Organizational Framework. The annual negotiated Performance Framework includes three parts. One part is an Organizational Framework. The Organizational Framework is a compliance checklist that ensures that the School is responsive to the needs of its students, employees and School community, and also looks at recurrent enrollment. This framework looks at organizational, overarching processes established by the School to ensure efficient operations by the School and compliance with applicable laws. The following is a general description of the Organizational Framework areas of focus.
Organizational Framework. Education Program 1.f. Is the School complying with compulsory attendance laws?
Organizational Framework. 18
Section 8.01 Organizational Framework, Education Program 1.a. Is the school implementing the Material Terms of the Charter as defined in this section? 18 (a) Material Terms of the Charter. 18
Section 8.02 Organizational Framework, Education Program 1.b. Is the school complying with applicable educational requirements? 21
Section 8.03 Operational Framework, Students and Employees, 1.
Organizational Framework. Education Program 1.
Organizational Framework. School Environment 5.
Organizational Framework. Education Program 1.a. Is the school implementing the Material Terms of the Charter as defined in this section?
Organizational Framework. Education Program 1.g. Is the School complying with the annual recurrent enrollment target? 43
Organizational Framework. Is the organization effective and well run?
Organizational Framework. School Environment 5.
c. Is the School handling information appropriately?
Organizational Framework. The Organizational Performance Framework is comprised of the following indicators:
(a) School Charter Mission (b). Governance