Two-Way Interconnection Trunks 2.4.1 Where the Parties use Two-Way Interconnection Trunks for the exchange of traffic between Verizon and Ymax, Ymax, at its own expense, shall: provide its own facilities to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon’s network in a LATA; and/or obtain transport to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon’s network in a LATA (a) from a third party, or, (b) if Verizon offers such transport pursuant to this Agreement or an applicable Verizon Tariff, from Verizon. 2.4.2 Where the Parties use Two-Way Interconnection Trunks for the exchange of traffic between Verizon and Ymax, Verizon, at its own expense, shall provide its own facilities to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon’s network in a LATA. 2.4.3 Prior to establishing any Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, Ymax shall meet with Verizon to conduct a joint planning meeting (“Joint Planning Meeting”). At that Joint Planning Meeting, each Party shall provide to the other Party originating Centium Call Seconds (Hundred Call Seconds) information, and the Parties shall mutually agree on the appropriate initial number of End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks and the interface specifications at the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Verizon’s network in a LATA at which the Parties interconnect for the exchange of traffic. Where the Parties have agreed to convert existing One-Way Interconnection Trunks to Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, at the Joint Planning Meeting, the Parties shall also mutually agree on the conversion process and project intervals for conversion of such One- Way Interconnection Trunks to Two-Way Interconnection Trunks. 2.4.4 On a semi-annual basis, Ymax shall submit a good faith forecast to Verizon of the number of End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks that Ymax anticipates Verizon will need to provide during the ensuing two (2) year period for the exchange of traffic between Ymax and Verizon. Ymax’s trunk forecasts shall conform to the Verizon CLEC trunk forecasting guidelines as in effect at that time. 2.4.5 The Parties shall meet (telephonically or in person) from time to time, as needed, to review data on End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks to determine the need for new trunk groups and to plan any necessary changes in the number of Two-Way Interconnection Trunks. 2.4.6 Two-Way Interconnection Trunks shall have SS7 Common Channel Signaling. The Parties agree to utilize B8ZS and Extended Super Frame (ESF) DS1 facilities, where available. 2.4.7 With respect to End Office Two-Way Interconnection Trunks, both Parties shall use an economic Centium Call Seconds (Hundred Call Seconds) equal to five (5). Either Party may disconnect End Office Two-Way Interconnection Trunks that, based on reasonable engineering criteria and capacity constraints, are not warranted by the actual traffic volume experienced. 2.4.8 Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that connect to a Verizon access Tandem shall be engineered using a design blocking objective of Xxxx-Xxxxxxxxx B.005 during the average time consistent busy hour. Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that connect to a Verizon local Tandem shall be engineered using a design blocking objective of Xxxx- Xxxxxxxxx B.01 during the average time consistent busy hour. Verizon and Xxxx shall engineer Two-Way Interconnection Trunks using BOC Notes on the LEC Networks SR-TSV-002275. 2.4.9 The performance standard for final Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups shall be that no such Interconnection Trunk group will exceed its design blocking objective (B.005 or B.01, as applicable) for three (3) consecutive calendar traffic study months. 2.4.10 Ymax shall determine and order the number of Two-Way Interconnection Trunks that are required to meet the applicable design blocking objective for all traffic carried on each Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group. Ymax shall order Two-Way Interconnection Trunks by submitting ASRs to Verizon setting forth the number of Two-Way Interconnection Trunks to be installed and the requested installation dates within Verizon’s effective standard intervals or negotiated intervals, as appropriate. Ymax shall complete ASRs in accordance with OBF Guidelines as in effect from time to time. 2.4.11 Verizon may (but shall not be obligated to) monitor Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups using service results for the applicable design blocking objective. If Verizon observes blocking in excess of the applicable design objective on any Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group and Ymax has not notified Verizon that it has corrected such blocking, Verizon may submit to Ymax a Trunk Group Service Request directing Ymax to remedy the blocking. Upon receipt of a Trunk Group Service Request, Ymax will complete an ASR to establish or augment the End Office Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group(s), or, if mutually agreed, to augment the Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group with excessive blocking and submit the ASR to Verizon within five (5) Business Days. 2.4.12 The Parties will review all Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that reach a utilization level of seventy percent (70%), or greater, to determine whether those groups should be augmented. Ymax will promptly augment all Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk groups that reach a utilization level of eighty percent (80%) by submitting ASRs for additional trunks sufficient to attain a utilization level of approximately seventy percent (70%), unless the Parties agree that additional trunking is not required. For each Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunk group with a utilization level of less than sixty percent (60%), unless the Parties agree otherwise, Ymax will promptly submit ASRs to disconnect a sufficient number of Interconnection Trunks to attain a utilization level of approximately sixty percent (60%) for each respective group, unless the Parties agree that the Two-Way Interconnection Trunks should not be disconnected. In the event Ymax fails to submit an ASR for Two-Way Interconnection Trunks in conformance with this Section, Verizon may disconnect the excess Interconnection Trunks or bill (and Ymax shall pay) for the excess Interconnection Trunks at the applicable Verizon rates. 2.4.13 Because Verizon will not be in control of when and how many Two- Way Interconnection Trunks are established between its network and Ymax’s network, Verizon’s performance in connection with these Two- Way Interconnection Trunk groups shall not be subject to any performance measurements and remedies under this Agreement, and, except as otherwise required by Applicable Law, under any FCC or Commission approved carrier-to-carrier performance assurance guidelines or plan. 2.4.14 Ymax will route its traffic to Verizon over the End Office and Tandem Two-Way Interconnection Trunks in accordance with SR-TAP-000191, including but not limited to those standards requiring that a call from Ymax to a Verizon End Office will first be routed to the End Office Interconnection Trunk group between Ymax and the Verizon End Office.
One-Way Interconnection Trunks 2.3.1 Where the Parties use One-Way Interconnection Trunks for the delivery of traffic from Onvoy to Frontier, Onvoy, at Onvoy’s own expense, shall: provide its own facilities for delivery of the traffic to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Frontier’s network in a LATA; and/or obtain transport for delivery of the traffic to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Frontier’s network in a LATA (a) from a third party, or, (b) if Frontier offers such transport pursuant to a Frontier access Tariff, from Frontier. 2.3.2 For each Tandem or End Office One-Way Interconnection Trunk group for delivery of traffic from Onvoy to Frontier with a utilization level of less than sixty percent (60%) for final trunk groups and eighty-five percent (85%) for high usage trunk groups, unless the Parties agree otherwise, Onvoy will promptly submit ASRs to disconnect a sufficient number of Interconnection Trunks to attain a utilization level of approximately sixty percent (60%) for all final trunk groups and eighty-five percent (85%) for all high usage trunk groups. In the event Onvoy fails to submit an ASR to disconnect One-Way Interconnection Trunks as required by this Section, Frontier may disconnect the excess Interconnection Trunks or bill (and Onvoy shall pay) for the excess Interconnection Trunks at the rates set forth in the Pricing Attachment. 2.3.3 Where the Parties use One-Way Interconnection Trunks for the delivery of traffic from Frontier to Onvoy, Frontier, at Frontier’s own expense, shall provide its own facilities for delivery of the traffic to the technically feasible Point(s) of Interconnection on Frontier’s network in a LATA.
Interconnection Request The Interconnection Customer’s request, in accordance with the Tariff, to interconnect a new Small Generating Facility, or to materially increase the capacity of, or make a material modification to the operating characteristics of, an existing Small Generating Facility that is interconnected with the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System. For the purposes of this Agreement, this definition of Interconnection Request shall supersede the definition of Interconnection Request set out in Attachment X to the ISO OATT. Interconnection Study – Any study required to be performed under Sections 32.2 or 32.3 of the SGIP. Material Modification – A modification that has a material impact on the cost or timing of any Interconnection Request with a later queue priority date. New York State Transmission System – The entire New York State electric transmission system, which includes: (i) the Transmission Facilities under ISO Operational Control; (ii) the Transmission Facilities Requiring ISO Notification; and (iii) all remaining transmission facilities within the New York Control Area. NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard – The standard that must be met, unless otherwise provided for by Attachment S to the ISO OATT, by (i) any generation facility larger than 2MW in order for that facility to obtain XXXX; (ii) any Class Year Transmission Project proposing to interconnect to the New York State Transmission System and receive Unforced Capacity Delivery Rights; (iii) any entity requesting External XXXX Rights, and (iv) any entity requesting a XXXX transfer pursuant to Section 25.9.5 of Attachment S to the ISO OATT. To meet the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard, the Interconnection Customer must, in accordance with the rules in Attachment S to the ISO OATT, fund or commit to fund any System Deliverability Upgrades identified for its project in the Class Year Deliverability Study. NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard – The reliability standard that must be met by any generation facility or Class Year Transmission Project that is subject to NYISO’s Large Facility Interconnection Procedures in Attachment X to the ISO OATT or the NYISO’s Small Generator Interconnection Procedures in this Attachment Z, that is proposing to connect to the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System, to obtain ERIS. The Minimum Interconnection Standard is designed to ensure reliable access by the proposed project to the New York State Transmission System or to the Distribution System. The Minimum Interconnection Standard does not impose any deliverability test or deliverability requirement on the proposed interconnection. Operating Requirements – Any operating and technical requirements that may be applicable due to Regional Transmission Organization, Independent System Operator, control area, or the Connecting Transmission Owner’s requirements, including those set forth in the Small Generator Interconnection Agreement. Operating Requirements shall include Applicable Reliability Standards. Party or Parties – The NYISO, Connecting Transmission Owner, Interconnection Customer or any combination of the above. Point of Interconnection – The point where the Interconnection Facilities connect with the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System. Reasonable Efforts – With respect to an action required to be attempted or taken by a Party under this Agreement, efforts that are timely and consistent with Good Utility Practice and are otherwise substantially equivalent to those a Party would use to protect its own interests. Small Generating Facility – The Interconnection Customer’s facility, no larger than 20 MW for the production and/or storage for later injection of electricity identified in the Interconnection Request if proposing to interconnect to the New York State Transmission System or Distribution System, but shall not include (i) facilities proposing to simply receive power from the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System; (ii) facilities proposing to interconnect to the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System made solely for the purpose of generation with no wholesale sale for resale nor to net metering; (iii) facilities proposing to the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System made solely for the purpose of net metering; (iv) facilities proposing to interconnect to LIPA’s distribution facilities; and (v) the Interconnection Customer’s Interconnection Facilities. A facility will be treated as a single Small Generating Facility if all units within the facility are behind a single facility meter, even if such units are different technology types. System Deliverability Upgrades – The least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements, to make the modifications or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Deliverability Interconnection Standard for Capacity Resource Interconnection Service. System Upgrade Facilities – The least costly configuration of commercially available components of electrical equipment that can be used, consistent with Good Utility Practice and Applicable Reliability Requirements to make the modifications to the existing transmission system that are required to maintain system reliability due to: (i) changes in the system, including such changes as load growth and changes in load pattern, to be addressed in the form of generic generation or transmission projects; and (ii) proposed interconnections. In the case of proposed interconnection projects, System Upgrade Facilities are the modification or additions to the existing New York State Transmission System that are required for the proposed project to connect reliably to the system in a manner that meets the NYISO Minimum Interconnection Standard. Tariff – The NYISO’s Open Access Transmission Tariff, as filed with the FERC, and as amended or supplemented from time to time, or any successor tariff. Trial Operation shall mean the period during which Interconnection Customer is engaged in on- site test operations and commissioning of the Small Generating Facility prior to Commercial Operation. Upgrades – The required additions and modifications to the Connecting Transmission Owner’s portion of the New York State Transmission System or the Distribution System at or beyond the Point of Interconnection. Upgrades may be System Upgrade Facilities or System Deliverability Upgrades Distribution Upgrades. Upgrades do not include Interconnection Facilities.
Certification as Small Contractor or Minority Business Enterprise This paragraph was intentionally left blank.
Provisional Interconnection Service Prior to the completion of the Large Facility Interconnection Procedures and prior to completion of requisite Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Distribution Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities, the Developer may request an evaluation for Provisional Interconnection Service. NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, shall determine, through available studies or additional studies as necessary, whether stability, short circuit, thermal, and/or voltage issues would arise if the Developer interconnects without modifications to the Large Generating Facility or the New York State Transmission System (or Distribution System as applicable). NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, shall determine whether any Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities, which are necessary to meet Applicable Laws and Regulations, Applicable Reliability Standards, and Good Utility Practice, are in place prior to the commencement of interconnection service from the Large Facility. Where available studies indicate that the Attachment Facilities, Distribution Upgrades, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, or System Protection Facilities are required for the interconnection of a new, modified and/or expanded Large Facility but such facilities are not currently in place, NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, will perform a study, at the Developer’s expense, to confirm the facilities that are required for Provisional Interconnection Service. The maximum permissible output of the Large Facility in the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement shall be studied, at the Developer’s expense, and updated annually. The NYISO shall issue the study’s findings in writing to the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner(s). Following a determination by NYISO, in conjunction with the Connecting Transmission Owner, that the Developer may reliably provide Provisional Interconnection Service, NYISO shall tender to the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner, a Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement. NYISO, Developer, and Connecting Transmission Owner may execute the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement, or the Developer may request the filing of an unexecuted Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement with the Commission. The Developer shall assume all risk and liabilities with respect to changes between the Provisional Large Facility Interconnection Agreement and the Large Generator Interconnection Agreement, including changes in output limits and the cost responsibilities for the Attachment Facilities, System Upgrade Facilities, System Deliverability Upgrades, and/or System Protection Facilities.
Interconnection Service Interconnection Service allows the Interconnection Customer to connect the Large Generating Facility to the Participating TO’s Transmission System and be eligible to deliver the Large Generating Facility’s output using the available capacity of the CAISO Controlled Grid. To the extent the Interconnection Customer wants to receive Interconnection Service, the Participating TO shall construct facilities identified in Appendices A and C that the Participating TO is responsible to construct.
Preconstruction Services During the Design & Preconstruction Phase, the Design-Builder shall provide such design and preconstruction services as are necessary to properly advance the Project. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, during the Preconstruction Phase, the Design-Builder shall: (i) work with its Architect and any design consultants to advance the design for the Project in consultation with Client Agency, the Department and its Program Manager; (ii) obtain bids from trade subcontractors to perform the work described in the Design Development Documents and provide bid tabulations to the Department; (iii) engage in any value engineering and scoping exercises necessary to return the cost of the work to the Project Budget; (iv) engage in preconstruction activities, including identifying any long-lead items; (v) develop a GMP proposal for the Project; and (vi) enter into a GMP for the Project. Throughout the Design & Preconstruction Phase, the Design-Builder shall schedule and attend regular meetings with the Department, the Program Manager and the Architect. A list of preconstruction deliverables is set forth in Exhibit C.
Unbundled Copper Sub-Loop (UCSL) is a copper facility of any length provided from the cross-box in the field up to and including the end-user’s point of demarcation. If available, this facility will not have any intervening equipment such as load coils between the end-user and the cross-box.
Local Utility Services XOOM is an independent retail marketer of natural gas and is not affiliated with your local utility. Your local utility will continue to deliver your natural gas, read your meter, send your bill, and make necessary repairs. Your local utility will also respond to emergencies and provide other basic utility services as required. XOOM is not an agent of your local utility and your utility will not be liable for any of XOOM’s acts, omissions, or representations.
Ambulance Services Ground Ambulance Air and Water Ambulance