REQUEST PROCESS. Unless other arrangements are agreed between Participating Bodies, the following process will be adopted by the Participating Bodies before a Staff Member commences work for a Receiving Body: 4.1. The Host requiring support via this MOU will make a request via its local Primary Care Network grouping (“PCN grouping”), which will evaluate the request (the “Request”) and may facilitate discussions with potential Sending Bodies. The Request shall identify: 4.1.1. the numbers of Staff Members requested; 4.1.2. the roles and/or job types of Staff Members (including where appropriate the required numbers of vaccinators, other healthcare professionals, stewards and administrative and other staff); 4.1.3. when it is desirable for Staff Members to commence work at the Host Practice; 4.1.4. if known at the time of making the request, the length of time that Staff Members are expected to be needed at the Host Practice for the purpose of assisting in the administration of a batch of vaccine (a “Vaccination Session”) 4.1.5. if the Host Practice is aware that a number of batches of vaccine will be received for administration according to a known or proposed schedule, details of that schedule; and 4.1.6. any other information which may be relevant. 4.2. Upon receipt of the Request via the PCN Grouping, each Sending Body will consider whether it can comply in whole or part with the Request and will confirm its position within 24 hours of receipt of a Request. If the Request can be agreed (either wholly or partially), the Participating Bodies, and any third party organisations whose involvement may be necessary to facilitate the implementation of the Request, will liaise to agree any practical arrangements required to implement the Request and will comply with any notification arrangements that may be in place at national, regional or local level for the provision of staff under this MOU. 4.3. This Request process may be varied at any time by agreement between the Participating Bodies and the PCN.
REQUEST PROCESS. The unit member may request an alternative work schedule using the form on front page, (which also serves as a Notice of Absence form [NOA]), and forward to his/her immediate supervisor and to the Vice President of Human Resources, or designee. If approved at both levels, the schedule shall be implemented. Reasonable requests shall not be arbitrarily denied.
REQUEST PROCESS. Complete the Professional Leave with Pay Application at least six (6) months before the date the requested leave is to begin. The request must be approved by the employee’s supervisor, the employing unit’s xxxx or vice president, and by the HR Operations Office that serves the unit. After approval, employees whose leave is managed in Workday will request a LOA Professional Leave in Workday.
REQUEST PROCESS. On the basis of seniority, approval will be given to an employee’s request to observe at least two (2) consecutive weeks of vacation which may occur during the period from the Monday nearest May 1st to the first Saturday in October, provided the Employer operation is not disrupted. Requests made after March 31st will be considered on a first come, first served basis. This section applies for vacation purposes only and store managers within the bargaining unit are excluded from the seniority requirements in this section only.
REQUEST PROCESS. Application for leave must be made on a form provided by Human Resources, and must be submitted no later than March 1 or next available business day preceding the leave. Written approval or rejection of the leave shall be made by April 1. If, after receiving written approval, the employee notifies the District that they no longer wish to take the leave, the leave will be considered cancelled. If the employee later informs the District that it wants to take the leave that was approved but then cancelled, the District may approve or deny the leave at its discretion.
REQUEST PROCESS. In making a re- quest pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the requesting person must provide the Commission and the Secu- rities and Exchange Commission with the following: (1) All material information regard- ing the terms of the agreement, con- tract, or transaction (or class thereof); (2) A statement of the economic char- acteristics and purpose of the agree- ment, contract, or transaction (or class thereof); (3) The requesting person’s deter- mination as to whether the agreement, contract, or transaction (or class thereof) should be characterized as a swap, a security-based swap, or both, (i.e., a mixed swap), including the basis for such determination; and (4) Such other information as may be requested by the Commission or the Securities and Exchange Commission.
REQUEST PROCESS. Any administrative employee who feels his/her position is not properly classified on the District's Psychologist’s Salary Schedule or Professional-Technical Salary Schedule may complete and submit to his/her supervisor an Administrative Reclassification Request Questionnaire. Administrative supervisors may also submit a request for the reclassification of a certificated or pro- tech position due to reorganization, restructuring, or significant changes to a position. Such request may be submitted before the duties are assigned to the employee. (2003)
REQUEST PROCESS. The Overall PI (defined in Exhibit A) (or designee) may make the request for Ceded Review of particular Research to the IRB of the Participating Institution where the Overall PI is primarily employed or affiliated. Such Participating Institution will make an initial determination about the appropriateness of Ceded Review for the Research that is the subject of the request. The Participating Institution of the Overall PI may also on its own initiative determine that particular Research may be appropriate for Ceded Review. If the Overall PI and the Overall PI’s Participating Institution are not seeking but do not object to Ceded Review, other Participating Institutions may still participate in a Ceded Review; in that case, a Site Investigator (defined in Exhibit A) may make a request for Ceded Review of the Research to the IRB of the Participating Institution where the Site Investigator is primarily employed or affiliated.
REQUEST PROCESS. Any unit member who feels his/her position is not properly classified on the Washoe County School District's Certificated Administrator’s Salary Schedule may complete and submit to his/her supervisor an Administrative Reclassification Request Questionnaire. Administrative supervisors may also submit a request for the reclassification of a certificated position due to reorganization, restructuring, or significant changes to a position. Such requests may be submitted before the duties are assigned to the employee.
REQUEST PROCESS. The Governor of a State, or the Acting Governor in his/ her absence, may request such DOD as- sistance. The Governor should submit the request to the Associate Director through the appropriate Regional Xx- xxxxxx to ensure prompt acknowledg- ment and processing. The request must be submitted within 48 hours of the oc- xxxxxxxx of the incident. Requests made after that time may still be con- sidered if information is submitted in- dicating why the request for assistance could not be made during the initial 48 hours. The request shall include: (1) Information describing the types and amount of DOD emergency assist- ance being requested; (2) Confirmation that the Governor has taken appropriate action under State law and directed the execution of the State emergency plan; (3) A finding that the situation is of such severity and magnitude that ef- fective response is beyond the capabili- ties of the State and affected local gov- ernments and that Federal assistance is necessary for the preservation of life and property; (4) A certification by the Governor that the State and local government will reimburse FEMA for the non-Fed- eral share of the cost of such work; and