JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. 28.01 An employee who has completed his or her probationary period called for jury duty or subpoenaed as a Crown witness shall receive for each day absent from regular scheduled working hours, the difference between hourly earnings lost and the amount of jury or witness fee received, providing the employee furnishes the Employer with a Certificate of Service signed by the Clerk of the Court showing the amount of any fee received.
28.02 Employees are required to report for work on days when they are not required on jury duty or to testify as a subpoenaed witness under 28.03 below in a court of law. Employees on jury duty who work in classifications that operate seven (7) days per week will, if they are on jury duty for more than three (3) days, be notionally placed on a Monday - Friday schedule matching the jury duty until the end of the week the jury duty or testifying as a subpoenaed witness concludes so as to minimize any disruption with their normal earnings and time at home while still meeting the Employer’s operational requirements. The purpose of this Article is to ensure that employees shall receive consistent hourly earnings from the Casino despite the Jury/Crown Witness duty.
28.03 Employees required to testify on behalf of the Employer or the Crown with respect to workplace incidents will be considered as working for all time spent in this regard. The Employer will pay employees the difference between the amount of money the employee receives from the summons and his or her regular hourly pay, reasonable expenses for meals, parking, out of town travel expenses or accommodations, upon presentation of receipts and in accordance with the Employer’s policies for expense reimbursement.
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. Leave shall be granted in accordance with the Provincial Collective Bargaining Agreement.
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. Employees shall be compensated for jury duty according to the City Personnel Rules and Regulations. Employees shall be compensated for witness duty according to the City Personnel Rules and Regulations.
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. 24.01 An employee called for jury duty or subpoenaed as a witness will be granted a leave of absence for the period of the jury service or witness service and will be compensated for the difference between his regular pay and jury pay or witness duty. Material documented proof of duty shall be presented upon return to work on the form provided by the court.
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. If an employee is selected for jury duty, the summons should be obeyed. Failure to do so may cause the employee to be considered in contempt of court. While serving on jury duty, an employee will be granted administrative leave (time off with full pay) provided the employee reimburses the Appointing Authority for the jury duty pay received from the court. Alternatively, an employee may, at the employee’s discretion, use annual leave when serving on a jury and keep the jury duty pay. When not impaneled for actual service and only on call, the employee shall report back to work unless authorized by the supervisor to be absent from his/her work assignment. To receive administrative leave for jury duty, an employee must:
A. Promptly provide a copy of the jury duty summons to his/her supervisor;
B. Notify the supervisor of the jury duty schedule on a daily basis at or before the beginning of the employee’s scheduled work day in accordance with Departmental procedures regarding reporting of absences;
C. Certify, in writing, each period of time actually served as a juror for which administrative leave is requested; and
D. Submit the jury duty paycheck stub as soon as it is received together with a payment equal to the jury duty pay in accordance with Departmental procedures. Travel allowances paid to the employee by the court may be retained, as they are not considered jury duty pay. Employees shall not be permitted to use a State vehicle for travel connected with jury duty and shall not be reimbursed by the Appointing Authority for travel allowances. An employee requested or subpoenaed to appear before a court as a witness for the People is entitled to administrative leave (time off with full pay) provided that the employee certifies in writing the period of time of such appearance and for which such administrative leave is requested. Employees must reimburse the Department for any witness fees received, up to the amount of their salary. If an employee is subpoenaed as a witness or appears in court in any capacity other than as a witness for the People, she/he will not be considered as being on duty, nor will administrative leave be granted. Any authorized absence shall be charged to annual leave and employees may retain any expenses or monies received from the court. If, however, the court appearance is required as a result of conduct occurring in the course of employment and the employee had a reasonable basis for believing the alleged conduct was within the s...
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. 1. Teachers selected as a juror or ordered to appear for jury selection, and who appear in court pursuant to such selection order, shall be paid their regular rate of pay, provided the provisions set forth in (G)(4) of this section are met. Such leave shall not be counted as sick or personal leave.
2. Teachers subpoenaed to testify in court may be paid their regular daily rate of pay if the Superintendent determines that such pay is warranted, provided the provisions set forth in (G)(4) of this section are met.
3. Leave shall be permitted for only such time as it is necessary for the jury duty or to testify due to a subpoena.
4. Teachers receiving a summons or subpoena applicable hereunder must, in order to be eligible for such paid leave, present to his/her principal within forty-eight
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. Employees called as a witness in a legal or quasi-legal proceeding will only be eligible for compensation in those cases if the employee is called as a witness in a criminal or civil case in which the City is a party and the employee is not a party against the City. Employees serving jury duty shall be afforded paid leave not to exceed two (2) weeks. Employees will receive their regular base pay and benefits while serving such duty, but must pay to the City all monies received for such service. If jury duty exceeds two (2) weeks, the employee may appeal to the Mayor for continued paid leave, which shall be granted, but only after the employee has unsuccessfully petitioned the Judge in the case to be replaced by an alternate juror and furnished proof of such petition.
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. Military Leave, Bereavement Leave.
JURY DUTY/WITNESS DUTY. (a) Flight Attendants will be granted time off due to jury duty, coroner's inquest, court witnesses civil or criminal, and will be carried on the payroll with pay. The provisions of this clause shall not apply to any Flight Attendant who, of their own volition, directly or indirectly has an interest in the Court proceedings.
(b) The Company will compensate a Flight Attendant for the actual loss of salary when they appear as a witness before any Court, Board, Commission or Administrative Tribunal to testify on matters related to their work or employment with the Company.