Certification as Small Contractor or Minority Business Enterprise This paragraph was intentionally left blank.
Career Development The City and the Union agree that employee career growth can be beneficial to both the City and the affected employee. As such, consistent with training needs identified by the City and the financial resources appropriated therefore by the City, the City shall provide educational and training opportunities for employee career growth. Each employee shall be responsible for utilizing those training and educational opportunities made available by the City or other institutions for the self- development effort needed to achieve personal career goals.
Contract Transition Upon Contract expiration or termination, the Contractor shall ensure a seamless transfer of Contract responsibilities with any subsequent Contractor necessary to transition the Products and services of the Contract. The incumbent Contractor assumes all expenses related to the contract transition.
Organizational Transition Local Church shall take all steps necessary to close and/or dissolve any legal entities of the Local Church and to settle, liquidate, or transfer all assets and obligations of such entities, or to establish any new legal entities, or to modify its current organizing documents as needed to effectuate its disaffiliation from The United Methodist Church, to the satisfaction of Annual Conference.
Certified and Minority Business Enterprises Reports Upon Customer request, the Contractor shall report to the requesting Customer the Contractor’s spend with certified and other minority business enterprises in the provision of commodities or services related to the Customer’s orders. These reports shall include the period covered, the name, minority code, and Federal Employer Identification Number of each minority business utilized during the period; commodities and services provided by the minority business enterprise, and the amount paid to each minority business enterprise on behalf of the Customer.
Business Plan The Lenders shall have received a satisfactory business plan for fiscal years 2005 through 2011 and a satisfactory written analysis of the business and prospects of the Borrowers and their Subsidiaries for the period from the Effective Date through the final maturity of the Term Loans.
STRS PICK-UP The Board agrees, as a condition of employment, to tax shelter employee contributions to the State Teacher's Retirement System (STRS) in accordance with State Retirement System and Federal Internal Revenue Service guidelines and restrictions. This section in no way implies that the Board will contribute any portion of the employee's share of retirement contributions. For purposes of this paragraph, total annual salary and salary per pay period of each bargaining unit member shall be the salary otherwise payable under this Agreement, as amended. The total annual salary and salary per pay period of each member shall be payable by the Board in two parts: (1) deferred salary and (2) cash salary. A member's deferred salary shall be equal to that percentage of said member's total annual salary or salary per pay period which is required from time to time by the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) to be paid as an employee contribution by said member as a pickup of the STRS employee contribution otherwise payable by said member. A member's cash salary shall be equal to said member's total annual salary or salary per period less the amount of the pickup for said member and shall be payable, subject to applicable payroll deductions, to said member. The Board's total combined expenditures for members' total annual salaries otherwise payable under this Agreement, as amended, (including pickup amounts) and its employer contributions to STRS shall not be greater than the amounts it would have paid for those items had this provision not been in effect. The Board shall compute and remit its employer contributions to STRS based upon total annual salary, including the "pickup". The Board shall report for Federal and Ohio income tax purposes as a member's gross income said member's total annual salary less the amount of the "pickup". The Board shall report for municipal income tax purposes as a member's gross income said member's total annual salary, including the amount of the pickup. The pickup shall be included in the member's total annual salary for the purpose of computing daily rate of pay, for determining paid salary adjustments to be made due to absence, or for any other similar purpose. The pickup shall apply to all payroll payments made after the effective date of this provision. Should the Board's payment of deferred salary cause an individual bargaining unit member's annuity contributions to exceed the IRS permissible level, any such individual shall have the right to adjust annuity deductions within thirty (30) days of the effective date of this provision.
Minority Business Enterprise The Recipient shall comply with the minority business requirements pursuant to Section 164.07(A) of the Revised Code and rule 164-1-32 of the Administrative Code when making direct purchases of equipment, materials or supplies.
Complete Portfolio Holdings From Shareholder Reports Containing a Summary Schedule of Investments; and
Complete Work without Extra Cost Except to the extent otherwise specifically stated in this contract, the Contractor shall obtain and provide, without additional cost to the City, all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, facilities, services, permits, and licenses necessary to perform the Work.