EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. The Personnel Department will mail to the Association copies of all recruitment bulletins. Tentative examination bulletins approved by the Head of the Examining Division of the Personnel Department will be mailed two (2) calendar days prior to the date that said bulletins are scheduled to be approved by the Civil Service Commission.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES a) The Company shall ensure that all employees and applicants for employment with regard to the Project, including, without limitation, the employees of and applicants for employment with the Company, are afforded equal employment opportunities without discrimination.
b) Pursuant to Section 858-b of the Act, except as otherwise provided by collective bargaining contracts or agreements, the Company agrees (1) to list or cause to be listed all new employment opportunities created as a result of the Project with the New York State Department of Labor, Community Services Division (the “NYSDOL”) and with the administrative entity (collectively with NYSDOL, the “JTPA Referral Entities”) of the service delivery area created by the federal Job Training Partnership Act (P.L. No. 97-300) (including any successor statute thereto, including, without limitation, the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (P.L. No. 105-270), collectively, the “JTPA”) in which the Project Facility is located, and
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. The Personnel Department will email to the Union copies of all job bulletins. Tentative examination bulletins, approved by the Head of the Selection Division of the Personnel Department, will be emailed to the Union seven (7) calendar days in advance of the public posting of the final bulletin for the examination.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. The Personnel Department will transmit to the Association copies of all job bulletins. Tentative examination bulletins approved by the Head of the Selection Division of the Personnel Department will be transmitted seven (7) calendar days in advance of the public posting of the final bulletin for examination.
A. The City of Los Angeles Personnel Department (“Personnel Department”) will email to the Association copies of all recruitment bulletins. Tentative examination bulletins approved by the Head of the Examining Division of the Personnel Department will be emailed two calendar days prior to the date that said bulletins are scheduled to be approved by the Civil Service Commission.
B. Employees shall be granted reasonable time off with pay for the purpose of taking oral promotional examinations when such examinations are given by the City and scheduled during the employee’s normal working period; provided, however, that each employee entitled to such time off with pay shall give reasonable advance notice to their supervisor. Such time off with pay shall include travel time to and from the employee’s workplace.
C. The Department shall notify the Association when the Department intends to fill a vacant position in this bargaining Unit.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. A. The Personnel Department will provide to the Union copies of all job bulletins. Tentative examination bulletins approved by the Personnel Department will be provided to the Union seven (7) calendar days prior to the date of the public posting of the final bulletin for the examination.
B. Employees shall be granted reasonable time off with pay for the purpose of taking oral promotional examinations when such examinations are given by the City and scheduled during the employee's normal working period; however, each employee entitled to such time off with pay shall give reasonable advance notice to his/her supervisor. Such time off with pay shall include travel time.
C. Management agrees that any employee covered by this MOU who may be assigned to work on a day that a written promotional examination is administered by the Personnel Department, and for which an employee has applied, shall be given priority in the scheduling of days off for that day.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. Expand the availability, accessibility and quality of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, in partnership with business and labour.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. The Personnel Department will mail to the Association copies of all recruitment bulletins. Tentative examination bulletins approved by the Head of the Examining Division of the Personnel Department, will be mailed two calendar days prior to the date that said bulletins are scheduled to be approved by the Civil Service Commission. Employees shall be granted reasonable time off with pay for the purpose of taking oral promotional examinations when such examinations are given by the City and scheduled during the employee's normal working period; provided, however, that each employee entitled to such time off with pay shall give reasonable advance notice to his/her supervisor. Such time off with pay shall include travel time.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. Departments shall make available employment opportunity information to Unit 20 employees. Such information shall be posted on a facility bulletin board and may be published in weekly bulletins.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. The Employer will notify the Local Unions in writing when it anticipates the hiring of additional employees. The Local Unions will be given an opportunity to provide suitable employment applicants, but the Employer shall not be required to hire those referred by the Union.