Certificate of Occupancy The Contractor’s obligation under the Contract is to install the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, obtain the Certificate of Occupancy from the State Fire Marshal or his deputy, and forward it to the Design Professional as a part of the final close out procedures. The Design Professional’s obligation is to design the Work to comply with the applicable codes and to qualify for a Certificate of Occupancy.
Beneficial Occupancy A. The County may, at any time, and from time to time, during the performance of the Work, enter the structure for the purpose of installing any necessary Work by County labor of other contracts, and for any other purpose in connection with the installation of facilities. In doing so, the County shall endeavor not to interfere with the Contractor and the Contractor shall not interfere with other Work being done by or on behalf of the County. B. If, prior to completion and Final Acceptance of all the Work under a specific Job Order, the County takes possession of any structure (whether completed or otherwise) comprising a portion of that Project with the intent of retaining possession thereof (as distinguished from temporary possession contemplating the return to the Contractor), then, while the County is in possession of the same, the Contractor, notwithstanding its normal responsibilities, shall be relieved of liability for loss or damage to structure other than that resulting from the Contractor's fault or negligence. Such taking of possession by the County shall not relieve the Contractor from any provisions of this Contract respecting such structure, other than to the extent specified in the preceding sentence, nor constitute a final acceptance of such structure.