Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. All exceptions included with the Offer shall be submitted in a clearly identified separate section of the Offer in which the Offeror clearly identifies the specific paragraphs of the Solicitation where the exceptions occur. Any exceptions not included in such a section shall be without force and effect in any resulting Contract unless such exception is specifically referenced by the Procurement Officer in a written statement. The Offeror’s preprinted or standard terms will not be considered as a part of any resulting Contract.
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. All exceptions included with the Offer shall be submitted in the State of Arizona’s eProcurement system in a clearly identified separate section of the Offer in which the Offeror clearly identifies the specific paragraphs of the Solicitation where the exceptions occur. Any exceptions not included in such a section shall be without force and effect in any resulting Contract unless such exception is specifically accepted by the State of Arizona’s Procurement Officer in a written statement. An Offeror shall provide a statement detailing a justification for each exception item request. The Offeror’s preprinted or standard terms will not be considered by the State of Arizona as part of any resulting Contract. All exceptions that are contained in the Offer may negatively impact an Offeror’s susceptibility for award. An Offer that takes exception to any material requirement of the solicitation may be rejected.
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. Exceptions taken to the terms and conditions of the solicitation, or to any of its formal attachments shall be identified. Each exception shall be specifically related to each paragraph and/or specific part of the solicitation to which the exception is taken. Provide rationale in support of the exception and fully explain its impact, if any, on the performance, schedule, cost/price, and specific requirements of the solicitation. This information shall be provided in the format and content of Table L.2.8. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the solicitation may result in the Offeror being removed from consideration for award. Table L.2.8 – Solicitation Exceptions Solicitation Document Paragraph/Page Requirement/Portion Rationale Statement of Applicable Page and Identify the Justify/explain the Objectives (SOO), Paragraph numbers requirement or basis for exception Solicitation Section, portion to which the and impact on Attachment, etc. exception is taken contract
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. When completing your bid, do not attach any forms which may contain terms and conditions that conflict with those listed in the City’s bid document(s). Inclusion of additional terms and conditions, such as those which may be on your company’s standard forms, may result in your bid being declared non-responsive.
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. Do you have any exceptions to the Terms and Conditions (under Attachments tab)? If YES, please list exceptions below. Yes Provide page number, section and reason for exception. (Attach additional pages if needed).
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. A bid that takes exception to a material requirement of any part of this solicitation, including a material term and condition shall be rejected. • VENDOR AFFIDAVIT (under O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91(b) (1)) Vendor verifies its compliance with O.C.G.A. § 13-10-91 and is authorized to use and uses the federal work authorization program commonly known as E-Verify, by completing Attachment D. • GIFTS AND GRATUITIES
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. All exceptions included with the Bid shall be submitted in a clearly identified separate section of the Bid in which the Bidder clearly identifies the specific paragraphs of the Solicitation where the exceptions occur. Any exceptions not included in such a section shall be without force and effect in any resulting Contract unless such exception is specifically referenced by the Procurement Officer in a written statement. The Bidder’s preprinted or standard terms will not be considered as a part of any resulting Contract. A Bid that takes exception to a material requirement of any part of the Solicitation, including terms and conditions, shall be rejected.
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. All exceptions included with the Offer shall be submitted in the State of Arizona’s eProcurement system in a clearly identified separate section of the Offer in which the Offeror clearly identifies the specific paragraphs of the Solicitation where the exceptions occur. Any exceptions not included in such a section shall be without force and effect in any resulting Contract unless such exception is specifically accepted by the State of Arizona’s Procurement Officer in a written statement. An Offeror shall provide a statement detailing a justification for each exception item request. The Offeror’s preprinted or standard terms will not be considered by the State of Arizona as part of any resulting Contract. All exceptions that are contained in the Offer may negatively impact an Offeror’s susceptibility for award. An Offer that takes exception to any material requirement of the solicitation may be rejected. Response: Please note that BH tried to enter our proposed changes in the separate section on the State’s procureAZ system as outlined in 2.3.4. However, there were error commands when doing so: When attempting to resolve this issue, the following error message occurred: As a result, we uploaded our proposed changes in the attachment tab as indicated in the first error command. Please reference Proposed Changes to Solicitation ADSPO16‐00006328 _ Xxxx and Xxxxxx.doc.
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. All exceptions included with the Proposal shall be submitted in a clearly identified separate section of the Proposal in which the Offeror clearly identifies the specific paragraphs of the Solicitation where the exceptions occur. Any exceptions not included in such a section shall be without force and effect in any resulting Contract unless such exception is specifically referenced by the Procurement Officer in a written statement. The Offeror’s preprinted or standard terms will not be considered as a part of any resulting Contract. All exceptions that are contained in the Offer may negatively affect the proposal evaluation criteria as stated in the Solicitation or result in rejection of the offer.
Exceptions to Terms and Conditions. C. – INDEMNITY The phrase “third party” is inserted before the word “claims in the first line of the paragraph.