Faculty of Dentistry Sample Clauses

Faculty of Dentistry. The duration of study will be up to but not exceeding..........................years, starting from .................... until ........................, with the approximate amount funding being.............................................Thai baht (.........................................................................................................................................Thai baht only)
Faculty of Dentistry. D.M.D.‌ Fees / Charges Year 1 (*64 credits) Year 2 (*66 credits) Year 3 (*51 credits) Year 4 (*34 credits) Tuition Quebec students Out-of-province students International students 3,559.04 8,902.40 38,102.40 3,670.26 9,180.60 39,293.10 2,836.11 7,094.10 30,362.85 1,890.74 4,729.40 20,241.90 Society Fees (See Note 1) 425.50 425.50 405.50 405.50 Student Services (See Note 2) 327.00 327.00 327.00 327.00 Registration and Transcripts Charges 310.35 310.35 310.35 208.20 Information Technology Charge 255.30 255.30 255.30 168.00 Copyright Fee 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 Class Notes 730.00 0 0 0 Equipment Rental 207.00 320.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Fees – Quebec students Out-of-province students International students $5,824.69 $11,168.05 $40,364.36 $5,318.91 $10,829.25 $40,938.06 $5,144.76 $9,402.75 $32,667.81 $4,009.94 $6,848.60 $22,357.41 * Average number of credits taken each year. Note 1: International student society fees reduced by $67.68 for the student health insurance plan. Note 2: International Student Services fees increased by $66. As of May 2003 5.10.2 Faculty of Medicine – M.D.,C.M.‌ Fees / Charges Year 1 (*64 credits) Year 2 (*57 credits) Year 3 (*48 credits) Year 4 (*32 credits) Tuition Quebec students Out-of-province students International students 3,559.04 8,902.40 22,439.04 3,169.77 7,928.70 19,984.77 2,669.28 6,676.80 16,829.28 1,779.52 4,451.20 11,219.52 Society Fees (See Note 1) 494.50 494.50 494.50 487.00 Student Services (See Note 2) 327.00 327.00 327.00 327.00 Registration and Transcripts Charges 310.35 310.35 310.35 208.20 Information Technology Charge 255.30 255.30 255.30 168.00 Copyright Fee 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 Class Notes 850.00 0 0 0 Total Fees Quebec students Out-of-province students International students $6,013.69 $11,357.05 $24,826.01 $4,567.42 $9,326.35 $21,314.74 $4,066.93 $8,074.45 $18,159.25 $2,980.22 $5,651.90 $12,352.54 * Average number of credits taken each year. Note 1: International student society fees reduced by $67.68 for the student health insurance plan. Note 2: International Student Services fees increased by $66. As of May 2003

Related to Faculty of Dentistry

  • Research Use The Requester agrees that if access is approved, (1) the PI named in the DAR and (2) those named in the “Senior/Key Person Profile” section of the DAR, including the Information Technology Director and any trainee, employee, or contractor1 working on the proposed research project under the direct oversight of these individuals, shall become Approved Users of the requested dataset(s). Research use will occur solely in connection with the approved research project described in the DAR, which includes a 1-2 paragraph description of the proposed research (i.e., a Research Use Statement). Investigators interested in using Cloud Computing for data storage and analysis must request permission to use Cloud Computing in the DAR and identify the Cloud Service Provider (CSP) or providers and/or Private Cloud System (PCS) that they propose to use. They must also submit a Cloud Computing Use Statement as part of the DAR that describes the type of service and how it will be used to carry out the proposed research as described in the Research Use Statement. If the Approved Users plan to collaborate with investigators outside the Requester, the investigators at each external site must submit an independent DAR using the same project title and Research Use Statement, and if using the cloud, Cloud Computing Use Statement. New uses of these data outside those described in the DAR will require submission of a new DAR; modifications to the research project will require submission of an amendment to this application (e.g., adding or deleting Requester Collaborators from the Requester, adding datasets to an approved project). Access to the requested dataset(s) is granted for a period of one (1) year, with the option to renew access or close-out a project at the end of that year. Submitting Investigator(s), or their collaborators, who provided the data or samples used to generate controlled-access datasets subject to the NIH GDS Policy and who have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and who meet any other study specific terms of access, are exempt from the limitation on the scope of the research use as defined in the DAR.

  • Faculty a. All instructors teaching dual credit courses must meet the College’s academic requirements as outlined by SACSCOC Faculty Credentialing requirements, as determined by the College. All instructors teaching dual credit classes at the School site must be approved and hired as faculty by the College prior to teaching dual credit courses. The faculty credentialing process used by the College for faculty on the College site will apply for faculty on the School site. The College will designate staff in the respective discipline to supervise and evaluate the faculty on the School site using the same or comparable procedures used with faculty on the College site. b. Faculty on the School site will be evaluated at least annually by the College or on a comparable schedule as Faculty on the College site. c. All Faculty, regardless of where the delivery of instruction occurs, must adhere to applicable Alamo Colleges District and College policies and procedures, particularly sections E, F and H. Alamo Colleges District policies are accessible at: xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/about-us/leadership/board-of-trustees/board-policies/ . d. When unforeseen situations arise and the instructor scheduled to teach a course for the College cannot deliver instruction through the entirety of the scheduled course, the School Principal or designee will immediately notify the College’s Office of High School Programs. The College, as per SACSCOC guidelines, must identify a credentialed instructor that can teach the remainder of the college course. An instructor that has not been credentialed and approved by the College may not serve as a substitute to teach the remainder or any portion of a college course. If the instructor identified by the College to teach the remaining portion or any portion of the course is employed by the College, the School District will be responsible to pay the College for the compensation for the period of service of the identified instructor. e. Instructors teaching dual credit courses at the School will be either high school teachers credentialed by the respective College Faculty Chairs adhering to SACSCOC guidelines or faculty from the respective discipline at the College. The cost-sharing model approved by the Alamo Colleges District Board of Trustees is based on which party pays the instructor. Please refer to Section 29 - Fiscal Matters herein. The School District is highly encouraged to hire teachers approved by the College as adjunct instructors to teach dual credit courses. The School District is encouraged to provide incentives to have instructors earn the college hours required for qualification and should coordinate approval of eligibility with the College. f. Student evaluation of instruction takes place each semester and will be a part of the faculty annual evaluation process, regardless of where the dual credit courses are offered. Performance evaluation of all dual credit faculty will adhere to College and Academic Division protocols and schedules as it pertains to all other College adjunct faculty, per SACSCOC requirements, as well as those required by the Texas Education Agency. g. Faculty teaching dual credit courses will teach using the respective course syllabus that contains the Student Learning Objectives (Herein referred to as “SLOs”). Faculty based on the School site must upload course syllabi onto Concourse, the College’s official reporting system. h. Dual Credit classes may include both ECHS and traditional dual credit students. Dual Credit students constitute those in traditional Dual Credit or ECHS. i. At the end of each semester, all faculty, regardless of where the instruction is delivered, must submit the End of Semester Clearance report to the designated College department chair by the final grades deadline. j. To adhere to the requirements outlined in House Bill 2504 (“HB2504”), all faculty will publish a curriculum vitae that will include post-secondary education and teaching experience on the official system of record where the course syllabus taught by faculty are maintained.

  • THE ACADEMY The Academy is a Mainstream Academy as defined in clause 1.4 of the Master Agreement.

  • TEACHERS AND RESEARCHERS 1. An individual who is a resident of a Contracting State immediately before making a visit to the other Contracting State, and who, at the invitation of any university, college, school or other similar educational institution, visits that other State for a period not exceeding two years solely for the purpose of teaching or research or both at such educational institution shall be exempt from tax in that other State on any remuneration for such teaching or research. 2. This Article shall not apply to income from research if such research is undertaken primarily for the private benefit of a specific person or persons.

  • RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY The UNIVERSITY shall designate in writing a faculty member to coordinate with a designee of the FIELDWORK SITE.

  • Adjunct Faculty 5.1 Adjunct faculty" shall be used in this Agreement to mean temporary faculty as defined in California Education Code Section 87482.5. This definition shall also apply to tenured/tenure-track faculty who hold overload or other assignments outside of their regular contract assignment. Unless specifically stated to the contrary, the term “faculty” in Article V of this Agreement shall pertain to adjunct faculty. Temporary assignments of adjunct faculty will be made by management (within the limitations of the procedures set forth below) and shall be compensated as outlined in Article VIII. Except as delineated in this Agreement, adjunct faculty have no rights other than those provided in the California Education Code. The parties agree that all part-time faculty assignments are temporary in nature contingent on enrollment, funding, and program changes, and that no part-time faculty member has a reasonable assurance of continued employment at any point in time, regardless of the status, the length of service, or re-employment preference seniority, of the part-time faculty member. The District reserves the right of assignment.

  • Activities of ALPS The services of ALPS under this Agreement are not to be deemed exclusive, and ALPS shall be free to render similar services to others. The Fund recognizes that from time to time directors, officers and employees of ALPS may serve as directors, officers and employees of other corporations or businesses (including other investment companies) and that such other corporations and businesses may include ALPS as part of their name and that ALPS or its affiliates may enter into distribution agreements or other agreements with such other corporations and businesses.

  • Research Primary Investigator as part of a multi-site study (25 points) • Co-Investigator as part of a multi-site study (20 points) • Primary Investigator of a facility/unit based research study (15 points) • Co-Investigator of a facility/unit based research study (10 points) • Develops a unit specific research proposal (5 points) • Conducts a literature review as part of a research study (5 points)

  • Collaboration on Compliance and Enforcement A Competent Authority will notify the other Competent Authority when the first-mentioned Competent Authority has reason to believe that an error may have led to incorrect or incomplete information reporting or there is non-compliance by a Reporting Financial Institution with the applicable reporting requirements and due diligence procedures consistent with the Common Reporting Standard. The notified Competent Authority will take all appropriate measures available under its domestic law to address the errors or non-compliance described in the notice.

  • Cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection 1. The aims of cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection will be, but not limited to, as follows: (a) establishing bilateral cooperation relations in the forestry sector; (b) developing a training program and studies for sustainable management of forests; (c) improving the rehabilitation and sustainable management of forest with the aim of increasing carbon sinks and reduce the impact of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region; (d) cooperating on the execution of national projects, aimed at: improving the management of forest plantations for its transformation for industrial purposes and environmental protection; (e) elaborating studies on sustainable use of timber; (f) developing new technologies for the transformation and processing of timber and non-timber species; and (g) improving cooperation in agro-forestry technologies. 2. To achieve the objectives of the Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties may focus, as a means of cooperation and negotiations on concluding a bilateral agreement on forestry cooperation between the two Parties. Such collaboration will be as follows: (a) exchanges on science and technology as well as policies and laws relating the sustainable use of forest resources; (b) cooperation in training programs, internships, exchange of experts and projects advisory; (c) advice and technical assistance to public institutions and organizations of the Parties on sustainable use of forest resources and environmental protection; (d) facilitating forest policy dialogue and technical cooperation under the Network of Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Rehabilitation in Asia- Pacific Region, initiated at the 15th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting; (e) encouraging joint studies, working visits, exchange of experiences, among others; and (f) others activities mutually agreed.