Change Order The Change Order is then submitted to the Project Manager who immediately processes the CO with OPC as required by Bulletin 3.5 and BGS’ Contracting Plan.
Change Orders Any alteration or deviation from the Services mentioned or any other contractual specifications that result in a revision of this Agreement shall be executed and attached to this Agreement as a change order (“Change Order”).
Contract Changes Changes may not be made in the terms and conditions of this contract without the agreement and written permission of the Director of Residence Life or the Director’s designee.
Recovery Schedule If the initial schedule or any current updates fail to reflect the Work’s actual plan or method of operation, or a contractual milestone date is more than fifteen (15) days behind, Owner may require that a recovery schedule for completion of the remaining Work be submitted. The Recovery Schedule must be submitted within seven (7) calendar days of Owner’s request. The Recovery Schedule shall describe in detail Construction Contractor’s plan to complete the remaining Work by the required Contract milestone date. The Recovery Schedule submitted shall meet the same requirements as the original Construction Schedule. The narrative submitted with the Recovery Schedule should describe in detail all changes that have been made to meet the Contract milestone dates.
Contract Term Adjustment “Contract Term Adjustment” means adjustment only as provided for in the three circumstances described in this Subsection. Under these circumstances, the contract term shall be adjusted in writing to include additional calendar days in one or more Normal Operating Seasons equal to the actual time lost, except as limited by paragraph (b) in this Subsection.
Alternate Work Schedule An alternate work schedule is any work schedule where an employee is regularly scheduled to work five (5) days per week, but the employee’s regularly scheduled two (2) days off are NOT Saturday and Sunday.
Flexible Work Schedule A flexible work schedule is any schedule that is not a regular, alternate, 9/80, or 4/10 work schedule and where the employee is not scheduled to work more than 40 hours in the "workweek" as defined in Subsections F. and H., below.
Execution of Change Orders Change Orders shall be signed by the Contractor, ordinarily certified by the Design Professional, and approved by the Owner in accordance with the form of Change Order prescribed by the Owner. No request for payment by the Contractor for a Change Order shall be due, nor shall any such request appear on an Application for Payment, until the Change Order is executed by the Owner. In the event of emergency (see Article
Alternative Work Schedule An alternate forty (40) hour work schedule (other than five (5) uniform and consecutive eight (8) hour days in a seven (7) day period), or for hospital personnel an eighty (80) hour workweek in a fourteen (14) day period and other mutually agreed upon schedules that comply with applicable federal and state law. Employee work schedules normally include two (2) consecutive days off.
Change in Scope of Work Any change in the scope of the Work, method of performance, nature of materials or price thereof, or any other matter materially affecting the performance or nature of the Work shall not be paid for or accepted unless such change, addition, or deletion is approved in advance and in writing by a valid change order executed by the District. Contractor specifically understands, acknowledges, and agrees that the District shall have the right to request any alterations, deviations, reductions, or additions to the Project or Work, and the cost thereof shall be added to or deducted from the amount of the Contract Price by fair and reasonable valuations. Contractor also agrees to provide the District with all information requested to substantiate the cost of the change order and to inform the District whether the Work will be done by the Contractor or a subcontractor. In addition to any other information requested, Contractor shall submit, prior to approval of the change order, its request for a time extension (if any), as well as all information necessary to substantiate its belief that such change will delay the completion of the Work. If Contractor fails to submit its request for a time extension or the necessary supporting information, it shall be deemed to have waived its right to request such extension.