Guidelines for Progressive Discipline Sample Clauses

Guidelines for Progressive Discipline. Step 1 Warning While a warning may be originally communicated orally to the employee, all warnings must be memorialized in writing and placed in the immediate supervisor’s file, with a copy to the employee and personnel file.
Guidelines for Progressive Discipline 

Related to Guidelines for Progressive Discipline

  • Progressive Discipline Both parties endorse the principle of progressive discipline as applied to professionals.

  • PROCUREMENT ETHICS Contractor understands that a person who is interested in any way in the sale of any supplies, services, construction, or insurance to the State of Utah is violating the law if the person gives or offers to give any compensation, gratuity, contribution, loan, reward, or any promise thereof to any person acting as a procurement officer on behalf of the State of Utah, or who in any official capacity participates in the procurement of such supplies, services, construction, or insurance, whether it is given for their own use or for the use or benefit of any other person or organization.

  • Discipline Procedure 1. Disciplinary action may be imposed for violation of written rules and regulations as set forth by the Board, incompetence, inefficiency, dishonesty, drunkenness, immoral conduct, insubordination, discourteous treatment of the public, neglect of duty, misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance, any other failure of good behavior, or conviction of a felony. 2. No employee shall be disciplined without first having had the opportunity for a hearing, if the employee so requests, with an OAPSE representative of his/her choice present. The employee shall be given a written statement containing the charges and the time and place of the hearing. The written statement shall notify the employee of his/her rights to OAPSE representation. The employee must be given the opportunity to sign the statement acknowledging receipt of the statement and date received. Under emergency conditions as determined by the supervisor (including, but not limited to, health and/or safety of the employee or other employees; blatant insubordination; or refusal to work), the supervisor may immediately suspend an employee without pay for a period of up to three (3) work days without the formal hearing described above. An opportunity for a formal hearing with the supervisor must be provided within the suspension period. Failure to provide an opportunity for a hearing during the suspension period shall preclude the right of further discipline for the offense causing the initial suspension. Emergency suspensions will not be subject to Section 6 of this Article. 3. Disciplinary action of less than discharge should generally be progressive and corrective in nature. A. Disciplinary actions shall be grievable. This Section shall supersede existing state law governing termination of employment (O.R.C. 3319.081). B. In determining progressive and corrective action, just cause shall be construed and limited to the nature and seriousness of the offense, the effect the alleged conduct has on the Board’s operation, the discipline or lack thereof used in other similar situations known to the Board, and the appropriateness of the proposed penalty in view of the record and length of service of the charged employee. The enumeration of these factors is not intended to preclude either the exercise of good and sound business judgment or to minimize the importance of an employee’s property interest in his job.

  • GUIDELINES FOR REVIEWS We may provide you areas on the Site to leave reviews or ratings. When posting a review, you must comply with the following criteria: (1) you should have firsthand experience with the person/entity being reviewed; (2) your reviews should not contain offensive profanity, or abusive, racist, offensive, or hate language; (3) your reviews should not contain discriminatory references based on religion, race, gender, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability; (4) your reviews should not contain references to illegal activity; (5) you should not be affiliated with competitors if posting negative reviews; (6) you should not make any conclusions as to the legality of conduct; (7) you may not post any false or misleading statements; and (8) you may not organize a campaign encouraging others to post reviews, whether positive or negative. We may accept, reject, or remove reviews in our sole discretion. We have absolutely no obligation to screen reviews or to delete reviews, even if anyone considers reviews objectionable or inaccurate. Reviews are not endorsed by us, and do not necessarily represent our opinions or the views of any of our affiliates or partners. We do not assume liability for any review or for any claims, liabilities, or losses resulting from any review. By posting a review, you hereby grant to us a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid, assignable, and sublicensable right and license to reproduce, modify, translate, transmit by any means, display, perform, and/or distribute all content relating to reviews.

  • Guidelines Explanation The Board President will accept applications. The Board will discuss, at an open meeting, its process to review the applications and who will contact applicants for an interview. Who accepts vacancy applications is at the Board's sole discretion. According to 2:110, Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers, the Board President is a logical officer to accept the applications, but this task may be delegated to the Secretary or Superintendent's secretary if the Board determines that it is more convenient. Who accepts the applications must be decided prior to posting the vacancy announcement.

  • Standards for Determining Commercial Reasonableness Borrower and Silicon agree that a sale or other disposition (collectively, "sale") of any Collateral which complies with the following standards will conclusively be deemed to be commercially reasonable: (i) Notice of the sale is given to Borrower at least seven days prior to the sale, and, in the case of a public sale, notice of the sale is published at least seven days before the sale in a newspaper of general circulation in the county where the sale is to be conducted; (ii) Notice of the sale describes the collateral in general, non-specific terms; (iii) The sale is conducted at a place designated by Silicon, with or without the Collateral being present; (iv) The sale commences at any time between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m; (v) Payment of the purchase price in cash or by cashier's check or wire transfer is required; (vi) With respect to any sale of any of the Collateral, Silicon may (but is not obligated to) direct any prospective purchaser to ascertain directly from Borrower any and all information concerning the same. Silicon shall be free to employ other methods of noticing and selling the Collateral, in its discretion, if they are commercially reasonable.

  • Employee Discipline Appropriate sanctions must be applied against workforce 18 members who fail to comply with any provisions of CONTRACTOR’s privacy P&Ps, including 19 termination of employment where appropriate.

  • DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES 19.1 The Company shall be free to discharge employees for refusal to obey lawful orders, incompetence, misrepresentation, intoxication, or any just cause. An employee who has not completed his or her probationary period may be disciplined or discharged without just cause and without recourse to the Grievance and Arbitration procedure set forth in Article 20. 19.2 The Company shall be free to discipline any employee who commits an infraction, which, while not being sufficient to constitute just cause for discharge, is sufficient to warrant some lesser disciplinary action. However, no employee who has completed the probationary period will be discharged for offenses, which do not in and of themselves constitute just cause for discharge unless the employee has received two (2) prior written warnings within twelve ( 12) months of the offense. The issuance of two (2) prior warnings within a twelve (12) month period shall constitute just cause. Absent excused or extraordinary circumstances, warning notices shall be issued within ten (10) days after the Company knew or should have known of the offense but not more than thirty (30) days after the event. Each warning notice shall contain a place for the employee to sign to acknowledge receipt without admitting guilt. 19.3 In addition to those circumstances mentioned elsewhere in this Agreement, just cause circumstances for discharge shall include, but not be limited to: insubordination, theft, excessive absenteeism, gross negligence, failure to comply with reasonable rules, policies or directives promulgated by the Company and clearly communicated to the employee, use of unnecessary force or disrespectful treatment of a tenant, visitor or employee and inability or unwillingness to be trained to fulfill existing or modified security needs of the Company, the building owner or its tenants. The Union further understands and agrees that the Company provides an important service to its tenants of a personalized nature to fulfill their security needs, as those needs are perceived by the Company, the building owner and the tenants. Accordingly, the provisions of this Section shall be implemented and interpreted by the parties and by an arbitrator in arbitration proceedings so as to give significant consideration to such needs. 19.4 The Company will discharge any employee who is denied registration or whose registration is canceled by the State of Minnesota Board of Private Detective and Protective Agent Services or any other governmental agency. Discharge under this Article for failure to possess a license shall be without recourse to the Grievance Procedures of Article 20. 19.5 The employee and the Union recognize that the customer is the ultimate consumer and ultimately controls the access of the employee and the business of the Company. When a security-related incident occurs on a job site that is or can reasonably be construed as injurious to that customer, the employee, the Union, and the Company will cooperate in every way in the investigation of the incident until the incident is resolved and/or the customer is satisfied that all reasonable avenues have been pursued to their completion. The Union will not impede any steps which may assist the Company in convincing the customer of the thoroughness and/or reliability of its investigation, consistent with the Union's duty to provide fair and effective representation to its membership.

  • Discipline Policy A Discipline Policy Committee will be formed upon the request of the Association or the Board of Education. The committee will be comprised of members appointed by the Board and the Association. By the appropriate means determined by the Board, families will be informed of the District's policies regarding student behavior and discipline procedures. The foregoing committees, study groups, or faculty councils shall serve as advisory, consultative and fact-finding bodies only, and the Board shall not be required to adopt any of the recommendations submitted. The Board agrees, however, that the Association and the teachers shall have the right to submit recommendations and views on these subjects.

  • Benchmarks for Measuring Accessibility For the purposes of this Agreement, the accessibility of online content and functionality will be measured according to the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA and the Web Accessibility Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 for web content, which are incorporated by reference.