Field Tours. Forests may invite the SHPO/SHPO staff to participate in field tours relating to land use planning efforts or specific undertakings whenever cultural resources may be affected. The SHPO’s views will be requested with regard to management of the cultural resources.
Field Tours. The Professional will tour the study area with City staff and independently to examine major thoroughfares and components of the entire multimodal mobility network, as well as its land use context. The tour will also examine the existing urban form and the network of streets, blocks and lots, building types, and building patterns as they relate to the transportation network. Also included will be a review of the existing land use, density, transportation elements and issues, existing streetscape characteristics, urban design elements, and development issues affecting Coral Gables. Deliverable: Field tours summary memorandum.
Field Tours. The BLM Field Offices may invite the SHPO/SHPO Staff to participate in field tours relating to land use planning efforts or specific undertakings whenever cultural resources may be affected. SHPO may participate at its discretion.
Field Tours. The BLM Field Offices will notify the SHPO, by email, of all formal field tours relating to planning and NEPA efforts that may affect historic properties, particularly when the project applicant, the public, or consulting parties are invited to participate. Field tours do not include routine on-site inspections.