General Program Requirements Sample Clauses

General Program Requirements. Subrecipient shall adhere, but not be limited to, the following requirements for all programs:
General Program Requirements. Contractor shall adhere, but not be limited to, the following requirements for all programs:
General Program Requirements. Tuition and fees. University of Toledo Participants [For exchange program: Participants from The University of Toledo attending THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION will register and pay the standard tuition and fees to The University of Toledo.] [For non-exchange program: Participants from The University of Toledo attending THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION will pay tuition as determined by the THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION, which may not be greater than the tuition charged to non-residents and may be eligible to apply for a student scholarship from THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION, if available at the time of application.] THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION Participants [For exchange program: Participants from THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION attending The University of Toledo will register and pay the standard tuition to the THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION.] [For non-exchange program: Participants from THEAFFILIATEABBREVIATION attending The University of Toledo will be assessed standard tuition and fees including the out-of-state surcharge and may be eligible to apply for an international student scholarship from The University of Toledo consistent with the policy that exists at the time of admission into partnership program. The current scholarship guideline states that Participants enrolled in a partnership program at their Home Institution with a 3.0/4.0 GPA or higher at the time of transferring to The University xx Xxxxxx will be granted an International Student Scholarship of $9,200. To be eligible for the International Student Scholarship, the Participant must register for all courses prior to the 15th calendar day of the academic term. The scholarship is renewable and is subject to the award recipient satisfying the renewal terms and conditions, which is currently earning 27 University of Toledo credit hours within two semesters of the academic year and maintaining a cumulative 2.75 GPA or higher. The International Student Scholarship, if awarded, applies only to the out-of-state surcharge. Participants will be responsible for paying all other fees and expenses, including but not limited to tuition, living expenses, health insurance, fees associated with the acquisition of a visa and other expenses while in the U.S.] Housing and travel. The Host Institution may coordinate the arrangement of lodging for visiting Participants and Faculty, but all expenses incurred for travel, lodging, and other incidental costs associated with the program (laboratory fees, special activity fees, etc.) will be the responsib...
General Program Requirements. 1. Compliance with Federal Non-Discrimination Statutes. The state must comply with all applicable federal statutes relating to non-discrimination. These include, but are not limited
General Program Requirements. The General Program Requirements have been designed to provide the framework wherein the Contractor will provide services to participants.
General Program Requirements. 2.1. Mirantis reserves all rights not expressly granted in this Agreement and all rights not expressly granted to the Products and Services (including rights under any trademarks, copyrights, patents, or other intellectual property of Mirantis). Partner will use the Products or Services only as specifically permitted or agreed to in this Agreement. If Mirantis determines that any of the Products or Services are being used by Partner in any way to (a) avoid paying fees that would otherwise be due hereunder, (b) provide Services to third parties outside of the scope of a Program, or (c) create revenue without payment of fees to Mirantis for Products or Services, Mirantis may immediately suspend performance and/or terminate the Agreement and any Program Appendix, and reserves its rights to exercise any and all legal and equitable remedies available to it under this Agreement or otherwise. 2.2. For each Mirantis Product (or Partner product that incorporates Mirantis software) that Partner sells to an End User under a Program Appendix, Partner shall purchase the equivalent Mirantis Product with respect to such conditions as the terms and support level described in the applicable Program Appendix. Partner is only authorized hereunder to resell the complete Mirantis Product it purchased and is not permitted to decouple the Mirantis Product or sell it in parts (e.g. purchase a Mirantis Product with a 1-year term and then break it down into monthly or hourly increments for resale to an End User). Partner will work with Mirantis to ensure that its resale of the Mirantis Product to End Users is consistent with the guidelines of the Products purchased. 2.3. Without limiting the generality of Sections 2.1 or 2.2, Partner agrees: (i) not to modify the Products in any manner; and (ii) not to use or resell the Products in any manner or for any purpose not permitted by this Agreement, including, without limitation, for Partner's own internal or production use, other than as may be expressly permitted in the applicable Program Appendix or by any applicable mandatory law or regulation. Should Partner desire to use the Products for Partner’s own internal or production use other than as expressly permitted in the applicable Program Appendix, Partner agrees to purchase the appropriate Mirantis Product(s) under Mirantis’ standard terms for internal use, and to pay the applicable fee for all periods of use. This Agreement establishes the rights and obligations associated with Mir...
General Program Requirements. The enrollment process requires the Home Care Agency to sign the Assurances and Agreement Form, and complete the Provider Enrollment Form. Make a copy for your records and return the originals to ADAP Plus: The HIV Home Care Program will reimburse all enrolled Home Care providers at the standard Medicaid reimbursement rates for any covered service; provided to an ADAP participant eligible for Home Care services.
General Program Requirements. The Grantee shall weatherize eligible dwelling units in its service area as detailed in the Grantee’s LIHEAP Weatherization Assistance Program Plan, as approved by DHS. The Grantee shall maintain a basic service system which includes an outreach/intake system, a method of installing measures, audit and final inspection procedures, and qualified crews and/or subcontractors.
General Program Requirements. Subrecipient shall provide the services described in this Scope of Services to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and its negative economic impacts and provide the Older American Act activities and services described herein. Subrecipient shall adhere to the following requirements among others: