High School and College Sample Clauses

High School and College understand and acknowledge that the DCCCD, as a post-secondary institution of higher education under Texas law is subject to those provisions of Texas law (Tex. Gov’t Code 441.2031(b), et. al.) which permit the concealed carry of handguns by license holders in those areas of DCCCD property where such concealed carry of handguns is not prohibited. As such, Students may at times be in areas of DCCCD property where the concealed carry of handguns is permissible. High School agrees to work collaboratively with the College to provide information to Students, as well as their parents or legal guardians, of the fact that such Students, while upon the property of the DCCCD may be in areas in which the concealed carry of handguns by license holders is permissible and the realities associated therewith.
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High School and College understand and acknowledge that the Dallas College, as a post-secondary institution of higher education under Texas law is subject to those provisions of Texas law (Tex. Gov’t Code 441.2031(b), et. al.) which permit the concealed carry of handguns by license holders in those areas of Dallas College property where such concealed carry of handguns is not prohibited. As such, Students may at times be in areas of Dallas College property where the concealed carry of handguns is permissible. High School agrees to work collaboratively with the College to provide information to Students, as well as their parents or legal guardians, of the fact that such Students, while upon the property of the Dallas College may be in areas in which the concealed carry of handguns by license holders is permissible and the realities associated therewith.
High School and College. CREDIT EARNED Assurance of High School Credit and Transferability of Courses Approved and offered dual enrollment courses in the PHSC Collegiate High School Program will be used to fulfill high school credit graduation requirements or elective credit. All dual enrollment courses in the PHSC Collegiate High School Program will meet the guidelines for transferability of credit under Florida Statutes Chapter 1007.271(12). To have a future goal orientation focus, high school students will develop and follow a four-year program of study leading to college entrance, post-secondary education, or workforce entry. College Credit Courses Available Through the Collegiate High School Program Students enrolled in the PHSC Collegiate High School Program will be limited to enrolling in courses which simultaneously meet the high school graduation requirements and the PHSC degree requirements specified in the student’s selected program of study and Student Performance Contract. Students participating in the Collegiate High School Program may enroll only in college credit courses as specified in the Florida Department of Education Articulation Coordinating Committee Statewide Agreement for Dual Enrollment Courses - High School Subject Area Equivalency List. Eligible courses may be taken in any format that the College offers them unless otherwise specified in the Program Contract. This listing shall be updated from year to year and courses may be added to the list or deleted from the list at the sole discretion of PHSC. Seniors who enroll in the PHSC Collegiate High School Program who have no prior dual enrollment coursework are required to enroll in 15 credit hours per semester.

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  • Kesimpulan Nominee Agreement atau dikenal dengan perjanjian pinjam nama merupakan perjanjian xxxxxx xxxx dibuat oleh nominee xxx beneficiary. Penggunaan Nominee Agreement dalam pendaftaran tanah membawa akibat hukum bukan hanya pada keabsahan dari Nominee Agreement itu sendiri melainkan juga pada keabsahan dari sertifikat hasil pendaftaran tanah objek Nominee Agreement. Sertifikat hak atas tanah merupakan surat tanda bukti kepemilikan hak atas tanah yang merupakan suatu KTUN yang untuk memperoleh keabsahannya harus memenuhi persyaratan sebagaimana diatur di dalam Pasal 52 ayat (1) UU Administrasi Pemerintahan, yaitu kewe-nangan, prosedur, xxx substansi. Apabila terdapat salah satu syarat keabsahan suatu keputusan tidak terpenuhi, maka akan mengakibatkan keputusan tersebut tidak sah. Apabila dilihat dari segi pendaftaran tanah, pendaftaran tanah dengan adanya Nominee Agreement mengandung kecacatan prosedural materiil. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam pendaftaran dilakukan atas dasar suatu kebohongan, yang mana data yang dimasukkan pada saat pendaftaran sertifikat tanah bukanlah data dari pemilik tanah yang sesungguhnya. Oleh karena ditemukan adanya pemalsuan data dalam proses pendaftaran yang bertentangan dengan ketentuan dalam UUPA, maka sertifikat hasil pendaftaran objek Nominee Agreement dianggap tidak sah. Akibat hukum dari tidak sahnya sertifikat hasil pendaftaran objek Nominee Agreement karena tidak memenuhi syarat prosedur adalah batalnya sertifikat tersebut (Nietig), yang mana bagi hukum perbuatan yang dilakukan tidak ada xxx akibat perbuatan itu juga dianggap tidak pernah ada. Dalam pembatalan sertifikat hak atas tanah, diperlukan putusan pengadilan atau keputusan dari badan/pejabat pemerintah yang berwenang yakni BPN, dalam hal ini adalah Kepala Xxxxxx Pertanahan Kabupaten/Kota. Kewenangan yang diberikan untuk mengeluarkan keputusan yang membatalkan itu didasarkan atas Asas Contrarius Actus, artonya yang berhak untuk mengeluarkan putusan dalam rangka mela-kukan pembatalan terhadap sertifikat hak atas tanah adalah badan/pejabat yang menerbitkan sertifikat tersebut. Dalam Pasal 66 ayat (3) UU Administrasi Pemerintahan memberikan pilihan terkait pembatalan suatu keputusan yang dapat juga dilakukan atas putusan pengadilan, yang mana akibat hukumnya berbeda dengan pembatalan sertifikat. Putusan pengadilan lebih menekankan dalam mengadili persoalan keabsahan daripada Nominee Agreement tersebut, terkait dengan siapa pemilik yang sebenarnya dari tanah tersebut. Langkah tersebut dirasa kurang tepat xxxxxx xxxxx banyak putusan yang justru mengun- tungkan pihak yang melakukan pelanggaran hukum. Oleh karena itu, akan lebih tepat apabila BPN yang mencabut hak atas tanah tersebut, yang mana jika sertifikat tersebut dicabut oleh BPN melalui pembatalan sertifikat, maka tanah tersebut akan kembali menjadi tanah milik negara. Daftar Pustaka Buku: Xxxxxx, X., & Xxxxxxxx, F. (2017). Hukum Administrasi (Cet.I). Sinar Grafika. Xxxxxx, X. X. (2009). Black’s Law Dictionary (9th edition). Thomson West. xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.15408/jch.v5i2.7096 Xxxxxx, P. M. (1994). Fungsi Normatif Hukum Administrasi dalam Mewujudkan Pemerintahan yang Bersih. Universitas Airlangga. Xxxxxxx, X. X. (2008). Hukum Perjanjian: Asas Proporsionalitas dalam Kontrak Komersial. LBM. Xxxxxxx, X. X. (2005). Penelitian Hukum (1st ed.). Kencana Prenada Media Group. Xxxxxxx, X. (2006). Hukum Agraria xxx Xxx-Xxx atas Tanah (1st ed.). Kencana.

  • Bilingual Pay 1. Except as provided in 2. below, qualified employees who meet the following criteria shall receive an additional forty (40) cents per hour (approximately sixty-nine [69] dollars per month) for all hours actually paid. This will not apply to the class of Interpreter.

  • Data Storage Where required by applicable law, Student Data shall be stored within the United States. Upon request of the LEA, Provider will provide a list of the locations where Student Data is stored.

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