Governance Structure. A. Point of Discovery School shall be governed by a Governance Crew according to their bylaws. The Governance Crew shall oversee operating committees as determined by the Governance Crew. The Governance Crew shall consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, and additional members, the number of which is determined by the Governance Crew based on need. In addition, one faculty member of Point of Discovery School will sit on the Governance Crew, and the District assigned Administrator will serve in a non-voting capacity. Vacant positions on the Governance Crew shall be filled through a nomination and voting process. Nominations made by serving Point of Discovery School Governance Crew Members shall be considered based on level of expertise, the composition of the body, and may include any combination of parents, community leaders, and non-community leaders. Members of committees need not be voting members of the Governance Crew. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew will consider all nominees and fill vacancies based on majority vote for the nominees. B. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew has the full authority to create and monitor the mission and philosophy of the school and to set forth the policies, rules, and procedures of Point of Discovery School with input from the lead teacher, subject to the terms of this Contract and applicable District policies. Areas of authority include, but are not limited to building-based budget, curriculum, hiring, and retention of Point of Discovery School staff, school calendar, marketing, and fund-raising. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew shall support the District assigned Administrator in fulfilling these operations and policies. Current District policy waivers are included on pages 15 and 16 of this Contract. Point of Discovery School may request that the District waive additional policies in the future. The District has the discretion to grant or deny such requests, to the extent permitted by law. Current and future Point of Discovery School policies will be reviewed by the District assigned Administrator (or his/her designee) for purposes of confirming that they are consistent with District policies and applicable laws. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew and Point of Discovery School shall not take or authorize action which would have an adverse impact on the District or its operations including, without limitation, any action relating to purchases. C. Point of Discovery School shall make decisions concerning teacher performance and employment in conformance with Board of Education policy 523. D. The relationship between Point of Discovery School and the District will be that of an “Administrator of Record” which will be the District’s Director of Secondary Education. The Administrator of Record will assist with and be responsible for the evaluation of employees. The Lead Teacher will oversee assessment, work collaboratively with the Administrator of Record regarding assessment, as needed, and be the liaison between Point of Discovery School and the District. The Lead Teacher and all Point of Discovery School teachers will be employees of the District and will be responsible in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in this Contract and related documents with respect to the vision and mission of Point of Discovery School. A survey will be created by the Governance Crew that shall assist the Administrator of Record and the Lead Teacher in achieving Point of Discovery School benchmarks and goals.
Appears in 2 contracts
Governance Structure. A. Point The Xxxx Board of Discovery School Education will be the mechanism for expanded school-based management in order to ensure that a more collaborative decision-making process will result in more effective teaching and pupil learning. To this end, the Board shall be governed by a Governance Crew according to their bylawsexempt from all LAUSD Board rules and District policies. The Governance Crew Board will be the primary decision-making body for Xxxx High School. It will take on all of the functions and responsibilities of the School Site Council (SSC) as outlined in District Bulletin BUL-1231 and in federal and state law, including the approval and monitoring of the Single Plan for Student Achievement. All election and composition rules that currently apply to the SSC will apply to the Board. To provide for a smooth transition, the new Board shall oversee operating committees as determined adopt all current SSC By-Laws until new By-Laws are written. Current SSC membership will transition to the new Board will all members having been specifically elected to the Board by the Governance Crew2012- 2013 school year. Consistent with Article XXVII, Section 2.4 of the LAUSD-UTLA collective bargaining agreement, and the current authority of the School Site Council, the Taft Board of Education will assume the following responsibilities: • Personnel The Board shall have authority over the selection of all school personnel including teachers, administrators, and classified employees. The Governance Crew Board shall consist have the authority to determine the roles and functions of a presidentteachers, vice-president, treasureradministrators, and secretaryclassified employees, as well as determining the need for additional teachers, administrators, and classified employees. The Board shall have the power to create, approve, and monitor personnel evaluation tools for all THS employees. These tools will be used only to improve performance and will not be used in any official evaluation or in any disciplinary proceedings. The Board shall not have the authority to fire personnel and must abide by all LAUSD-union bargaining agreements and all state and federal laws. Appropriate waivers must be obtained if there is any expansion of this authority over Article XXVII, Section 2.4 of the LAUSD-UTLA collective bargaining agreement. • Instruction, Curriculum, and Assessment The Board shall have the authority over curriculum, instruction, and assessment. • Budgets The Board shall have authority over all budgets allowable by state or federal law. • Professional Development The Board shall have authority over the scheduling, content, and design of professional development. It shall also have the authority to allocate funding to support professional development programs. • Student Discipline The Board shall have the authority to make policies and procedures in regards to student discipline. • Scheduling The Board shall have the authority to set the yearly calendar and the school day schedule. • Campus Environment The Board shall have the authority over any additions, improvements, or changes to the physical campus and shall have the power to authorize and fund campus improvement projects. The Board shall also review safety procedures for the school. • Use of School Equipment The Board shall have the authority to make policies and procedures concerning the use and allocation of school equipment. In order to carry out these responsibilities the Board shall have the power to create committees. These committees shall be charged with making recommendations to the Board with regard to the Board’s stated authority. Every attempt should be made to have all stakeholders represented on each committee. All committee meetings shall be open to the public. The Board shall have the following standing committees: • Leadership Team o Leadership Team shall be composed of department chairpersons, coordinators, and administrators. Leadership Team will advise the Board on areas concerning academics, curriculum, professional development, assessment, campus environment, and student discipline. • Budget o The Budget Committee shall advise the Board on all categorical budgets except EL, Title I, and GATE, or any other budgets not allowable by state or federal law. • English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC) o ELAC will follow all appropriate state and federal guidelines and will advise the Board on EL education and budget • Compensatory Education Advisory Council (CEAC) o CEAC will follow all appropriate state and federal guidelines and will advise the Board on Title I education and budget. • Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) o GATE will follow all appropriate state and federal guidelines and will advise the Board on GATE education and budget. • Personnel o The Personnel Committee will advise the Board on the hiring of teachers, administrators, and classified employees as well as the hiring of independent contractors. The committee shall also make recommendations on the need for fewer or additional membersteachers, the number of which is determined by the Governance Crew based on needadministrators, and/or classified employees. In addition, one faculty member of Point of Discovery School the committee will sit advise the Board on employee evaluation tools. • The Board shall have the Governance Crew, and the District assigned Administrator will serve in a non-voting capacity. Vacant positions on the Governance Crew shall be filled through a nomination and voting process. Nominations made by serving Point of Discovery School Governance Crew Members shall be considered based on level of expertise, the composition of the body, and may include any combination of parents, community leaders, and non-community leaders. Members of committees need not be voting members of the Governance Crew. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew will consider all nominees and fill vacancies based on majority vote for the nominees.
B. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew has the full authority to create any ad hoc committees or new standing committees as it sees fit. • THS is entitled to and monitor the mission and philosophy of the school and to set forth the policies, rules, and procedures of Point of Discovery School with input from the lead teacher, subject to the terms of this Contract and applicable District policiesshall receive full per pupil funding in StateIapproved ADA funding. Areas of authority includeAll categorical funding (including, but are not limited to building-based budgetTitle I, curriculumschool improvement, hiringGATE, and retention of Point of Discovery School staff, school calendar, marketing, and fund-raising. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew shall support the District assigned Administrator in fulfilling these operations and policies. Current District policy waivers are included on pages 15 and 16 of this Contract. Point of Discovery School may request that the District waive additional policies in the future. The District has the discretion to grant or deny such requests, to the extent permitted by law. Current and future Point of Discovery School policies will be reviewed block grants) received by the District assigned Administrator (and targeted for THS shall go directly to the school. To the extent revenues exceed expenditures, THS shall have the right to reinvest it in the physical school site and in Board approved programs. Both parties must agree in writing for the renewal or his/her designee) for purposes extension of confirming that they are consistent with District policies and applicable lawsthis MOU. The Point relationship of Discovery School Governance Crew and Point of Discovery School shall not take or authorize action which would have an adverse impact on the District or its operations including, without limitation, any action relating I-Design Division to purchases.
C. Point of Discovery School shall make decisions concerning teacher performance and employment in conformance with Board of Education policy 523.
D. The relationship between Point of Discovery School and the District school will be that of an “Administrator of Record” which will be further defined as the District’s Director of Secondary Education. The Administrator of Record will assist with and be responsible for the evaluation of employees. The Lead Teacher will oversee assessment, work collaboratively school year continues with the Administrator of Record regarding assessment, as needed, and be objective being that by the liaison between Point of Discovery School and the District. The Lead Teacher and all Point of Discovery School teachers will be employees end of the District and will be responsible in accordance with 2010-2011 school year the policies and procedures outlined in this Contract and related documents with respect to specific conditions of the vision and mission of Point of Discovery School. A survey will be created by the Governance Crew that shall assist the Administrator of Record and the Lead Teacher in achieving Point of Discovery School benchmarks and goalsagreement have been full decided upon.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Understanding
Governance Structure. A. Point of Discovery School shall be governed by a Governance Crew according to their bylaws. The Governance Crew shall oversee operating committees as determined by the Governance Crew. The Governance Crew shall consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, and additional members, the number of which is determined by the Governance Crew based on need. In addition, one faculty member of Point of Discovery School will sit on the Governance Crew, and the District assigned Administrator will serve in a non-voting capacity. Vacant positions on the Governance Crew shall be filled through a nomination and voting process. Nominations made by serving Point of Discovery School Governance Crew Members shall be considered based on level of expertise, the composition of the body, and may include any combination of parents, community leaders, and non-community leaders. Members of committees need not be voting members of the Governance Crew. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew will consider all nominees and fill vacancies based on majority vote for the nominees.
B. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew has the full authority to create and monitor the mission and philosophy of the school and to set forth the policies, rules, and procedures of Point of Discovery School with input from the lead teacherprincipal, subject to the terms of this Contract and applicable District policies. Areas of authority include, but are not limited to building-based budget, curriculum, hiring, and retention of Point of Discovery School staff, school calendar, marketing, and fund-raising. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew shall support the District assigned Administrator in fulfilling these operations and policies. Current District policy waivers are included on pages 15 and 16 of in this Contract. Point of Discovery School may request that the District waive additional policies in the future. The District has the discretion to grant or deny such requests, to the extent permitted by law. Current and future Point of Discovery School policies will be reviewed by the District assigned Administrator (or his/her designee) for purposes of confirming that they are consistent with District policies and applicable laws. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew and Point of Discovery School shall not take or authorize action which would have an adverse impact on the District or its operations including, without limitation, any action relating to purchases.
C. Point of Discovery School shall make decisions concerning teacher performance and employment in conformance with Board of Education policy 5233220523.
D. The relationship between Point of Discovery School and the District will be that of an “Administrator of Record” which will be the District’s Director of Secondary Education. The Administrator of Record will assist with and be responsible for the evaluation of employees. The Lead Teacher principal will oversee assessment, work collaboratively with the Administrator of Record regarding assessment, as needed, and be the liaison between Point of Discovery School and the District. The Lead Teacher principal and all Point of Discovery School teachers will be employees of the District and will be responsible in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in this Contract and related documents with respect to the vision and mission of Point of Discovery School. A survey will be created by the Governance Crew that shall assist the Administrator of Record and the Lead Teacher principal in achieving Point of Discovery School benchmarks and goals.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Charter School Contract
Governance Structure. A. Point of Discovery School shall be governed by a Governance Crew according to their bylaws. The Governance Crew shall oversee operating committees as determined by the Governance Crew. The Governance Crew shall consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, and additional members, the number of which is determined by the Governance Crew based on need. In addition, one faculty member of Point of Discovery School will sit on the Governance Crew, and the District assigned Administrator will serve in a non-voting capacity. Vacant positions on the Governance Crew shall be filled through a nomination and voting process. Nominations made by serving Point of Discovery School Governance Crew Members shall be considered based on level of expertise, the composition of the body, and may include any combination of parents, community leaders, and non-community leaders. Members of committees need not be voting members of the Governance Crew. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew will consider all nominees and fill vacancies based on majority vote for the nominees.
B. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew has the full authority to create and monitor the mission and philosophy of the school and to set forth the policies, rules, and procedures of Point of Discovery School with input from the lead teacher, subject to the terms of this Contract and applicable District policies. Areas of authority include, but are not limited to building-based budget, curriculum, hiring, and retention of Point of Discovery School staff, school calendar, marketing, and fund-raising. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew shall support the District assigned Administrator in fulfilling these operations and policies. Current District policy waivers are included on pages 15 and 16 of in this Contract. Point of Discovery School may request that the District waive additional policies in the future. The District has the discretion to grant or deny such requests, to the extent permitted by law. Current and future Point of Discovery School policies will be reviewed by the District assigned Administrator (or his/her designee) for purposes of confirming that they are consistent with District policies and applicable laws. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew and Point of Discovery School shall not take or authorize action which would have an adverse impact on the District or its operations including, without limitation, any action relating to purchases.
C. Point of Discovery School shall make decisions concerning teacher performance and employment in conformance with School Board of Education policy 523.
D. The relationship between Point of Discovery School and the District will be that of an “Administrator of Record” which will be the District’s Director of Secondary Education. The Administrator of Record will assist with and be responsible for the evaluation of employees. The Lead Teacher will oversee assessment, work collaboratively with the Administrator of Record regarding assessment, as needed, and be the liaison between Point of Discovery School and the District. The Lead Teacher and all Point of Discovery School teachers will be employees of the District and will be responsible in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in this Contract and related documents with respect to the vision and mission of Point of Discovery School. A survey will be created by the Governance Crew that shall assist the Administrator of Record and the Lead Teacher in achieving Point of Discovery School benchmarks and goals.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Charter School Contract
Governance Structure. A. Point of Discovery School shall be governed by a Governance Crew according to their bylaws. The Governance Crew shall oversee operating committees as determined by the Governance Crew. The Governance Crew shall consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary, and additional members, the number of which is determined by the Governance Crew based on need. In addition, one faculty member of Point of Discovery School will sit on the Governance Crew, and the District assigned Administrator will serve in a non-voting capacity. Vacant positions on the Governance Crew shall be filled through a nomination and voting process. Nominations made by serving Point of Discovery School Governance Crew Members shall be considered based on level of expertise, the composition of the body, and may include any combination of parents, community leaders, and non-community leaders. Members of committees need not be voting members of the Governance Crew. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew will consider all nominees and fill vacancies based on majority vote for the nominees.
B. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew has the full authority to create and monitor the mission and philosophy of the school and to set forth the policies, rules, and procedures of Point of Discovery School with input from the lead teacherprincipal, subject to the terms of this Contract and applicable District policies. Areas of authority include, but are not limited to building-based budget, curriculum, hiring, and retention of Point of Discovery School staff, school calendar, marketing, and fund-raising. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew shall support the District assigned Administrator in fulfilling these operations and policies. Current District policy waivers are included on pages 15 and 16 of in this Contract. Point of Discovery School may request that the District waive additional policies in the future. The District has the discretion to grant or deny such requests, to the extent permitted by law. Current and future Point of Discovery School policies will be reviewed by the District assigned Administrator (or his/her designee) for purposes of confirming that they are consistent with District policies and applicable laws. The Point of Discovery School Governance Crew and Point of Discovery School shall not take or authorize action which would have an adverse impact on the District or its operations including, without limitation, any action relating to purchases.
C. Point of Discovery School shall make decisions concerning teacher performance and employment in conformance with Board School BoardBoard of Education policy 5233220523.
D. The relationship between Point of Discovery School and the District will be that of an “Administrator of Record” which will be the District’s Director of Secondary Education. The Administrator of Record will assist with and be responsible for the evaluation of employees. The Lead Teacher principal will oversee assessment, work collaboratively with the Administrator of Record regarding assessment, as needed, and be the liaison between Point of Discovery School and the District. The Lead Teacher principal and all Point of Discovery School teachers will be employees of the District and will be responsible in accordance with the policies and procedures outlined in this Contract and related documents with respect to the vision and mission of Point of Discovery School. A survey will be created by the Governance Crew that shall assist the Administrator of Record and the Lead Teacher principal in achieving Point of Discovery School benchmarks and goals.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Charter School Contract