Tentative Timeline Sample Clauses
Tentative Timeline. 1. SDEA and District will communicate to potentially eligible TBD employees
2. Public Hearing (“sunshining”) of District’s initial proposal 10/22/2024
3. District confirms employee data, provides addresses, and approves 11/1/2024 SERP communication/enrollment material 4. Board adopts MOUs for SERP between District and SDEA 11/12/2024
Tentative Timeline. The Board will establish a tentative timeline for the convenience and information of the parties. It is subject to change at any time by the Board based on the needs of the Board.
Tentative Timeline. 1. AASD/CT and the District will communicate to potentially eligible TBD employees
2. Public Hearing (“sunshining”) of District’s initial proposal 10/22/2024
3. District confirms employee data, provides addresses, and approves 11/1/2024 communication/enrollment material
4. Board adopts MOUs for SERP between the District and AASD/CT 11/12/2024
5. Enrollment window opens/District announcement letter is 11/15/2024 distributed 6. Enrollment packets mailed to eligible employees 11/15/2024
Tentative Timeline. Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, the completion of the Proposed Business Combination will take place at 10:00 a.m. Singapore time on the fifth business day following notification of the satisfaction (or waiver thereof) of the conditions precedent. It is currently anticipated that the Singapore Offering, completion of the Business Combination Agreement and the Norwegian Secondary Sale will take place during the fourth quarter of 2014. Further details of the timing will be provided by the Company in due course. If the Proposed Business Combination has not been completed within 31 December 2014, then the Business Combination Agreement shall lapse.
Tentative Timeline. May-August – Coordinate with the City to finalize several neighborhoods as the candidate study areas September – Several classes will focus on the theoretical parts of the course. Students will be grouped into several teams to work on certain neighborhoods. October - November – Students work to gather data from different sources by using a variety of combinations of planning technologies. The instructor will check with the City to see if course addresses sufficient issues in terms of neighborhood identification.
Tentative Timeline. Fall 2014
Tentative Timeline. Below is a tentative timeline with regard to software implementation. The JAD sessions supersede this timeline and dates will change accordingly. DEVNET will have the software available to the County for use on or before December 1, 2019.
Tentative Timeline. The Board, in collaboration with MSBA, will establish a tentative search process timeline for the convenience and information of the parties. It is subject to change by the Board at any time based on the needs of the Board.
Tentative Timeline. Updated Alternative 1 and 2 by Waterways to County: July 1st, 2018 • County to provide comments: August 15th, 2018 • Alternative Selection by Team (County, CDFW, CCSE): September 1st, 2018 • 65% Design Completed: Nov 1st, 2018 • County, CCSE, and CDFW to provide 65% comments: Jan 1st, 2019 • 90% Design completed: March 1st, 2019 • County CCSE, and CDFW to provide 90% comments: April 15th, 2019 • 100% Design completed: May 31st, 2019
Tentative Timeline. 1. CSEA/PARA and the District will communicate to potentially eligible TBD employees
2. Public Hearing (“sunshining”) of District’s initial proposal 10/22/2024
3. District confirms employee data, provides addresses, and approves 11/1/2024 communication/enrollment material
4. Board adopts MOUs for SERP between the District and 11/12/2024 CSEA/PARA
5. Enrollment window opens/District announcement letter is 11/15/2024 distributed 6. Enrollment packets mailed to eligible employees 11/15/2024