FINANCIAL CLAUSES. 3.1 See Appendix B for all financial clauses relating to this Agreement.
FINANCIAL CLAUSES. ARTICLE 180. Subject to such exceptions as the Reparation Commission may make, the first charge upon all theassets and revenues of Hungary shall be the cost of reparation and all other costs arising under the present Treaty or any treaties or agreements supplementary thereto, or under arrangements concluded between Hungary and the Allied and Associated Powers during the Armistice signed on November 3, I918. Up to May l, 1921, the Hungarian Government shall not, export or dispose of, and shall forbid the export or disposal of, gold without the previous approval of the Allied and Associated Powers acting through the Reparation Commission.
FINANCIAL CLAUSES. ARTICLE 231. Turkey recognises that by joining in the war of aggression which Germany and Austria-Hungary waged against the Allied Powers she has caused to the latter losses and sacrifices of all kinds for which she ought to make complete reparation. On the other hand, the Allied Powers recognise that the resources of Turkey are not sufficient to enable her to make complete reparation. In these circumstances, and inasmuch as the territorial rearrangements resulting from the present Treaty will leave to Turkey only a portion of the revenues of the former Turkish Empire, all claims against the Turkish Government for reparation are waived by the Allied Powers, subject only to the provisions of this Part and of Part IX (Economic Clauses) of the present Treaty. The Allied Powers, desiring to afford some measure of relief and assistance to Turkey, agree with the Turkish Government that a Financial Commission shall be appointed consisting of one representative of each of the following Allied Powers who are specially interested, France, the British Empire and Italy, with whom there shall be associated a Turkish Commissioner in a consultative capacity. The powers and duties of this Commission are set forth in the following Articles.
FINANCIAL CLAUSES. 3.1. SYSTEM FOR AWARD MANAGEMENTREAL PROPERTY (01/13) – The FAA uses the System for Award Management (XXX) as the primary means to maintain Lessor information required for payment under any FAA lease.
FINANCIAL CLAUSES. In exchange for the data transmitted, the Assignee shall settle SNH in cash or by bank transfer, the total sum of “amount in words and figures” corresponding to the cost of reproduction, forwarding and the right to use the said data. Settlement shall be done prior to data delivery, within 30 days from receipt of the related invoice made on SNH headed note paper.
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FINANCIAL CLAUSES. The possible travel and stay expenses of the members of the jury will be sustained in equal share by the two institutions. The mobilisation of these expenses will have to conform with the regulations in force. No support for the conduct of research is provided for. Nevertheless, the two establishments can support possible later applications for funding. APPENDICES The CVs of the two main supervisors at each partner institution will be added to the student contract as Appendices 1 and 2.
FINANCIAL CLAUSES. 8.1. Use Royalties
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