Fire Protection Contractor shall take adequate and reasonable precautions to protect the Work against damage by fire and smoke. For example, without limitation, Contractor shall do the following:
Eye Protection Where an employee is required by the College or by legislation, in order to perform his/her duties, to acquire and wear prescription eye protection, the employee shall provide the College with proof of purchase by March 1 each year and the College shall reimburse to such employee, on the first pay day of April in each year, up to a maximum of twenty dollars ($20.00); in situations other than the foregoing, the College, may in its discretion, (which discretion shall not be unreasonably exercised) reimburse such expense where it is recommended by the health and safety committee constituted under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Job Protection 15.9.1 Subject to 15.10 below, an employee returning from parental leave is entitled to resume work in the same position or a similar position to the one they occupied at the time of commencing parental leave. A similar position means a position: (a) At the equivalent salary, grading; (b) At the equivalent weekly hours of duty; (c) In the same location or other location within reasonable commuting distance; and (d) Involving responsibilities broadly comparable to those experienced in the previous position. 15.9.2 Where applicable, employees shall continue to be awarded increments when their incremental date falls during absence on parental leave.
System Protection To prevent compromise of systems which contain DSHS Data or through which that Data passes: a. Systems containing DSHS Data must have all security patches or hotfixes applied within 3 months of being made available. b. The Contractor will have a method of ensuring that the requisite patches and hotfixes have been applied within the required timeframes. c. Systems containing DSHS Data shall have an Anti-Malware application, if available, installed. d. Anti-Malware software shall be kept up to date. The product, its anti-virus engine, and any malware database the system uses, will be no more than one update behind current.
Requirements for Protection In compliance with NPCC requirements and Good Utility Practice, Developer shall provide, install, own, and maintain relays, circuit breakers and all other devices necessary to remove any fault contribution of the Large Generating Facility to any short circuit occurring on the New York State Transmission System not otherwise isolated by Connecting Transmission Owner’s equipment, such that the removal of the fault contribution shall be coordinated with the protective requirements of the New York State Transmission System. Such protective equipment shall include, without limitation, a disconnecting device or switch with load- interrupting capability located between the Large Generating Facility and the New York State Transmission System at a site selected upon mutual agreement (not to be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed) of the Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner. Developer shall be responsible for protection of the Large Generating Facility and Developer’s other equipment from such conditions as negative sequence currents, over- or under-frequency, sudden load rejection, over- or under-voltage, and generator loss-of-field. Developer shall be solely responsible to disconnect the Large Generating Facility and Developer’s other equipment if conditions on the New York State Transmission System could adversely affect the Large Generating Facility.
Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services are not permitted to be provided under this Agreement. Texas statutes prohibit the procurement of Professional Engineering and Architect’s Services through a cooperative agreement.
TEACHER PROTECTION A. The teachers shall have the right to review those things in his/her personnel file to which he/she is entitled by Law. At the option of the teacher, a representative of the Association may be present for such review. Each file shall contain a record indicating reviewer and date of review, excluding school personnel official access for record maintenance. B. The teacher may submit a written notation regarding any material and the same will be attached to the file copy of the material in question. If the teacher is asked to sign material placed in his/her file, such signature will be understood to indicate his/her awareness of the material but in no instance shall said signature be interpreted to mean agreement with the content of the material. X. Any serious complaint made against a teacher by any parent, student, and other person will be promptly called to the attention of the teacher. D. If a teacher is to be disciplined or reprimanded by the Board or its designee, he/she shall be entitled to have a representative of the Association present. That representative shall be the teacher's choice between the building representative or another Association officer. E. Each teacher has the responsibility for maintaining proper student control and discipline throughout the school day as well as at school-sponsored activities where he/she is serving as a sponsor or chaperone. The teacher, however, has the primary responsibility for maintaining control and discipline in his/her classroom. The Board will give reasonable support and assistance to teachers with respect to maintenance of control and discipline. Whenever is appears that a particular pupil requires special attention, reasonable steps shall be taken to provide such attention. The teachers recognize that all disciplinary actions and methods invoked by them shall be in accordance with established Board policy. F. Any case of assault upon a teacher which is related to a school-centered problem shall be promptly reported to the Board or its designated representative. If the assault was by a pupil or pupils, the Administration shall promptly investigate the matter and determine suitable discipline for the assaulting pupil. This decision shall be communicated to the teacher concerned. If the assault is by an adult, who is not a pupil, the Board its designee representative shall promptly report the incident to the proper law enforcement authorities. G. A teacher may suspend a pupil from one (1) period, when the grossness of the offense, the persistence of the misbehavior, or the disruptive effect of the violation makes the continued presence of the student in that classroom intolerable. In such cases, the teacher will promptly (by the end of the school day) furnish the administrator or counselor full particulars of the incident. The teacher and the administration will cooperatively endeavor to achieve correction of student behavior through whatever avenues are reasonably available. H. School administrators and teachers will endeavor to achieve correction of the students' misbehavior through counseling and interviews with the child and his/her parents when warranted.
STUDENT DISCIPLINE AND TEACHER PROTECTION A. The Board recognizes its responsibility to give all reasonable support and assistance to teachers with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the classroom. Whenever it appears that a particular pupil requires the attention of special counselors, social workers, law enforcement personnel, physicians, or other professional persons, the principal shall be notified. The Board feels that the teacher and the specialists indicated above should work together to improve the case. B. It is recognized that discipline problems are less likely to occur in classes where a high level of student interest is maintained. It is likewise recognized that when discipline problems occur, they may most constructively be dealt with by encouragement, praise and emphasis upon a child’s desirable characteristics. A teacher may use such force as is necessary, according to the law, to protect himself/herself from attack or to prevent injury to another student. C. A teacher may ask the principal to exclude a pupil from class when the grossness of the offense, the persistence of the misbehavior, or the disruptive effect of the violation makes the continued presence of the student in the classroom intolerable. In such cases, the teacher will furnish the principal, as promptly as his/her teaching obligations will allow, full particulars of the incident in writing. D. Procedure for suspension of students from school shall be distributed to students and teachers each year. E. Any case of assault upon a teacher while on duty should be promptly reported to the Board or its designated representative. The Board will provide legal counsel to advise the teacher of his/her rights and obligations with respect to such assault and shall promptly render all reasonable assistance to the teacher in connection with handling of the incident by law enforcement and judicial authorities. F. If any teacher is complained against or sued as a result of any action taken by the teacher while in pursuit of his/her employment, the Board may provide legal counsel and render all necessary assistance to the teacher in his/her defense. G. Time lost by a teacher in connection with any incident mentioned in this Article shall not be charged against the teacher. X. The Board will reimburse teachers for any loss, damages or destruction of clothing or personal property of the teacher while on duty in the school or on school premises in those cases where the school could have reasonably prevented the loss. I. No action shall be taken upon any complaint by a parent of the student directed toward the teacher nor shall any notice thereof be included in said teacher’s personnel file unless such matter is promptly reported in writing to the teacher concerned. J. Teachers shall be expected to exercise reasonable care with respect to the safety of pupils and property, but shall not be individually liable, except in the case of gross neglect of duty, for any damage or loss to person or property.
Income Protection All workers will be covered by the extended Incolink Leisure Time Insurance and Income protection Scheme which provides defined weekly payments ($500 per week to workers with dependants, $400 per week to workers without dependants) for up to a maximum 104 weeks in the event of an extended work absence arising from any personal illness or injury (whether or not work related). The costs of this benefit will be shared between Incolink and the company on a 30/70 basis. Agreed premium costs will be: Incolink - $2.10 per week/worker Employer - $4.90 per week/worker It is a condition of the company’s agreement to provide this benefit that premium costs be maintained at not more than the February 1998 equivalent. In the event of premium costs escalating, the parties are agreed that the benefits table will be revised downwards so as to contain premium costs within the agreed limits. To maintain this cover the company agrees to pay the amounts every week for each employee. In the event the company does not maintain the above policy, the company will be liable in full to pay equivalent benefits to an employee who meets eligibility criteria as set out in the policy document.
Procurement All goods, works and services required for the Project and to be financed out of the proceeds of the Financing shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of Section III of Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement.