Foundation Analysis and Report. The geotechnical engineer will evaluate the soils for retaining wall and foundation suitability, as appropriate for the design, and make design recommendations for proposed improvements as needed to support the final design. The results and geotechnical engineer’s recommendations will be summarized in the geotechnical report.
Foundation Analysis and Report. The geotechnical engineer will evaluate the soils for foundation suitability, as appropriate for the design, and make design recommendations for proposed improvements as needed to support the final design. The geotechnical engineer will provide soil strength parameters for wall and structure backfill design calculations. The geotechnical engineer will provide permeability and relative homogeneity of the existing soil and recommendations for floodproof backfill and placement to meet the floodproofing requirements of FEMA 10-01. The results and geotechnical engineer’s recommendations will be summarized in the geotechnical report.