Filling Voids Sample Clauses

Filling Voids. Any voids which require filling because they are a “health and safety issue” will be filled with suitable fill from an approved source.
Filling Voids. Any voids which require filling because they are a "health and safety issue" will be filled with clean and suitable fill. All fill shall consist of clean sand, gravel or soil (not asphalt, slag, flyash, broken concrete or demolition debris).
Filling Voids. 18 Any voids which require filling because they are a “health and safety issue” will be filled 19 with suitable fill from an approved source.

Related to Filling Voids

  • Filling Vacancies In the filling of vacancies, new positions, transfers or promotions, appointments shall be made to the employee with the required qualifications, and level of competency and efficiency as required by the position specifications, and where such requirements are equal, seniority shall be the determining factor.

  • Filling Vacant Positions During the time the procedures outlined herein are in effect, position vacancies to be filled shall first be offered to regular employees who have a contractual right to be recalled to a position in the involved job classification or who may have a right to “bump” or transfer to the position, as the case may be. In such circumstances, the seniority provisions of the Agreement shall be observed. If no regular employee has a contractual right to the position, the following shall be given consideration in the order (priority) indicated below: 1st Priority: Qualified Job Bank employees 2nd Priority: Employees on a recall list 3rd Priority: Employee applicants from a list of eligibles 4th Priority: Displaced certified temporary employees 5th Priority: Non-employee applicants from a list of eligibles The qualifications of an employee in the Job Bank or on a recall list shall be reviewed to determine whether they meet the qualifications for a vacant position. Whether the employee can be trained for a position within a reasonable time (not to exceed three months) shall be considered when determining the qualifications of an employee. If it is determined that the employee does not meet the qualifications for a vacant position, the employee may appeal to the Director of Human Resources. If it is determined that an employee in the Job Bank is qualified for a vacant position, the employee shall be selected. The appointing authority may appeal the issue of whether the employee is qualified. The dispute shall be presented to and resolved by the Job Bank Steering Committee. If it is determined that an employee on a recall list is qualified for a vacant position, the employee will be given priority consideration and may be selected. Appeals regarding employees on a recall list and their qualifications for a position will be handled by the Civil Service Commission. The grievance procedure under the Labor Agreement shall not apply to determinations as to qualifications of the employee for a vacant position.

  • Filling Positions ‌ The Employer will determine when a position will be filled, the type of appointment to be used when filling the position, and the skills and abilities necessary to perform the duties of the specific position within a job classification. Only those candidates who have the position-specific skills and abilities required to perform the duties of the vacant position will be referred for further consideration by the employing agency. A. An agency’s internal layoff list will consist of employees who have elected to place their name on the layoff list through Article 34, Layoff and Recall, of this Agreement and are confined to each individual agency. B. The statewide layoff list will consist of employees who have elected to place their name on the statewide layoff list in accordance with WAC 000-00-000. C. A promotional candidate is defined as an employee who has completed the probationary period within a permanent appointment and has attained permanent status within the agency. D. A transfer candidate is defined as an employee in permanent status in the same classification as the vacancy within the agency. E. A voluntary demotion candidate is defined as an employee in permanent status moving to a class in a lower salary range maximum within the agency. F. When filling a vacant position with a permanent appointment, candidates will be certified for further consideration in the following manner: 1. The most senior candidate on the agency’s internal layoff list with the required skills and abilities who has indicated an appropriate geographic availability will be appointed to the position. 2. If there are no names on the internal layoff list, the agency will certify up to twenty (20) candidates for further consideration. Up to seventy-five percent (75%) of those candidates will be statewide layoff, agency promotional, internal transfers, and agency voluntary demotions. All candidates certified must have the position-specific skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position to be filled. If there is a tie for the last position on the certification for either promotional or other candidates, the agency may consider up to ten

  • Filling of Vacancies Section 1. The Agency desires to fill bargaining unit vacancies with the best suited applicants available. Within that context, the Agency intends to insure that protected classes are given an opportunity to compete for all openings within the bargaining unit. The Agency will determine the manner and method of selection and determine the individual to fill a vacancy. Section 2. The Agency will post for a minimum of five (5) consecutive days the job vacancy that occurs in the bargaining unit which the Agency intends to fill, setting forth the job title, duties, qualifications and salary range. All bargaining unit employees qualified by training and experience will have the right to apply for the position. Section 3. If the position is offered for promotion or transfer, and two (2) or more employees possess equal qualifications and are the highest qualified candidates for the position, the Agency will give preference to an employee's length of service with the Agency. A candidate not selected may request the hiring supervisor to provide feedback regarding what the candidate could do to improve his/her potential for selection for future vacancies. Section 4. When the Agency chooses to fill a vacancy by lateral transfer, it shall not unilaterally transfer an employee on an arbitrary basis. If the Agency considers voluntary transfer requests, the employee who is determined by the Agency to be the best qualified to meet the knowledge, skills and abilities for the vacant position will be appointed. If two (2) or more employees wishing to laterally transfer have demonstrated equal knowledge, skills and abilities for the position, the most senior will be appointed. Section 5. A person accepting a Limited Duration (LD) appointment shall be notified and acknowledge in writing that s/he accepts the conditions of the appointment, which shall include the following: a. The appointment is of limited duration. b. The appointment may cease at any time. c. The LD appointee shall have no layoff rights except as provided in (d) below. d. An Agency employee appointed from a permanent position with regular status in the classified State service immediately prior to the LD appointment shall be reinstated to his/her former permanent regular status classification in the Agency when the LD appointment is terminated. The reinstatement right shall be on the same basis as the former regular status position, for example, if the employee was a part-time or job share, the reinstatement is on a part-time or job share basis. If the employee is appointed to a subsequent LD appointment(s) in the Agency without a break in employment prior to reinstatement to his/her former permanent regular status classification, the employee shall retain his/her right to reinstatement. If a position is not available for reinstatement, then the employee is entitled to layoff rights. Reinstatement rights provided herein shall not apply if charges are filed and he/she is discharged as provided in Article 11 (Discipline and Discharge). e. The LD appointee in all other respects has all rights and privileges of other classified employees including but not limited to wages, benefits and Union representation under this Agreement. Section 6. For recruitments where the veteran has been determined to be otherwise qualified and the selection process results in a quantified score, Senate Xxxx 822, Section 2 (1) (a) and (b) shall apply. If this process results in two or more candidates deemed equal and the Employer elects to appoint one of the candidates, the veteran shall be appointed, the seniority provisions of the respective collective bargaining agreements notwithstanding. For recruitments where the decision to hire or promote rests with a process that does not result in a score, the employer must give the veteran special consideration in such process per SB 822, Section 2 (1) (c). The provisions of Senate Xxxx 822 do not apply to grievance settlements, court mandates, Agency recall from layoff and injured worker returns to employment. Secondary recall lists are applicable to the provisions of Senate Xxxx 822.

  • Unbundled Copper Loop – Designed (UCL-D) The UCL-D will be provisioned as a dry copper twisted pair (2- or 4-wire) Loop that is unencumbered by any intervening equipment (e.g., filters, load coils, range extenders, digital loop carrier, or repeaters). A UCL-D will be 18,000 feet or less in length and is provisioned according to Resistance Design parameters, may have up to 6,000 feet of bridged tap and will have up to 1300 Ohms of resistance. The UCL-D is a designed circuit, is provisioned with a test point, and comes standard with a DLR. OC is a chargeable option for a UCL-D; however, OC is always required on UCLs where a reuse of existing facilities has been requested by Telepak Networks. These Loops are not intended to support any particular services and may be utilized by Telepak Networks to provide a wide-range of telecommunications services as long as those services do not adversely affect BellSouth’s network. This facility will include a Network Interface Device (NID) at the customer’s location for the purpose of connecting the Loop to the customer’s inside wire. Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, Unbundled Copper Loop – Long (UCL-L) elements will no longer be offered by BellSouth and no new orders for UCL-L will be accepted. Any existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement will be grandfathered at the rates set forth in the Parties’ interconnection agreement that was in effect immediately prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement. Existing UCL-Ls that were provisioned prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement may remain connected, maintained and repaired according to BellSouth’s TR73600 and may remain connected until such time as they are disconnected by Telepak Networks or BellSouth provides ninety

  • Posting Vacancies 1. When a vacancy occurs the position shall be posted within ten (10) calendar days of the vacancy and filled within twenty (20) working days of the effective date, providing a qualified candidate has been identified. 2. A job vacancy will be posted and circulated listing the requirements of the position, classification, location, number of hours, starting date and qualifications; vacancies will be posted for a period of five (5) working days. 3. If a position becomes vacant during the summer months when school is not in session, the Board shall post for a period of ten (10) calendar days. Notice will be given to all bargaining union members who have, before leaving employment in June, filed with the Human Resource Department written notice of his/her interest in receiving announcements together with an email address or U.S. Mail address to which the announcement should be sent. All postings will also be U.S. mailed to any member on the layoff list to their address on record. Employees are responsible for notifying the Human Resources Department of any change of address. 4. Employees interested in the vacancy and having on file the posted qualifications for the vacancy may apply in writing to the Human Resource Office within the posting period. Evidence that the Employee possesses the posted qualifications shall be on file in the Human Resource Office at the time of application. Testing may not be required for an applicant who currently holds a position within the bargaining unit. 5. Job vacancies within the bargaining unit will be filled on the basis of interview, demonstrated work performance, qualifications (including factors such as, but not limited to. Background, punctuality, efficiency, team oriented, ability to perform duties and possess skills and/or experience listed in the job description) and seniority. The Superintendent or designee shall select the most qualified member. 6. A Probationary Employee may apply for a posted position to be considered along with external applicants. However, the bid will be considered only when a Status Employee has not received the position. If the Probationary Employee wins a position, such Employee must serve a Probationary Period for sixty (60) days worked in the new position. 7. The Union shall be notified of all bargaining unit applicants for the position. The selected candidate for a position must make her/his decision to accept the position by 12:00 noon of the next working day following the telephone notification of the offer of the position by contacting the Human Resources Office in writing. This will constitute acceptance of the position. Failure to contact the Human Resources Office in writing will constitute non-acceptance of the position. After acceptance of the position, an Employee shall not be allowed to bid for another position from the date of acceptance of the position until the completion of her/his Trial Period, unless mutually agreed and shall then be considered along with external applicants with seniority not a factor in selection. 8. Should the position which the Employee has successfully bid for and accepted be a higher classification and Management deems it necessary to retain the Employee in her present position for an extended period of time, the Employee shall receive the higher rate of pay beginning the 11th working day from the date at which the new position was made available. 9. Those Employees who apply for such open positions as posted will be notified, in writing, by the Human Resource Office within three (3) working days when a decision has been made. The employee shall have the opportunity, upon written request, to learn why she/he did not receive the position. The response shall be in writing if requested by the employee.

  • Filling of Positions The parties agree that all appointments to vacancies covered by this Agreement shall be filled by the Employer with the procedure outlined in this Article. The parties recognize that the Employer has the exclusive authority to determine if and when vacancies are to be filled and the qualifications required of those positions.

  • Vacancies and Newly Created Directorships Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, vacancies occurring in any directorship (whether by death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal or other cause) and newly created directorships resulting from any increase in the number of directors shall be filled in accordance with the Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation and the Sponsor Stockholders Agreements. Any director elected to fill a vacancy or newly created directorship shall hold office until the next election of the class for which such director shall have been chosen and until his or her successor shall be elected and qualified, or until his or her earlier death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal.

  • Vacancies Whenever a vacancy in the Board of Trustees shall occur, the remaining Trustees may fill such vacancy by appointing an individual having the qualifications described in this Article by a written instrument signed by a majority of the Trustees then in office or may leave such vacancy unfilled or may reduce the number of Trustees; provided the aggregate number of Trustees after such reduction shall not be less than the minimum number required by Section 2.1 hereof; provided, further, that if the Shareholders of any class or series of Shares are entitled separately to elect one or more Trustees, a majority of the remaining Trustees or the sole remaining Trustee elected by that class or series may fill any vacancy among the number of Trustees elected by that class or series. Any vacancy created by an increase in Trustees may be filled by the appointment of an individual having the qualifications described in this Article made by a written instrument signed by a majority of the Trustees then in office. No vacancy shall operate to annul this Declaration or to revoke any existing agency created pursuant to the terms of this Declaration. Whenever a vacancy in the number of Trustees shall occur, until such vacancy is filled as provided herein, the Trustees in office, regardless of their number, shall have all the powers granted to the Trustees and shall discharge all the duties imposed upon the Trustees by this Declaration.

  • Board Composition (a) On the date of this Agreement, the Company shall cause the Person(s), if any, listed on Schedule B to be designated as Minority Shareholder Observers (as defined below) with all rights set forth in Section 2.1(d) (it being understood that at any time after the date hereof until the date that the Minority Shareholder Observer(s) are appointed to the Board as directors pursuant to the immediately following sentence, the Company shall, promptly upon receipt of a written request from the Minority Shareholder Representative, cause any Person(s) named in such written request to be designated as Minority Shareholder Observer(s); provided, that there may be no more than two Minority Shareholder Observers at any one time). As soon as reasonably practicable following receipt of the Company Shareholder Approval and in any case within one Business Day thereafter, the Board shall increase the size of the Board by two directors and cause such persons to be appointed to the Board as directors; provided, that if the Company Shareholder Approval is not obtained by the date that is 30 days prior to the Designation Date for the Next Annual Meeting, (i) the Company shall take all commercially reasonable actions necessary to cause the election of two Minority Shareholder Observers to the Board as directors at the Next Annual Meeting or (ii) if the Minority Shareholders no longer beneficially own, in the aggregate, 66% or more of the Minority Shares, the Company shall take all commercially reasonable actions necessary to cause the election of one Minority Shareholder Observer, designated by the Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders, to be elected to the Board as director at the Next Annual Meeting; in each case, the Company’s obligations to take all commercially reasonable actions necessary to cause the election of such Minority Shareholder Observers to the Board as directors shall include the obligation of the Company to take all actions to cause such Minority Shareholder Observers to be nominated by the Board, including the Governance Committee, for election at the Next Annual Meeting. Thereafter, and for so long as (i) the Minority Shareholders continue to beneficially own, in the aggregate, 66% or more of the Minority Shares (the “Two Designee Threshold”), the Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders shall have the right to designate two directors for election to the Board and (ii)(x) the Minority Shareholders continue to beneficially own, in the aggregate, 10% or more of the then outstanding Equity Securities, or (y) the Minority Shareholders beneficially own, in the aggregate, less than 10% of the then outstanding Equity Securities but such Minority Shareholders continue to beneficially own, in the aggregate, 33% or more of the Minority Shares (“One Designee Threshold”), then the Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders shall have the right to designate one director for election to the Board (each such director nominee, including such initial nominees, a “Minority Shareholder Designee”), such percentages in each case calculated on a fully diluted basis giving effect to any securities, warrants, options or other rights convertible into or exchangeable or exercisable for equity securities of the Company, whether or not subject to contingencies or passage of time, or both; provided, that, if the Minority Shareholders’ beneficial ownership, in the aggregate, of Equity Securities (x) falls below the Two Designee Threshold, then one Minority Shareholder Designee, designated by the Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders, shall resign from the Board as promptly as practicable upon the Minority Shareholder Representative becoming aware of the Minority Shareholders falling below such threshold, or (y) falls below the One Designee Threshold, then the Minority Shareholder Designee shall resign from the Board as promptly as practicable upon the Minority Shareholder Representative becoming aware of the Minority Shareholders falling below such threshold. So long as the Minority Shareholder Representative, on behalf of the Minority Shareholders, has the right to designate at least one director for election to the Board, one Minority Shareholder Designee designated by the Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders shall be entitled to serve on each committee of the Board except as prohibited by applicable law or stock exchange requirements; provided, that if such Minority Shareholder Designee is so prohibited, such Minority Shareholder Designee shall nonetheless have the right to participate as a non-voting observer on such committee (any such observer, a “Committee Observer”). In each case, the Company shall take all commercially reasonable actions necessary to cause the appointment of such Minority Shareholder Designee(s) (x) to the Board (including taking all actions to cause such Minority Shareholder Designee(s) to be nominated by the Board, including the Governance Committee, for election at each annual meeting of the shareholders of Company (or at any special shareholder meeting of the Company at which the Board is to be elected)) and (y) to the applicable committee of the Board (including taking all actions to cause such Minority Shareholder Designee(s) to be elected by the Board to serve on such committee of the Board). (b) Each Minority Shareholder Designee shall comply in all respects with the Company’s corporate governance guidelines as in effect from time to time, in each case as determined by the Board’s Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee (the “Governance Committee”); provided, that the Company hereby acknowledges and agrees that the initial Minority Shareholder Designees comply with such corporate governance guidelines. The Minority Shareholder Representative shall notify the Company of any proposed Minority Shareholder Designee in writing no later than the latest date on which shareholders of the Company may make nominations to the Board in accordance with the Code of Regulations (such date, the “Designation Date”), together with all information concerning such nominee required to be delivered to the Company by the Code of Regulations and such other information reasonably requested by the Company; provided, that the Company shall give the Shareholder Representative 30 days written notice of the Designation Date; provided, further, that that in the event the Minority Shareholder Representative fails to provide any such notice, the Minority Shareholder Designees shall be the person(s) then serving as the Minority Shareholder Designees as long as the Minority Shareholder Representative provides such information to the Company promptly upon request by the Company. (c) In the event of the death, disability, resignation or removal of a Minority Shareholder Designee, the Board will promptly elect to the Board a replacement director designated by the Minority Shareholder Representative, subject to the fulfillment of the requirements set forth in first sentence of Section 2.1(b), to fill the resulting vacancy, and such individual shall then be deemed a Minority Shareholder Designee for all purposes under this Agreement. In the event the Minority Shareholder Representative fails to designate a replacement director to fill any such vacancy, such Board seat shall remain vacant until the Minority Shareholder Representative designates such replacement director to fill such vacancy. (d) So long as the Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders has the right to designate any Minority Shareholder Designee for election to the Board pursuant to Section 2.1(b), the Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders shall have the right to designate a non-voting observer to the Board in lieu of, or as a replacement for, any Minority Shareholder Designee (any such observer, a “Minority Shareholder Observer”). Each Minority Shareholder Observer shall be entitled to (x) attend all meetings of the Board and each applicable committee of the Board except as prohibited by applicable law or stock exchange requirements and (y) receive all materials with respect to such meetings. The Minority Shareholder Representative on behalf of the Minority Shareholders shall have the right to remove or replace any Minority Shareholder Observer at any time from time to time, subject to compliance with the first sentence of Section 2.1(b). The Company shall (x) notify each Minority Shareholder Observer of all meetings of the Board (and the applicable committees thereof) using the same form of communication used to notify the directors on the Board and (y) provide each Minority Shareholder Observer with copies of all notices, minutes, consents and other materials provided to the directors on the Board no later than the time that such materials are provided to the directors. Each Minority Shareholder Observer shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board (and the applicable committees thereof) to the same extent as directors on the Board. (e) If a Committee Observer is designated pursuant to Section 2.1(a), such Committee Observer shall be entitled to (x) attend all meetings of each committee of the Board except as prohibited by applicable law or stock exchange requirements and (y) receive all materials with respect to such meetings. The Company shall (x) notify each Committee Observer of all meetings of the committees of the Board using the same form of communication used to notify the members of such committee and (y) provide each Committee Observer with copies of all notices, minutes, consents and other materials provided to the members of such committee no later than the time that such materials are provided to the members. Each Committee Observer shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending meetings of the committees of the Board to the same extent as members of such committees.