Extended School and Business Activities. Whilst the undertaking of any activities which would be described as part of the Academy’s “extended schools agenda” or any activities designed to generate business income, shall be the responsibility of the LGB, this shall only be undertaken in a manner consistent with any policy set by the Trustees provided that:
(i) such policy is consonant with the trusts and ethos of the Academy; and
(ii) that the LGB shall have regard to the viability of such activities, the impact on the Academy’s activities and any financial implications, such as the threat of taxation in light of the Company’s charitable objects and any threat to funding provided by the Secretary of State.
Extended School and Business Activities. Whilst the undertaking of any activities which would be described as part of the Academy’s “extended schools agenda” or any activities designed to generate business income, shall be the responsibility of the Directors. They shall have regard to, but not be bound by, any views of the LGB.