433 1,527 1,629 1,737 1,852 1,974 105 1,419 1,513 1,613 1,720 1,834 1,956 104 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,937 103 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 102 1,378 1,470 1,567 1,671 1,782 1,900 101 1,781 1,899 2,025 111 1,456 1,553 1,656 1,765 1,882 2,007 110 1,443 1,539 1,641 1,750 1,865 1,989 109 1,430 1,525 1,626 1,734 1,848 1,971 108 1,417 1,511 1,611 1,718 1,832 1,953 107 1,404 1,497 1,596 1,702 1,815 1,935 106 1,391 1,483 1,581 1,686 1,798 1,917 105 1,378 1,469 1,566 1,670 1,781 1,899 104 1,365 1,455 1,552 1,655 1,551 1,654 1,764 1,881 Ref Pt 100 103 1,351 1,441 1,536 1,638 1,747 1,862 99 102 1,338 1,427 1,521 1,522 1,622 1,729 1,730 1,844 101 1,325 1,413 1,507 1,606 1,713 1,826 Ref Pt 100 1,312 1,399 1,492 1,590 1,696 1,808 99 1,299 1,385 1,477 1,575 1,679 1,790 98 1,324 1,412 1,506 1,605 1,712 1,825 1,286 1,371 1,462 1,559 1,662 1,772 97 1,311 1,398 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 1,273 1,357 1,447 1,543 1,645 1,754 96 1,297 1,383 1,475 1,573 1,677 1,788 95 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 94 1,270 1,355 1,444 1,540 1,642 1,751 93 1,257 1,340 1,429 1,524 1,624 1,732 92 1,243 1,326 1,414 1,507 1,607 1,713 91 1,230 1,311 1,398 1,491 1,590 1,695 90 1,216 1,297 1,383 1,474 1,572 1,676 89 1,203 1,282 1,367 1,458 1,555 1,658 88 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,442 1,537 1,639 87 1,176 1,254 1,337 1,425 1,520 1,620 86 1,162 1,239 1,321 1,409 1,502 1,602 85 1,149 1,225 1,306 1,392 1,485 1,583 84 1,135 1,210 1,291 1,376 1,467 1,564 83 1,122 1,196 1,275 1,360 1,450 1,546 82 1,108 1,182 1,260 1,343 1,432 1,527 81 1,095 1,167 1,245 1,327 1,415 1,509 Min 80 1,081 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1351.4456 1440.9789 1536.4438 1638.2332 1746.7661 1862.4894 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2003 01 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,601 1,707 1,820 1,940 2,069 2,206 114 1,587 1,692 1,804 1,924 2,051 2,187 113 1,573 1,677 1,788 1,907 2,033 2,168 112 1,559 1,662 1,772 1,890 2,015 2,149 111 1,545 1,647 1,757 1,873 1,997 2,129 110 1,531 1,663 1,741 1,856 1,979 2,110 109 1,517 1,618 1,725 1,839 1,961 2,091 108 1,503 1,603 1,709 1,822 1,943 2,072 107 1,489 1,588 1,693 1,805 1,925 2,053 106 1,476 1,573 1,677 1,789 1,907 2,033 105 1,462 1,558 1,662 1,772 1,889 2,014 104 1,448 1,544 1,646 1,755 1,871 1,995 103 1,434 1,529 1,630 1,738 1,853 1,976 102 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,957 101 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,938 Ref Pt 100 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 99 1,378 1,469 1,567 1,671 1,781 1,899 98 1,364 1,455 1,551 1,654 1,763 1,880 97 1,350 1,440 1,535 1,637 1,745 1,861 96 1,336 1,425 1,519 1,620 1,727 1,842 1,628 1,736 95 1,322 1,410 1,503 1,603 1,709 1,822 94 1,308 1,395 1,488 1,586 1,691 1,803 93 1,295 1,380 1,472 1,569 1,673 1,784 92 1,281 1,365 1,456 1,552 1,655 1,765 91 1,267 1,351 1,440 1,536 1,637 1,746 90 1,253 1,336 1,424 1,519 1,619 1,727 89 1,239 1,321 1,408 1,502 1,601 1,707 88 1,225 1,306 1,393 1,485 1,583 1,688 87 1,211 1,291 1,377 1,468 1,565 1,669 86 1,197 1,276 1,361 1,451 1,547 1,650 85 1,183 1,262 1,345 1,434 1,529 1,631 84 1,169 1,247 1,246 1,329 1,417 1,511 1,611 83 1,718 94 1,233 1,315 1,402 1,495 1,594 1,700 93 1,220 1,301 1,387 1,479 1,577 1,682 92 1,207 1,287 1,372 1,463 1,560 1,664 91 1,194 1,273 1,357 1,447 1,543 1,645 90 1,181 1,259 1,343 1,431 1,526 1,627 89 1,168 1,245 1,328 1,416 1,509 1,609 88 1,155 1,232 1,314 1,401 1,493 1,592 82 1,231 1,313 1,400 1,492 1,591 87 1,141 1,217 1,298 1,384 1,475 1,573 81 86 1,128 1,202 1,282 1,367 1,457 1,554 Min 80 1,114 1,187 1,266 1,350 1,439 1,535 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1391.9890 1484.2083 1582.5371 1687.3802 1799.1691 1918.3641 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2004 01 05 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,617 1,724 1,838 1,960 2,090 2,228 114 1,603 1,709 1,822 1,943 2,072 2,209 113 1,589 1,694 1,806 1,926 2,053 2,189 112 1,575 1,679 1,790 1,909 2,035 2,170 111 1,561 1,664 1,774 1,892 2,017 2,151 110 1,546 1,649 1,758 1,875 1,999 2,131 109 1,532 1,634 1,742 1,858 1,981 2,112 108 1,518 1,619 1,726 1,841 1,963 2,093 107 1,504 1,604 1,710 1,824 1,944 2,073 106 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 1,926 2,054 105 1,476 1,574 1,678 1,789 1,908 2,034 104 1,462 1,559 1,662 1,772 1,890 2,015 103 1,448 1,544 1,646 1,755 1,872 1,996 102 1,434 1,529 1,630 1,738 1,854 1,976 101 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,957 Ref Pt 100 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,938 99 1,392 1,484 1,582 1,687 1,799 1,918 98 1,378 1,469 1,566 1,670 1,781 1,899 97 1,364 1,454 1,550 1,653 1,763 1,879 96 1,350 1,439 1,534 1,636 1,744 1,860 95 1,203 1,283 1,368 1,458 1,555 85 1,115 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,441 1,537 84 1,102 1,175 1,253 1,336 1,424 1,518 1,619 1,726 1,841 94 1,322 1,409 1,502 1,602 1,708 1,821 93 1,307 1,394 1,486 1,585 1,690 1,802 92 1,293 1,379 1,470 1,568 1,672 1,783 91 1,279 1,364 1,455 1,551 1,654 1,763 90 1,265 1,349 1,439 1,534 1,635 1,744 89 1,251 1,334 1,423 1,517 1,617 1,724 88 1,237 1,319 1,407 1,500 1,599 1,705 87 1,425 1,519 83 1,089 1,161 1,238 1,320 1,408 1,501 82 1,076 1,147 1,223 1,304 1,391 1,483 1,581 1,686 86 1,209 1,289 1,375 1,466 1,563 1,666 85 1,195 1,274 1,359 1,449 1,545 1,647 84 1,181 1,259 1,343 1,432 1,526 1,628 83 1,167 1,244 1,327 1,415 1,508 1,608 82 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 1,589 81 1,139 1,214 1,295 1,380 1,472 1,569 1,063 1,133 1,208 1,288 1,374 1,465 Min 80 1,125 1,199 1,279 1,363 1,454 1,550 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1405.9089 1499.0504 1598.3625 1704.2540 1817.1608 1937.5477 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2005 OF REF PT FMP09 FMP10 FMP11 FMP12 FMP13 FMP14 FMP15 FMP16 Max 115 1,367 1,458 1,554 1,657 1,767 1,884 2,009 2,142 114 1,355 1,445 1,541 1,643 1,752 1,868 1,991 2,123 113 1,343 1,432 1,527 1,628 1,736 1,851 1,974 2,105 112 1,331 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,956 2,086 111 1,319 1,407 1,500 1,599 1,705 1,818 1,939 2,067 110 1,308 1,394 1,487 1,585 1,690 1,802 1,921 2,049 109 1,296 1,382 1,473 1,571 1,675 1,786 1,904 2,030 108 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 1,887 2,011 107 1,050 1,119 1,193 1,272 1,356 1,446 1,542 1,644 1,753 1,869 1,993 106 1,260 1,344 1,433 1,527 1,629 1,737 1,852 1,974 105 1,248 1,331 1,419 1,513 1,613 1,720 1,834 1,956 104 1,236 1,318 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,937 103 1,224 1,305 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 102 1,212 1,293 1,378 1,470 1,567 1,671 1,782 1,900 101 1,201 1,280 1,365 1,455 1,552 1,655 1,764 1,881 Ref Pt 100 1,189 1,267 1,351 1,441 1,536 1,638 1,747 1,862 99 1,177 1,255 1,338 1,427 1,521 1,622 1,729 1,844 98 1,165 1,242 1,324 1,412 1,506 1,605 1,712 1,825 97 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,398 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 96 1,141 1,217 1,297 1,383 1,475 1,573 1,677 1,788 95 1,129 1,204 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 94 1,117 1,191 1,270 1,355 1,444 1,540 1,642 1,751 93 1,106 1,179 1,257 1,340 1,429 1,524 1,624 1,732 92 1,094 1,166 1,243 1,326 1,414 1,507 1,607 1,713 91 1,082 1,153 1,230 1,311 1,398 1,491 1,590 1,695 90 1,070 1,141 1,216 1,297 1,383 1,474 1,572 1,676 89 1,058 1,128 1,203 1,282 1,367 1,458 1,555 1,658 88 1,046 1,115 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,442 1,537 1,639 87 1,034 1,103 1,176 1,254 1,337 1,425 1,520 1,620 86 1,022 1,090 1,162 1,239 1,321 1,409 1,502 1,602 85 1,010 1,077 1,149 1,225 1,306 1,392 1,485 1,583 84 999 1,065 1,135 1,210 1,291 1,376 1,467 1,564 83 987 1,052 1,122 1,196 1,275 1,360 1,450 1,546 82 975 1,039 1,108 1,182 1,260 1,343 1,432 1,527 81 963 1,027 1,095 1,167 1,245 1,327 1,415 1,509 Min 80 951 1,014 1,081 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS FMP09 FMP10 FMP11 FMP12 FMP13 FMP14 FMP15 FMP16 1188.7225 1267.4754 1351.4456 1440.9789 1536.4438 1638.2332 1746.7661 1862.4894 Note 1. While all grades apply to Management staff, only the top six grades will be used for positions requiring Professional staff.1,357 1,447

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

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Escalator Clause. 24.1 In the event that Hydro One and the Society negotiate a Collective Agreement for a term of more than one year, a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) escalator clause shall become part of such an Agreement and shall be applicable to all employees covered by that Agreement. (Article 24 is suspended for duration of Agreement) HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,862 1,808 15 1,747 1,696 14 1,638 1,590 13 1,536 1,492 12 1,441 1,747 1,399 1,696 11 1,351 1,638 1,312 1,590 10 1,267 1,536 1,231 1,492 09 1,189 1,441 1,154 1,399 08 1,351 1,312 07 1,267 1,231 06 1,862 1,189 1,808 1,154 05 1,747 1,115 1,638 1,696 1,082 1,590 04 1,638 1,046 1,536 1,590 1,015 1,492 03 1,536 981 1,441 1,492 952 1,399 02 1,441 920 1,351 1,399 893 1,312 01 1,351 863 1,267 Labour Relations 1,312 837 1,231 Compensation, Benefits & Health Services January 1, 2003 HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,918 15 1,799 14 1,687 13 1,583 12 1,484 1,799 11 1,392 1,687 10 1,305 1,583 09 1,224 1,484 08 1,392 07 1,305 06 1,918 1,224 05 1,799 1,148 1,687 04 1,687 1,077 1,583 03 1,583 1,010 1,484 2002 01 02 1,484 947 1,392 01 1,392 888 1,305 Labour Relations January 1, 2004 HYDRO ONE TABLE SHOWING THE ROUNDED REFERENCE POINT WEEKLY DOLLARS FOR SOCIETY SALARY SCHEDULES SALARY SCHEDULE Salary Grade M&P Standard (01) FM&P (02) OSS (05) TMS (08) 16 1,938 15 1,817 14 1,704 13 1,598 12 1,499 1,817 11 1,406 1,704 10 1,319 1,598 09 1,237 1,499 08 1,406 07 1,319 06 1,938 1,237 05 1,817 1,160 1,704 04 1,704 1,088 1,598 03 1,598 1,020 1,499 02 1,499 957 1,406 01 1,406 897 1,319 Labour Relations January 1, 2005 01 03 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF - DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,554 1,657 1,767 1,884 2,009 2,142 1,509 1,609 1,715 1,829 1,950 2,079 114 1,541 1,643 1,752 1,868 1,991 2,123 1,496 1,595 1,701 1,813 1,933 2,061 113 1,527 1,628 1,736 1,851 1,974 2,105 1,483 1,581 1,686 1,797 1,916 2,043 112 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,956 2,086 111 1,500 1,599 1,705 1,818 1,939 2,067 110 1,487 1,585 1,690 1,802 1,921 2,049 109 1,473 1,571 1,675 1,786 1,904 2,030 108 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 1,887 2,011 107 1,446 1,542 1,644 1,753 1,869 1,993 106 1,433 1,527 1,629 1,737 1,852 1,974 105 1,419 1,513 1,613 1,720 1,834 1,956 104 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,937 103 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 102 1,378 1,470 1,567 1,671 1,782 1,900 101 1,781 1,899 2,025 111 1,456 1,553 1,656 1,765 1,882 2,007 110 1,443 1,539 1,641 1,750 1,865 1,989 109 1,430 1,525 1,626 1,734 1,848 1,971 108 1,417 1,511 1,611 1,718 1,832 1,953 107 1,404 1,497 1,596 1,702 1,815 1,935 106 1,391 1,483 1,581 1,686 1,798 1,917 105 1,378 1,469 1,566 1,670 1,781 1,899 104 1,365 1,455 1,552 1,655 1,551 1,654 1,764 1,881 Ref Pt 100 103 1,351 1,441 1,536 1,638 1,747 1,862 99 102 1,338 1,427 1,521 1,522 1,622 1,729 1,730 1,844 101 1,325 1,413 1,507 1,606 1,713 1,826 Ref Pt 100 1,312 1,399 1,492 1,590 1,696 1,808 98 1,324 1,412 1,506 1,605 1,712 1,825 1,286 1,371 1,462 1,559 1,662 1,772 97 1,311 1,398 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 1,273 1,357 1,447 1,543 1,645 1,754 96 1,297 1,383 1,475 1,573 1,677 1,788 95 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 94 1,270 1,355 1,444 1,540 1,642 1,751 93 1,257 1,340 1,429 1,524 1,624 1,732 92 1,243 1,326 1,414 1,507 1,607 1,713 91 1,230 1,311 1,398 1,491 1,590 1,695 90 1,216 1,297 1,383 1,474 1,572 1,676 89 1,203 1,282 1,367 1,458 1,555 1,658 88 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,442 1,537 1,639 87 1,176 1,254 1,337 1,425 1,520 1,620 86 1,162 1,239 1,321 1,409 1,502 1,602 85 1,149 1,225 1,306 1,392 1,485 1,583 84 1,135 1,210 1,291 1,376 1,467 1,564 83 1,122 1,196 1,275 1,360 1,450 1,546 82 1,108 1,182 1,260 1,343 1,432 1,527 81 1,095 1,167 1,245 1,327 1,415 1,509 Min 80 1,081 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1351.4456 1440.9789 1536.4438 1638.2332 1746.7661 1862.4894 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2003 01 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,601 1,707 1,820 1,940 2,069 2,206 114 1,587 1,692 1,804 1,924 2,051 2,187 113 1,573 1,677 1,788 1,907 2,033 2,168 112 1,559 1,662 1,772 1,890 2,015 2,149 111 1,545 1,647 1,757 1,873 1,997 2,129 110 1,531 1,663 1,741 1,856 1,979 2,110 109 1,517 1,618 1,725 1,839 1,961 2,091 108 1,503 1,603 1,709 1,822 1,943 2,072 107 1,489 1,588 1,693 1,805 1,925 2,053 106 1,476 1,573 1,677 1,789 1,907 2,033 105 1,462 1,558 1,662 1,772 1,889 2,014 104 1,448 1,544 1,646 1,755 1,871 1,995 103 1,434 1,529 1,630 1,738 1,853 1,976 102 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,957 101 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,938 Ref Pt 100 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 99 1,378 1,469 1,567 1,671 1,781 1,899 98 1,364 1,455 1,551 1,654 1,763 1,880 97 1,350 1,440 1,535 1,637 1,745 1,861 96 1,336 1,425 1,519 1,620 1,727 1,842 1,628 1,736 95 1,322 1,410 1,503 1,603 1,709 1,822 94 1,308 1,395 1,488 1,586 1,691 1,803 93 1,295 1,380 1,472 1,569 1,673 1,784 92 1,281 1,365 1,456 1,552 1,655 1,765 91 1,267 1,351 1,440 1,536 1,637 1,746 90 1,253 1,336 1,424 1,519 1,619 1,727 89 1,239 1,321 1,408 1,502 1,601 1,707 88 1,225 1,306 1,393 1,485 1,583 1,688 87 1,211 1,291 1,377 1,468 1,565 1,669 86 1,197 1,276 1,361 1,451 1,547 1,650 85 1,183 1,262 1,345 1,434 1,529 1,631 84 1,169 1,247 1,246 1,329 1,417 1,511 1,611 83 1,718 93 1,220 1,301 1,387 1,479 1,577 1,682 92 1,207 1,287 1,372 1,463 1,560 1,664 91 1,194 1,273 1,357 1,447 1,543 1,645 90 1,181 1,259 1,343 1,431 1,526 1,627 89 1,168 1,245 1,328 1,416 1,509 1,609 88 1,155 1,232 1,314 1,401 1,493 1,592 82 1,231 1,313 1,400 1,492 1,591 87 1,141 1,217 1,298 1,384 1,475 1,573 81 86 1,128 1,202 1,282 1,367 1,457 1,554 Min 80 1,114 1,187 1,266 1,350 1,439 1,535 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1391.9890 1484.2083 1582.5371 1687.3802 1799.1691 1918.3641 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2004 01 05 HYDRO ONE SALARY SCHEDULE 01 STANDARD SCHEDULE FOR MANAGEMENT AND PROFESSIONAL STAFF DOLLARS PER WEEK - S A L A R Y G R A D E PERCENTAGE OF REF PT MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 Max 115 1,617 1,724 1,838 1,960 2,090 2,228 114 1,603 1,709 1,822 1,943 2,072 2,209 113 1,589 1,694 1,806 1,926 2,053 2,189 112 1,575 1,679 1,790 1,909 2,035 2,170 111 1,561 1,664 1,774 1,892 2,017 2,151 110 1,546 1,649 1,758 1,875 1,999 2,131 109 1,532 1,634 1,742 1,858 1,981 2,112 108 1,518 1,619 1,726 1,841 1,963 2,093 107 1,504 1,604 1,710 1,824 1,944 2,073 106 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 1,926 2,054 105 1,476 1,574 1,678 1,789 1,908 2,034 104 1,462 1,559 1,662 1,772 1,890 2,015 103 1,448 1,544 1,646 1,755 1,872 1,996 102 1,434 1,529 1,630 1,738 1,854 1,976 101 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,957 Ref Pt 100 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,938 99 1,392 1,484 1,582 1,687 1,799 1,918 98 1,378 1,469 1,566 1,670 1,781 1,899 97 1,364 1,454 1,550 1,653 1,763 1,879 96 1,350 1,439 1,534 1,636 1,744 1,860 95 1,203 1,283 1,368 1,458 1,555 85 1,115 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,441 1,537 84 1,102 1,175 1,253 1,336 1,424 1,518 1,619 1,726 1,841 94 1,322 1,409 1,502 1,602 1,708 1,821 93 1,307 1,394 1,486 1,585 1,690 1,802 92 1,293 1,379 1,470 1,568 1,672 1,783 91 1,279 1,364 1,455 1,551 1,654 1,763 90 1,265 1,349 1,439 1,534 1,635 1,744 89 1,251 1,334 1,423 1,517 1,617 1,724 88 1,237 1,319 1,407 1,500 1,599 1,705 87 1,425 1,519 83 1,089 1,161 1,238 1,320 1,408 1,501 82 1,076 1,147 1,223 1,304 1,391 1,483 1,581 1,686 86 1,209 1,289 1,375 1,466 1,563 1,666 85 1,195 1,274 1,359 1,449 1,545 1,647 84 1,181 1,259 1,343 1,432 1,526 1,628 83 1,167 1,244 1,327 1,415 1,508 1,608 82 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 1,589 81 1,139 1,214 1,295 1,380 1,472 1,569 1,063 1,133 1,208 1,288 1,374 1,465 Min 80 1,125 1,199 1,279 1,363 1,454 1,550 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS MP1 MP2 MP3 MP4 MP5 MP6 1405.9089 1499.0504 1598.3625 1704.2540 1817.1608 1937.5477 Note: This schedule covers a 35-hour workweek. Labour Relations January 1, 2005 OF REF PT FMP09 FMP10 FMP11 FMP12 FMP13 FMP14 FMP15 FMP16 Max 115 1,367 1,458 1,554 1,657 1,767 1,884 2,009 2,142 114 1,355 1,445 1,541 1,643 1,752 1,868 1,991 2,123 113 1,343 1,432 1,527 1,628 1,736 1,851 1,974 2,105 112 1,331 1,420 1,514 1,614 1,721 1,835 1,956 2,086 111 1,319 1,407 1,500 1,599 1,705 1,818 1,939 2,067 110 1,308 1,394 1,487 1,585 1,690 1,802 1,921 2,049 109 1,296 1,382 1,473 1,571 1,675 1,786 1,904 2,030 108 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 1,887 2,011 107 1,050 1,119 1,193 1,272 1,356 1,446 1,542 1,644 1,753 1,869 1,993 106 1,260 1,344 1,433 1,527 1,629 1,737 1,852 1,974 105 1,248 1,331 1,419 1,513 1,613 1,720 1,834 1,956 104 1,236 1,318 1,406 1,499 1,598 1,704 1,817 1,937 103 1,224 1,305 1,392 1,484 1,583 1,687 1,799 1,918 102 1,212 1,293 1,378 1,470 1,567 1,671 1,782 1,900 101 1,201 1,280 1,365 1,455 1,552 1,655 1,764 1,881 Ref Pt 100 1,189 1,267 1,351 1,441 1,536 1,638 1,747 1,862 99 1,177 1,255 1,338 1,427 1,521 1,622 1,729 1,844 98 1,165 1,242 1,324 1,412 1,506 1,605 1,712 1,825 97 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,398 1,490 1,589 1,694 1,807 96 1,141 1,217 1,297 1,383 1,475 1,573 1,677 1,788 95 1,129 1,204 1,284 1,369 1,460 1,556 1,659 1,769 94 1,117 1,191 1,270 1,355 1,444 1,540 1,642 1,751 93 1,106 1,179 1,257 1,340 1,429 1,524 1,624 1,732 92 1,094 1,166 1,243 1,326 1,414 1,507 1,607 1,713 91 1,082 1,153 1,230 1,311 1,398 1,491 1,590 1,695 90 1,070 1,141 1,216 1,297 1,383 1,474 1,572 1,676 89 1,058 1,128 1,203 1,282 1,367 1,458 1,555 1,658 88 1,046 1,115 1,189 1,268 1,352 1,442 1,537 1,639 87 1,034 1,103 1,176 1,254 1,337 1,425 1,520 1,620 86 1,022 1,090 1,162 1,239 1,321 1,409 1,502 1,602 85 1,010 1,077 1,149 1,225 1,306 1,392 1,485 1,583 84 999 1,065 1,135 1,210 1,291 1,376 1,467 1,564 83 987 1,052 1,122 1,196 1,275 1,360 1,450 1,546 82 975 1,039 1,108 1,182 1,260 1,343 1,432 1,527 81 963 1,027 1,095 1,167 1,245 1,327 1,415 1,509 Min 80 951 1,014 1,081 1,153 1,229 1,311 1,397 1,490 UNROUNDED REFERENCE POINTS FMP09 FMP10 FMP11 FMP12 FMP13 FMP14 FMP15 FMP16 1188.7225 1267.4754 1351.4456 1440.9789 1536.4438 1638.2332 1746.7661 1862.4894 Note 1. While all grades apply to Management staff, only the top six grades will be used for positions requiring Professional staff.1,357 1,447

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Agreement

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