General Financial Requirements. The State shall comply with all general financial requirements under title XIX and title XXI.
General Financial Requirements. The State must comply with all general financial requirements under title XIX set forth in section VII of these STCs.
General Financial Requirements. The state must comply with all general financial requirements set forth in section VIII.
General Financial Requirements. The state must comply with all general financial requirements under title XIX of the Social Security Act as set forth in Section XIII of these STCs.
General Financial Requirements. This project is approved for title XIX expenditures applicable to services rendered during the demonstration period. This section describes the general financial requirements for these expenditures.
General Financial Requirements. Quarterly Expenditure Reports (CMS-64). The state must provide quarterly expenditure reports using Form CMS-64 to separately report total expenditures for services provided under the Medicaid program, including those provided through the demonstration under section 1115 authority. This project is approved for expenditures applicable to services rendered during the demonstration period. CMS shall provide FFP for allowable demonstration expenditures only as long as they do not exceed the pre-defined limits on the costs incurred as specified in Section XIV of the STCs.
General Financial Requirements. The State must comply with all general financial requirements under title XIX and title XXI set forth in section XIV entitled, Monitoring Budget Neutrality in the Demonstration.
General Financial Requirements. At a minimum, Insurer shall meet the solvency requirements necessary to maintain a certificate of authority in the State of Florida, as determined by the applicable laws and regulations and the Office of Insurance Regulation. In no event shall FHKC or Enrollees be held liable for Insurer’s debt. Insurer shall make sufficient provision against the risk of insolvency to ensure Enrollees will not be liable for Insurer’s debt in the event Insurer becomes insolvent. Insurer shall provide Insurer’s audited financial statements to FHKC for Insurer’s preceding fiscal year by July 1st each year. Failure to comply with the solvency requirements of this provision constitutes a material breach.
General Financial Requirements. The state must comply with all General Financial Requirements under Title XIX set forth in Section X and all General Financial Reporting Requirements under Title XXI set forth in Section XI.
General Financial Requirements. The State must comply with all general financial requirements, including reporting requirements related to monitoring budget neutrality set forth in section IX of these STCs. The State must submit any corrected budget and/or allotment neutrality data upon request.