Fishing opportunities. The fishing opportunities granted to Union vessels shall be as follows: - highly migratory species: 28 freezer tuna seiners 10 pole-and-lines - deep-water demersal fish (as referred to in Appendix 2b of the Annex to the Protocol): 3 trawlers Paragraph 1 shall apply subject to Articles 5 and 7 of this Protocol. In accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement, Union vessels may engage in fishing activities in the Gambian fishing zone only if they are in possession of a fishing authorisation issued under this Protocol in accordance with the Annex.
Fishing opportunities. The fishing opportunities granted under Article 5 of the Agreement for highly migratory species as listed in Annex 1 to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea shall be as follows: 40 purse seiners; and 45 surface long liners. Mauritius shall authorise EU supply vessels to assist in the operations of Union vessels authorised in Mauritius waters within the limits and terms of applicable IOTC resolutions on supply vessels. Paragraphs 1 and 2 shall apply subject to Articles 11 and 12 of this Protocol.
Fishing opportunities. 1. The fishing opportunities granted to Union vessels shall be as follows: - highly migratory species:
(a) 28 freezer tuna seiners (p) 10 pole-and-lines - deep-water demersal fish (as referred to in Appendix 2b of the Annex to the Protocol):
Fishing opportunities. 1. The fishing opportunities granted to Union vessels shall be as follows: — highly migratory species:
(a) 28 freezer tuna seiners;
(b) 10 pole-and-lines; — deep-water demersal fish (as referred to in Appendix 2b to the Annex to this Protocol):
(c) 3 trawlers.
2. Paragraph 1 of this Article shall apply subject to Articles 5 and 7 of this Protocol.
3. In accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement, Union vessels may engage in fishing activities in the Gambian fishing zone only if they are in possession of a fishing authorisation issued under this Protocol in accordance with the Annex.