Full and Partial Surrenders Sample Clauses

Full and Partial Surrenders. You may fully surrender your Contract any time prior to the Maturity Date. You may request a partial surrender prior to the Maturity Date provided that the Contract Value remaining after the partial surrender meets the minimum limits shown on the Contract Schedule. If the remaining Contract Value after a partial surrender is less than the minimum shown on the Contract Schedule, then we will treat the surrender request as a full surrender. The amount we pay upon a full or partial surrender is equal to the Contract Value surrendered minus fees and premium tax, if any. We will make partial surrenders pro-rata from the Sub-Accounts. A surrender will result in the cancellation of Accumulation Units from each applicable subaccount of the Separate Account in the ratio that the Contract Value in the subaccount bears to the total Contract Value. You must specify in a notice to us from which subaccount(s) values are to be surrendered if a different method is desired. Your surrender request must be in writing. We will accept surrender requests submitted via facsimile. There are risks associated with not requiring original signatures in order to disburse the money. To minimize the risks, the proceeds will be sent to your last recorded address in our records, so be sure to notify us, in writing with an original signature of any address change. We do not assume responsibility for improper disbursements if you have failed to provide us with the current address to which the proceeds should be sent. We will pay the amount of any surrender within seven (7) days of receipt of the notice in good order unless we have suspended or postponed payments for surrenders. If payment of the surrender proceeds is not made within 30 days of our receipt of your written request, or if later, within 30 days of the surrender date you specify, the proceeds will be credited with interest from the date of surrender. The rate of interest will be set each year by us, but will not be less than any rate of interest required by law. Suspension or Delay in Payment of Surrender: We may suspend or postpone payments for a surrender or transfer for any period when: • the New York Stock Exchange is closed, • when trading on the New York Stock Exchange is restricted, • when an emergency exists and as a result the disposal of securities in the Variable Accounts is not reasonably practicable or it is not reasonably practicable to fairly determine the value of the net assets in the Variable Accounts, or • dur...
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Full and Partial Surrenders. You may fully surrender your Contract any time prior to the Annuity Commencement Date. You may request a partial surrender prior to the Annuity Commencement Date provided the Contract Value remaining after the partial surrender is at least {$5,000} for non-qualified Contracts or {$2,000} for qualified Contracts. The amount we pay upon a full or partial surrender is equal to the Contract Value surrendered minus applicable surrender charges, if any, fees and premium tax. We will make partial surrenders pro-rata from the Allocation Options {Penalty Free Surrender—During the first Contract Year you may withdraw an amount equal to {10%} of your initial Purchase Payments without incurring a surrender charge. In any subsequent Contract Year you may withdraw, without incurring a surrender charge, an amount equal to the greatest of:
Full and Partial Surrenders. You may surrender this contract at any time prior to the Annuitization Date provided that the Owner is living. Notice to surrender this contract must be provided to Us at Our office. FULL SURRENDER You may surrender this contract in full for the surrender value. The surrender value at any time is equal to the accumulated value on the date We receive Your Notice, less any applicable Surrender Charge, Transaction Fees and/or Annual Fees.
Full and Partial Surrenders. You may fully surrender your Contract any time prior to the Annuity Commencement Date. You may request a partial surrender prior to the Annuity Commencement Date provided the Contract Value remaining after the partial surrender is at least {$5,000} for non-qualified Contracts or {$2,000} for qualified Contracts. The amount we pay upon a full or partial surrender is equal to the Contract Value surrendered minus any applicable fees and premium taxes. We will make partial surrenders pro-rata from the Allocation Options Suspension or Delay in Payment of Surrender—The Company may suspend or delay the date of payment of a partial or full surrender from the Variable Account value for any period:
Full and Partial Surrenders. You may fully surrender your Contract any time prior to the Annuity Commencement Date. You may request a partial surrender prior to the Annuity Commencement Date provided the Contract Value remaining after the partial surrender is at least equal to the minimum amount required to purchase a Contract. The amount we pay upon a full or partial surrender is equal to the Contract Value surrendered minus applicable fees and premium tax, if any. We will make partial surrenders pro-rata from the Allocation Options.
Full and Partial Surrenders. You may fully surrender your Contract any time prior to the Annuity Commencement Date. You may request a partial surrender prior to the Annuity Commencement Date provided the Contract Value remaining after the partial surrender is at least equal to the minimum amount required to purchase a Contract. The amount we pay upon a full or partial surrender is equal to the Contract Value surrendered minus applicable surrender charges, if any, fees and premium tax. We will make partial surrenders pro-rata from the Allocation Options. Penalty Free Surrender - During the first Contract Year you may withdraw an amount equal to 10% of your initial Purchase Payments without incurring a surrender charge. In any subsequent Contract Year you may withdraw, without incurring a surrender charge, an amount equal to the greatest of:

Related to Full and Partial Surrenders

  • Surrender Holding Over Upon the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease, Subtenant shall surrender possession of the Sublease Premises to Sublandlord, in the same condition as the Sublease Premises were in on the first day of the Sublease Term, ordinary wear and tear excepted. If Subtenant holds over after the expiration of the Sublease Term by lapse of time, with Sublandlord’s consent but without any written agreement providing otherwise, then Subtenant shall be deemed to be a subtenant from month to month, at a monthly Rent equal to 150% of the monthly Rent for the final month of the Sublease Term, and subject to all of the other provisions and conditions of this Sublease. Nothing in this provision shall be construed to require Sublandlord to permit Subtenant to occupy the Sublease Premises after the end of the Sublease Term, or, if Sublandlord has permitted Subtenant to occupy the Sublease Premises for any period as a subtenant from month to month, to prevent Sublandlord from terminating such subtenancy at the end of any month. If Subtenant holds over after the expiration of the Sublease Term by lapse of time, without Sublandlord’s written consent, Subtenant shall be guilty of an unlawful detention of the Sublease Premises and shall be liable to Sublandlord for damages for use of the Sublease Premises during the period of such unlawful detention and shall pay rent equal to 200% of the Rent for the final month of the Sublease Term, plus any and all consequential damages suffered by Sublandlord (including, without limitation, damages payable by Sublandlord to Landlord by reason of Subtenant’s holdover). In the event of such holding over, Subtenant shall indemnify and hold Sublandlord harmless from and against any and all claims, suits, proceedings, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys’ fees and disbursements, asserted against or incurred by Sublandlord as a result of such unapproved holding over. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Sublandlord shall be entitled to all other remedies and damages provided under this Sublease or at law or in equity.

  • Cancellation and Destruction of Surrendered ADRs; Maintenance of Records All ADRs surrendered to the Depositary shall be canceled by the Depositary. Canceled ADRs shall not be entitled to any benefits under the Deposit Agreement or be valid or enforceable against the Depositary for any purpose. The Depositary is authorized to destroy ADRs so canceled, provided the Depositary maintains a record of all destroyed ADRs. Any ADSs held in book-entry form (e.g., through accounts at DTC) shall be deemed canceled when the Depositary causes the number of ADSs evidenced by the Balance Certificate to be reduced by the number of ADSs surrendered (without the need to physically destroy the Balance Certificate).

  • Surrender and Holding Over 16.1 Upon expiration of the Sublease Term, or if, at any time prior to such expiration, this Sublease shall be terminated for any reason, Subtenant shall immediately quit and surrender up to Sublandlord possession of the Subleased Premises, and Subtenant shall remove all of its personal property therefrom. In the event Subtenant does not completely vacate the Subleased Premises (including the removal of all personal property and fixtures required to be removed and the return of the Subleased Premises to Sublandlord in the condition required under the Xxxxxxxxx) by the Sublease Expiration Date or earlier termination of this Sublease, Subtenant shall indemnify and hold harmless Sublandlord in respect of any and all holdover charges or penalties imposed under the Xxxxxxxxx upon Sublandlord in respect of the entire Subleased Premises and in respect of any and all costs, liabilities or expenses (including attorneys fees) suffered by Sublandlord in respect of same, as and when such costs, liabilities or expenses are incurred. In this regard, Subtenant shall, if requested by Sublandlord, in Sublandlord's sole discretion, defend Sublandlord against any action or proceeding brought against Sublandlord which arises out of such holdover of the Subleased Premises. Any holding over after the expiration or earlier termination of this Sublease without the written consent of Sublandlord shall be construed to be a tenancy from month to month and Subtenant shall pay a holdover charge for each month or partial month that Subtenant remains in the Subleased Premises after the Sublease Expiration Date or earlier termination, such holdover charge to be equal to [***]% of the Rent under the Xxxxxxxxx in effect at such time, and shall otherwise be subject to the terms and conditions of this Sublease. Any holding over without Sublandlord's written consent shall constitute a default by Subtenant and entitle Sublandlord to exercise any remedies set forth herein or available under and other applicable law.

  • Surrender Upon Termination The Executive agrees that in the event of the termination of the Executive's employment for any reason, whether before or after the Term, the Executive will immediately deliver to the Company all property belonging to the Company, including documents and materials of any nature pertaining to the Executive's work with the Company, and will not take with the Executive any documents or materials of any description, or any reproduction thereof of any description, containing or pertaining to any Confidential Information. It is understood that the Executive is free to use information that is in the public domain, but not as a result of a breach of this Agreement.

  • Surrender/Restoration Lessee shall surrender the Premises by the end of the last day of the Lease term or any earlier termination date, clean and free of debris and in good operating order, condition and state of repair, ordinary wear and tear excepted. Ordinary wear and tear shall not include any damage or deterioration that would have been prevented by good maintenance practice or by Lessee performing all of its obligations under this Lease. Except as otherwise agreed or specified herein, the Premises, as surrendered, shall include the Alterations and Utility Installations. The obligation of Lessee shall include the repair of any damage occasioned by the installation, maintenance or removal of Lessee's Trade Fixtures, furnishings, equipment, and Lessee-Owned Alterations and Utility Installations, as well as the removal of any storage tank installed by or for Lessee, and the removal, replacement, or remediation of any soil, material or ground water contaminated by Lessee, all as may then be required by Applicable Requirements and/or good practice. Lessee's Trade Fixtures shall remain the property of Lessee and shall be removed by Lessee subject to its obligation to repair and restore the Premises per this Lease.

  • Condition Upon Surrender At the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender the Premises, including any additions, alterations and improvements thereto, broom clean, in good and sanitary order, in a first class condition and repair, free from Hazardous Materials caused to be present by Tenant, its agents or invitees (it being understood and agreed that Tenant shall have no responsibility for Hazardous Materials that have migrated onto the Real Property through the air, water or soils), ordinary wear and tear excepted, and delivered free of radioactive licenses or other restrictions on use, first, however, removing all goods and effects of Tenant and all fixtures and items required to be removed or specified to be removed at Landlord’s election pursuant to this Lease, and repairing any damage caused by such removal. Tenant expressly waives any and all interest in any personal property and trade fixtures not removed from the Premises by Tenant at the expiration or termination of this Lease, agrees that any such personal property and trade fixtures may, at Landlord’s election, be deemed to have been abandoned by Tenant, and authorizes Landlord (at its election and without prejudice to any other remedies under this Lease or under applicable law) to remove and either retain, store or dispose of such property at Tenant’s cost and expense, and Tenant waives all claims against Landlord for any damages resulting from any such removal, storage, retention or disposal.

  • SURRENDER OF PREMISES; HOLDING OVER (a) Upon expiration or earlier termination of this Lease, Tenant shall surrender to Landlord the Premises and all of Tenant's improvements and alterations thereon in good operating order, condition, and state of repair, clean and free of debris (except for ordinary wear and tear occurring after Tenant's last necessary maintenance, and subject to the provisions of Paragraph 18, relating to the destruction or partial destruction of the Premises), except for alterations and improvements that Tenant is required to remove by written election of the Landlord pursuant to Paragraph 10(e), above. Tenant shall remove all of its personal property and trade fixtures from the Premises prior to the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease. Tenant shall perform at its sole cost and expense all restoration made necessary by its removal of alterations and improvements, personal property, and trade fixtures. Landlord may elect to retain or to dispose of in any manner any alterations or improvements that Tenant is required to remove pursuant to Paragraph 10(e) above, or Tenant's trade fixtures or personal property that Tenant does not remove from the Premises on expiration or earlier termination of this Lease by giving at least ten (10) days written notice to Tenant. Title to any such alterations, improvements, trade fixtures, or personal property that Landlord elects to retain or to dispose of on expiration of the aforesaid ten (10) day period shall vest in Landlord. Tenant waives all claims against Landlord and Landlord's agents for any damage to Tenant resulting from Landlord's retention or disposition of any such alterations, improvements, trade fixtures, and/or personal property, and Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for Landlord's costs and expenses for storing, removing, and disposing of same, and for the cost of restoring the Premises thereafter to the condition required by subparagraph (a), above.

  • Surrender of Possession Upon the expiration or upon the sooner termination of this Lease, Tenant shall remove all of Tenant’s signs from the exterior of the Building and shall remove all of Tenant’s inventory, equipment, trade fixtures, furniture, supplies, wall decorations and other personal property (collectively, “Tenant’s FF&E”) from within the Leased Premises, including the Building and the Outside Areas, and shall vacate and surrender the Leased Premises, and all portions thereof, to Landlord broom clean and in good condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Tenant shall repair all damage to the Leased Premises, and all portions thereof, caused by Tenant’s removal of Tenant’s property. Tenant shall patch and refinish, to Landlord’s reasonable satisfaction, all penetrations made by Tenant or its employees to the floor, walls or ceiling of the Leased Premises, whether such penetrations were made with Landlord’s approval or not. Tenant shall repair or replace all stained or damaged ceiling tiles, wall coverings and floor coverings to the reasonable satisfaction of Landlord. Tenant shall repair all damage caused by Tenant to the exterior surface of the Building and the paved surfaces of the Outside Areas and, where necessary, replace or resurface same. Additionally, to the extent that Landlord shall have notified Tenant in writing at the time Landlord approved any improvements requiring Landlord approval that it desired to have such improvements removed at the expiration or sooner termination of the Lease (“Required Removables”), Tenant shall, upon the expiration or sooner termination of the Lease, remove the Required Removables and repair all damage caused by such removal. If Tenant fails to comply with the terms of this Pxxxxxxxx 0.0, Xxxxxxxx may perform Tenant’s obligations at Tenant’s expense, and Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all reasonable costs incurred by Landlord in performing such obligations for Tenant (including, without limitation, reasonable costs of Landlord’s oversight of removal, repair and replacement work). Tenant shall pay to Landlord the amount of all costs so incurred within fifteen (15) days of Landlord’s delivery to Tenant of an invoice together with reasonable supporting information. Tenant shall indemnify Landlord against loss or liability resulting from delay by Tenant in surrendering the Leased Premises, including, without limitation, any claims made by any succeeding tenant or any losses to Landlord with respect to lost opportunities to lease to succeeding tenants.

  • Cancellation and Destruction of Surrendered Receipts; Maintenance of Records All Receipts surrendered to the Depositary shall be cancelled by the Depositary. The Depositary is authorized to destroy Receipts so cancelled in accordance with its customary practices. Cancelled Receipts shall not be entitled to any benefits under this Deposit Agreement or be valid or obligatory for any purpose.

  • Surrender Upon the expiration of the Term or earlier termination of Tenant’s right of possession, Tenant shall surrender the Premises to Landlord in the same condition as received, subject to any Alterations or Installations permitted by Landlord to remain in the Premises, free of Hazardous Materials brought upon, kept, used, stored, handled, treated, generated in, or released or disposed of from, the Premises by any person other than a Landlord Party (collectively, “Tenant HazMat Operations”) and released of all Hazardous Materials Clearances, broom clean, ordinary wear and tear and casualty loss and condemnation covered by Sections 18 and 19 excepted. At least 3 months prior to the surrender of the Premises, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a narrative description of the actions proposed (or required by any Governmental Authority) to be taken by Tenant in order to surrender the Premises (including any Installations permitted by Landlord to remain in the Premises) at the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, free from any residual impact from the Tenant HazMat Operations and otherwise released for unrestricted use and occupancy (the “Surrender Plan”). Such Surrender Plan shall be accompanied by a current listing of (i) all Hazardous Materials licenses and permits held by or on behalf of any Tenant Party with respect to the Premises, and (ii) all Hazardous Materials used, stored, handled, treated, generated, released or disposed of from the Premises, and shall be subject to the review and approval of Landlord’s environmental consultant. In connection with the review and approval of the Surrender Plan, upon the request of Landlord, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord or its consultant such additional non-proprietary information concerning Tenant HazMat Operations as Landlord shall request. On or before such surrender, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord evidence that the approved Surrender Plan shall have been satisfactorily completed and Landlord shall have the right, subject to reimbursement at Tenant’s expense as set forth below, to cause Landlord’s environmental consultant to inspect the Premises and perform such additional procedures as may be deemed reasonably necessary to confirm that the Premises are, as of the effective date of such surrender or early termination of the Lease, free from any residual impact from Tenant HazMat Operations. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord, as Additional Rent, for the actual out-of pocket expense incurred by Landlord for Landlord’s environmental consultant to review and approve the Surrender Plan and to visit the Premises and verify satisfactory completion of the same, which cost shall not exceed $5,000. Landlord shall have the unrestricted right to deliver such Surrender Plan and any report by Landlord’s environmental consultant with respect to the surrender of the Premises to third parties. If Tenant shall fail to prepare or submit a Surrender Plan approved by Landlord, or if Tenant shall fail to complete the approved Surrender Plan, or if such Surrender Plan, whether or not approved by Landlord, shall fail to adequately address any residual effect of Tenant HazMat Operations in, on or about the Premises, Landlord shall have the right to take such actions as Landlord may deem reasonable or appropriate to assure that the Premises and the Project are surrendered free from any residual impact from Tenant HazMat Operations, the cost of which actions shall be reimbursed by Tenant as Additional Rent, without regard to the limitation set forth in the first paragraph of this Section 28. Tenant shall immediately return to Landlord all keys and/or access cards to parking, the Project, restrooms or all or any portion of the Premises furnished to or otherwise procured by Tenant. If any such access card or key is lost, Tenant shall pay to Landlord, at Landlord’s election, either the cost of replacing such lost access card or key or the cost of reprogramming the access security system in which such access card was used or changing the lock or locks opened by such lost key. Any Tenant’s Property, Alterations and property not so removed by Tenant as permitted or required herein shall be deemed abandoned and may be stored, removed, and disposed of by Landlord at Tenant’s expense, and Tenant waives all claims against Landlord for any damages resulting from Landlord’s retention and/or disposition of such property. All obligations of Tenant hereunder not fully performed as of the termination of the Term, including the obligations of Tenant under Section 30 hereof, shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Term, including, without limitation, indemnity obligations, payment obligations with respect to Rent and obligations concerning the condition and repair of the Premises.

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