Hearing Procedure Prior to initiating the hearing procedure, the school official, the parent(s) or the guardian may request a conference to provide an opportunity for the parent(s)/guardian(s) and school official(s) to discuss the situation, present information, obtain an explanation of data submitted in the application and the decisions rendered. Such a conference shall not in any way prejudice nor diminish the right to a fair hearing. The designated hearing official shall ensure that the hearing procedure provides the following for both the household and the LEA:
Signaling protocol The Parties will interconnect their networks using SS7 signaling where Technically Feasible and available as defined in GR 905 Telcordia Standards including ISDN User Part (ISUP) for trunk signaling and TCAP for CCS-based features in the Interconnection of their networks. All Network Operations Forum (NOF) adopted standards shall be adhered to. Where available, CenturyLink signaling services to link its Signaling Transfer Points (STPs) for CLEC switches which connect to CenturyLink’s STPs via “A” links or for CLEC’s STPs to connect to CenturyLink’s STPs via “D” links which are dedicated to the transport of signaling for local Interconnection, may be ordered from the CenturyLink Tariff.
Protocol The attached Protocol shall be an integral part of this Agreement.
Review Protocol A narrative description of how the Claims Review was conducted and what was evaluated.
Hearing Aids Any active employee who is insured under any one of the 9 District sponsored medical plans may request reimbursement for the costs of 10 hearing aids. The maximum amount of reimbursement shall not exceed one 11 thousand dollars ($1,000) within any three (3) year period. The cost of 12 hardware, fitting tests, and other tests related to the hearing aids purchased 13 shall be included for reimbursement purposes. 14
COMPLAINT PROCEDURES CONTRACTOR shall maintain and adhere to its written procedures for responding to parent complaints. These procedures shall include annually notifying and providing parents of LEA students with appropriate information (including complaint forms) for the following: (1) Uniform Complaint Procedures pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4600 et seq.; (2) Nondiscrimination policy pursuant to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 4960 (a); (3) Sexual Harassment Policy, California Education Code 231.5 (a) (b) (c); (4) Title IX Pupil Grievance Procedure, Title IX 106.8 (a) (d) and 106.9 (a); and (5) Notice of Privacy Practices in compliance with Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), if applicable. CONTRACTOR shall include verification of these procedures to the LEA upon request. CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify LEA of any complaints filed against it related to LEA students and provide LEA with all documentation related to the complaints and/or its investigation of complaints, including any and all reports generated as a result of an investigation.