ILC-CNR Sample Clauses

ILC-CNR. As stated in section 2.1.3 ILC-CNR plans to develop a subcategorization acquisition system. We plan to adapt UCAM technologies for lexical builder and filtering methods to remove noisy SCFs. Evaluation for the domain-based exercise will be conducted as stated in D7.1. In the second trimester of 2010 we plan to start the development of a general domain SCF acquisition system. This system will be evaluated against dictionaries and manual inspection. For the domain based exercise for SCF, ILC-CNR will develop an evaluation corpus from two domains (20-30 verbs from each domain, with manually annotated examples from a relevant corpus). In line with UCAM workplan, human annotation time will be measured in order to determine how much benefit can be obtained by automatic acquisition of SCFs. Furthermore, in the encoding format of SCF we will work in the perspective of the LMF standard, which will use to facilitate the merging of dictionaries. Tentative timeline: end of 2010 have a general domain SCF acquisition system and lexicon evaluated. Domain adaptation task will be performed as soon as the crawled monolingual corpora will be available and after the creation of the domain specific data set.
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ILC-CNR. The ultimate goal is to build a component for acquiring MWes from domain corpora for building or enriching lexica with collocational information. Since MWE is a wide area including various types of structures, work will be focussed on those MWEs which may benefit multilingual applications more and for which more robust methods exist: namely, nominal collocations (i.e. noun compounds, complex nominals, and adjective noun pairs). Thus, target MWEs will have the form NN (which in Italian is not very productive, but is still salient in domain terminologies), AdjN or Nadj, and N prep N. First a system following the n-gram with POS filtering corpora will be built as baseline and various AMs will be used for ranking the candidates as in most common state-of-the-art methods described above. Then the system will be adapted to work on chunked coupus data in order to reduce noise in the candidate list and experiments will be done also with dependency parsed data to assess improvements in performance. In fact, it must be assessed on the specific case of PANACEA whether a syntactic approach is better, as the potential errors in the parsed input corpus may affect MWE extraction (cfr. Seretan and Wehrli, 2009:78). Given that no ready-made tool will be used in this task, it design will try to take into account directly the requirements of the platform and in particular the fact that it should run as a webservice, which is no trivial issue given that MWE methods require processing of large quantities of data. Work will start on Italian, using first general purpose corpora for developing and the acquisition component based on the state-of-the-art methods, and then the monolingual domain corpora obtained in WP4 for domain tuning. The official evaluation will be performed on domain data only. Finally, given that the methods are relatively language independent (although in the literature it is reported that AM ranking works differently in different languages), the possibility of applying the same technology to English (and possibly other languages for which domain corpora will be crawled) will be assessed.

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  • STAFF COMMITMENT 23. If this Settlement Agreement is accepted by the Hearing Panel, Staff will not initiate any proceeding under the By-laws of the MFDA against the Respondent in respect of the facts set out in Part IV and the contraventions described in Part V of this Settlement Agreement, subject to the provisions of Part IX below. Nothing in this Settlement Agreement precludes Staff from investigating or initiating proceedings in respect of any facts and contraventions that are not set out in Parts IV and V of this Settlement Agreement or in respect of conduct that occurred outside the specified date ranges of the facts and contraventions set out in Parts IV and V, whether known or unknown at the time of settlement. Furthermore, nothing in this Settlement Agreement shall relieve the Respondent from fulfilling any continuing regulatory obligations.

  • Performance/Bid Bond and Letter Of Credit There are no bonds required for the Contract resulting from this Solicitation. In accordance with Appendix B, section 45, Performance/Bid Bond, the Commissioner of OGS has determined that no performance, payment or Bid bond, or negotiable irrevocable letter of credit or other form of security for the faithful performance of the Contract shall be required at any time during the initial term, or any renewal term, for the resulting Contract and Authorized User Agreements.

  • BUY AMERICA ACT (National School Lunch Program and Breakfast Program With respect to products purchased by Customers for use in the National School Lunch Program and/or National School Breakfast Program, Contractor shall comply with all federal procurement laws and regulations with respect to such programs, including the Buy American provisions set forth in 7 C.F.R. Part 210.21(d), to the extent applicable. Contractor agrees to provide all certifications required by Customer regarding such programs. In the event Contractor or Contractor’s supplier(s) are unable or unwilling to certify compliance with the Buy American Provision, or the applicability of an exception to the Buy American provision, H-GAC Customers may decide not to purchase from Contractor. Additionally, H-GAC Customers may require country of origin on all products and invoices submitted for payment by Contractor, and Contractor agrees to comply with any such requirement.

  • Credit Union Liability If we do not properly complete a transaction according to this Agreement, we will be liable for your losses or damages not to exceed the amount of the transaction, except as otherwise provided by law. We will not be liable if: (1) your account contains insufficient funds for the transaction; (2) circumstances beyond our control prevent the transaction; (3) your loss is caused by your or another financial institution's negligence; or (4) your account funds are subject to legal process or other claim. We will not be liable for consequential damages, except liability for wrongful dishonor. We exercise ordinary care if our actions or nonactions are consistent with applicable state law, Federal Reserve regulations and operating letters, clearinghouse rules, and general financial institution practices followed in the area we serve. You grant us the right, in making payments of deposited funds, to rely exclusively on the form of the account and the terms of this Agreement. Any conflict regarding what you and our employees say or write will be resolved by reference to this Agreement.

  • OFFSET CREDIT/COOPERATION This Contract has been entered into in direct support of LOCKHEED XXXXXX'x international offset programs. All offset benefit credits resulting from this Contract are the sole property of LOCKHEED XXXXXX to be applied to the offset program of its choice. SELLER shall assist LOCKHEED XXXXXX in securing appropriate offset credits from the respective country government authorities.

  • Credit Union Examination We may disregard any information on any check or draft other than the signature of the drawer, the amount, and any magnetic encoding. You agree that we do not fail to exercise ordinary care in paying an item solely because our procedures do not provide for sight examination of items.

  • Letters of Credit for Payment Bond Notwithstanding the provisions of B4.3, Purchaser may use letters of credit in lieu of a surety bond for payment bond purposes when approved by Contracting Officer.

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