Generator Interconnection Study Process. 5.10.1 The Approved Project Sponsor shall be responsible for completing any existing studies for generator interconnection to the Project that were in the Approved Project Sponsor’s generation interconnection queue upon the Effective Date of this Agreement. The CAISO and any impacted Participating TO will perform studies regarding such requests as an Affected System.
5.10.2 Any requests for generation interconnection to the Project submitted to the Approved Project Sponsor following the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be directed to the CAISO Interconnection Request process. The Approved Project Sponsor shall assume the functions of a Participating TO in accordance with Appendix DD of the CAISO Tariff, including performing Phase I, Phase II, and reassessment analysis for generator interconnection requests to the Project. The Approved Project Sponsor will be reimbursed the actual costs incurred for the analysis similar to the Participating TOs.
Generator Interconnection Study Process. 5.10.1 The Approved Project Sponsor shall be responsible for completing any existing studies
5.10.2 Any requests for generation interconnection to the Project submitted to the Approved Project Sponsor following the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be directed to the CAISO Interconnection Request process. The Approved Project Sponsor shall assume the functions of a Participating TO in accordance with Appendix DD of the CAISO Tariff, including performing Phase I, Phase II, and reassessment analysis for generator interconnection requests to the Project. The Approved Project Sponsor will be reimbursed the actual costs incurred for the analysis similar to the Participating TOs.