Register of Contracts Sample Clauses

Register of Contracts. The Contracted Party must maintain at the Managing Party a register of all contracts signed to perform Operations purpose of this contract The content of such a register will be defined by the Managing Party through the manual of the Management System of Production Sharing Expenses - SGPP.
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Register of Contracts. The Parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is subject to obligatory publication under the Czech Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on Special Conditions of Effect of certain Contracts, Publication of these Contracts and on the Register of Contract (“A ct on the Register of Contracts”). The Parties have agreed that prior to disclosure of this Agreement, any and all provisions of this Agreement, Attachments, and appendices hereto designated by the Parties as business secret prior to the signing of this Agreement shall be removed (blackened); pursuant thereto, the following provisions of this Agreement, Attachments, and appendices are considered trade secret of the Parties, and the Institute shall redact (blacken) such provisions prior to disclosure: Section 3.1, Section 3.3, Attachment A. The obligatory disclosure of the Commercialization Agreement pursuant to the Act on the Register of Contracts shall be made by ICT Prague. Licensors: Ústav fyzikální chemie X. Xxxxxxxxxxx A V ČR, v.v.i. Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze: Eaton:
Register of Contracts. 15.3 Registr smluv. To the extent Czech Republic law Act No 340/2015 Coll. requires this Agreement to be published on the Czech Republic contract register, Sponsor or its designee will provide Institution with a redacted version of this Agreement for publication (such redactions not in violation of Act No. 340/2015 Coll.) (the “Agreement Form”). Institution will (a) publish the Agreement Form within five (5) days of it being delivered to Institution by or on behalf of Sponsor; and (b) upon submitting the Agreement Form to the contract register, immediately inform Sponsor or its designee at that such submission was made. If Institution does not publish the Agreement Form in Jelikož český zákon č. 340/2015 Sb. požaduje zveřejnění této Smlouvy v registru smluv, poskytne Zadavatel nebo jeho pověřený zástupce Poskytovateli verzi této Smlouvy upravenou ke zveřejnění (úpravy ale nesmějí být v rozporu se zákonem č. 340/2015 Sb.) (dále jen „Formulář smlouvy“). Poskytovatel (a) zveřejní Formulář smlouvy do pěti (5) dnů od jeho doručení Poskytovateli Zadavatelem nebo jeho jménem a (b) po podání Formuláře smlouvy do registru smluv bude neprodleně informovat Zadavatele nebo jeho pověřeného zástupce o provedení tohoto podání skrze Pokud Poskytovatel tento Formulář smlouvy v souladu s odstavci (a) a (b) výše accordance with subsections (a) and (b) above, Sponsor may publish the Agreement Form. Information containing trade secrets, which for the purposes of publication of the Agreement include details of the Trial (Protocol, number of Trial Subjects, duration of the Trial) and Attachment A, will be redacted before publication by Institution, Sponsor or its designee. nezveřejní, může Formulář smlouvy zveřejnit Zadavatel. Ve Formuláři smlouvy Zadavatel nebo jeho pověřený zástupce zaslepí veškeré osobní údaje a obchodní tajemství, kterým se pro účely registru smluv rozumí: detaily Klinického hodnocení (protokol, počet subjektů hodnocení, délka trvání) a příloha A (rozpočet).
Register of Contracts. To the extent Czech Republic law Act No 340/2015 requires this Agreement to be published on the Czech Republic contract register, Sponsor or its designee will provide Institution with a redacted version of this Agreement for publication, as of the Validity Date of the Agreement to the following email address: XXX (such redactions not in violation of Act No 340/2015). Institution will publish the redacted version of the Agreement within five (5) days from Validity date. Notifcation of the publication to the Contract Registry shall be provided to the email of the individual delegated by Sponsor XXX If Institution does not publish the Agreement in accordance with this Section 17.12, Sponsor may publish the Agreement. The expected amount for providing clinical trial services for the maximum number of Trial 17.12 Registr smluv. V rozsahu stanoveném zákonem České republiky č. 340/2015, který požaduje, aby tato smlouva byla uveřejněna v registru smluv, poskytne zadavatel, nebo jeho zástupce zdravotnickému zařízení upravenou verzi této smlouvy pro uveřejnění nejpozději v den platnosti této smlouvy zasláním na emailovou adresu XXX (úprava nebude v rozporu se zákonem č. 340/2015). Zdravotnické zařízení (a) uveřejní upravenou smlouvu do pěti (5) dnů ode dne podpisu smlouvy všemi smluvními stranami. Oznámení o uveřejnění v registru smluv bude poskytnuto na email osoby určené zadavatelem XXX. Pokud zdravotnické zařízení neuveřejní smlouvu v souladu s tímto xxxxxxx 00.00, xxxx zadavatel smlouvu uveřejnit sám. Předpokládaná částka vyplacená za poskytování služeb spojených s klinickým hodnocením za maximální možný počet subjektů hodnocení, kteří by absolvovali Subjects completing all visits according to the Protocol is CZK 114.672,- všechny návštěvy v souladu s protokolem je 114.672,- Kč
Register of Contracts. The Parties agree that personal details, trade secrets or business secrets/competitively sensitive information designated by the Sponsor will be deleted before entering this Agreement into register of contracts and attachments of this Agreement will not be published in the register of contracts. Furthermore, the Parties agree that Provider will publish the contract into the register of contracts. Before signing the Agreement Sponsor will send to Provider final version of Agreement in a machine readable format with the redacted text of Agreement that Sponsor wishes to remain confidential. The Parties acknowledge, that there will not be an initiation visit before publication the final document in the registry of contracts. [Signature page follows] [Následuje podpisová strana]
Register of Contracts. 5.1 The Contracted Party must maintain at the Managing Party a register of all contracts signed to perform Operations purpose of this contract
Register of Contracts. YKP3089C033 Tato Smlouva a veškeré její dodatky budou uzavřeny ve dvou (2) vyhotoveních, z nichž se každé vyhotovení považuje za originál, ale které společně zakládají jeden a tentýž dokument. Rozhodným jazykem této Smlouvy bude český jazyk. V případě jakéhokoli rozporu mezi oběma jazykovými verzemi bude mít české znění přednost, za předpokladu, že bude s anglickou verzí provedena dostatečná konzultace k určení skutečného záměru smluvních stran, v souvislosti s danou nesrovnalostí.
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Register of Contracts. The Parties agree that the Institution will publish the version of this Agreement which it will prepare for this purpose and provide the PRA, at the latest on the day of signing this Agreement in a machine-readable format in electronic form, by sending it to the email address xxx@xxx.xx. If the Sponsor will not commit this duty, the Institution is entitled to publish the Agreement by itself. Any and all disputes arising from this Agreement shall be resolved by the courts of the Czech Republic,the jurisdiction of the court shall be determined by the seat of the medical establishment. SIGNATURES APPEAR ON FOLLOWING
Register of Contracts. The parties agree that this Agreement will be published in the Register of Contracts by Institution. The parties agree that Institution will publish the version of this Agreement which will be prepared and provided in machine readable format in electronic file by INC Research for this purpose on the date of signature of this Agreement at the latest, and that trade secrets designated by Sponsor and the attachments of the Agreement shall not be published in the Register of Contracts. The anticipated total amount of remuneration for provision of services for maximum number of patients which complete all visits according to the Protocol, is CZK 525,000.00. 32.
Register of Contracts. To the extent Czech Republic law Act No 340/2015 requires this Agreement to be published on the Czech Republic contract register, Sponsor or its designee will provide Institution with a redacted version of this Agreement for publication (such redactions not in violation of Act No 340/2015). Institution will (a) publish the redacted version of the Agreement within fifteen (15) days of it being delivered to Institution by or on behalf of Sponsor, however no later than within twenty (20) days from execution of this Agreement; and (b) upon submitting the Agreement to the contract register, immediately inform Sponsor or its designee that such submission was made. If Institution does not publish the Agreement in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) above, Sponsor may publish the Agreement. [Následuje podpisová strana] [Signature page follows] NA DŮKAZ ČEHOŽ PODEPISUJÍ TUTO SMLOUVU KE DNI PLATNOSTI POVĚŘENÍ ZÁSTUPCI ZADAVATELE A POSKYTOVATELE. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement is executed as of the Valid Date by a duly authorized representative of each of Agios and Institution. AGIOS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. By / Podpis: Print Name / Jméno (tiskacím písmem): Title / Funkce: Ústav hematologie a krevní transfuze, p.o. By / Podpis: Print Name / Jméno (tiskacím písmem): Title / Funkce: I have read and understood the obligations of the Investigator under this Agreement and agree to undertake all such obligations. / přečetl jsem a rozumím povinnostem zkoušejícího podle této smlouvy a souhlasím s tím, že budu plnit všechny tyto povinnosti.
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