FINAL PROVISIONS 14 Sample Clauses

FINAL PROVISIONS 14. 1. The Parties recognize the documents created in electronic form in the process of interaction between the Parties under this Agreement to be of the same legal force as the documents created in paper form (in writing). 14.2. The Customer agrees to compensate the Company, its officers, directors or employees for any loss of profit, incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the Customer’s breach of this Agreement, for failure to comply with the obligations assumed by the Customer in accordance with this Agreement and for violation of or noncompliance with any law or other regulatory acts applicable to the Company and its customers. 14.3. Any failure by the Company to fulfill the obligations under this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of the Company to comply with such obligations under this Agreement. Any failure of the Company to enforce its rights hereunder shall not be deemed a waiver of such future rights of the Company. 14.4. The Customer shall indemnify the Company against various liabilities, costs, claims, damages that may arise, both directly and indirectly, due to the Customer's failure to fulfill their obligations under this Agreement and / or any of the Annexes to this Agreement. 14.5. In the event of occurrence of such situations as are not provided by this Agreement and Annexes hereto, as well as by any documents of the Company and / or the current legislation, the Company will act in accordance with the accepted market practice and with the principles of fairness and justice. 14.6. In the event that one or more provisions of this Agreement and / or its Annexes or an entire Annex are recognized by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, such provision and / or application shall generally be treated as a separate part of the 14. ЗАКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЯ 14.1. Стороны признают юридическую силу документов, созданных в электронном виде в процессе взаимодействия Сторон в рамках данного Соглашения, равной юридической силе документов на бумажном носителе (в письменной форме). 14.2. Клиент согласен компенсировать Компании, ее должностным лицам, директорам или служащим все потери прибыли, случайные или косвенные убытки, возникающие вследствие или в связи с нарушением Клиентом настоящего Соглашения, несоблюдением обязательств, взятых на себя Клиентом в соответствии с настоящим Соглашением, а также нарушением или несоблюдением любого применимого к деятельности Компании и ее Клиентов закона или иного ре...
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FINAL PROVISIONS 14. 1. The Customer's rights towards the Supplier cannot be transferred, unless and to the extent the Supplier has approved such a transfer in writing inadvance. 14.2. The Supplier has the right, without the Customer'sprior approval, to transfer all or part of its rights and obligations towards the Customer to its affiliates. 14.3. If a provision of these General Terms and Conditions should prove to be invalid or unenforceable, such will not alter the validity or enforceability of any other provision of these General Terms and Conditions. Such an invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced or will be deemed to have been replaced with a provision that is deemed to be valid and enforceable and whose interpretation approaches the purport of the invalid or unenforceable provision as closely as possible. *** kompensāciju. 11.2. Ja nepārvaramas varas apstākļu dēļ Piegādātājs nespēj pildīt savas saistības pret Klientu nepārtrauktu laikposmu, kas pārsniedz divdesmit piecas (25) dienas, Pusēm ir tiesības pilnībā vai daļēji izbeigt Līgumu, un Klients nevar pieprasīt kompensāciju. 11.3. Xx xxxx apstākļu izmaiņu dēļ Līgumā paredzēto Piegādātāja saistību (turpmākā) izpilde kļūst tik apgrūtinoša, ka to izpildi nevar gaidīt, Piegādātājam ir tiesības pilnībā vai daļēji izbeigt Līgumu, un tam nav pienākuma maksāt kompensāciju. 12.
FINAL PROVISIONS 14. 1. The parties are aware of the fact that this Contract will be published in the Register of Contracts under Act no. 340/2015 Coll., on Register of Contracts because the CzDA is a person obligated under this act, and the parties agree with the publication. The CzDA undertakes to arrange the publication within 30 days from the signature of this Contract by both parties. 14.2. This Contract becomes valid on the day of its signature and effective upon its publication in the Register of Contracts. The CzDA will inform the Supplier about effective date of the Contract by email sent to the Supplier´s contact email address stated in this Contract. 14.3. In the case of discrepancies between English and Ukrainian language version, the English version prevails. 14.4. Done in Prague in three original counterparts in English and Ukrainian languages on ………...


  • Final Provisions Clause 16 Non-compliance with the Clauses and termination

  • Final provision 1. This Agreement shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the ASEAN Secretariat who shall promptly furnish a certified copy thereof to each Member State.

  • Initial Provisions Article 1

  • GENERAL PROVISIONS AND RECITALS 12 1. The parties agree that the terms used, but not otherwise defined in the Common Terms and

  • Transitional Provisions 24.1. As from the official date of entry into force of the 01 series of amendments to this Regulation, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse to grant or refuse to accept type approval under this Regulation as amended by the 01 series of amendments.

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