Immediate Suspension for Protection of Persons and Property Sample Clauses

Immediate Suspension for Protection of Persons and Property a. Any employee against whom disciplinary proceedings have been or will be instituted where a reasonable basis is found that the employee would endanger persons or property or substantially interfere with the efficient operation of City government, should the employee be permitted to remain in the employee's present position during the pendency of such disciplinary procedures, shall be subject to immediate suspension by the appointing authority. b. Any summary suspension of an employee pursuant to the provisions of this subsection shall be with pay and fringe benefits except for automobile, uniform or tool allowances until such time as the disciplinary action is resolved pursuant to the provisions of Personnel Code Section 54-183, except that any summary suspension for failure to obtain and maintain a current license or certificate required as a condition of employment may be without pay. An employee may submit a written notification to the appointing authority requesting a review of this decision.

Related to Immediate Suspension for Protection of Persons and Property

  • Special Aggregation Rule Applicable to Relationship Managers For purposes of determining the aggregate balance or value of accounts held by a person to determine whether an account is a High Value Account, a Reporting Financial Institution shall also be required, in the case of any accounts that a relationship manager knows or has reason to know are directly or indirectly owned, controlled, or established (other than in a fiduciary capacity) by the same person, to aggregate all such accounts.

  • Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters The Contractor identified in Section 1.3 of the General Provisions agrees to comply with the provisions of Executive Office of the President, Executive Order 12549 and 45 CFR Part 76 regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters, and further agrees to have the Contractor’s representative, as identified in Sections 1.11 and 1.12 of the General Provisions execute the following Certification: INSTRUCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION 1. By signing and submitting this Agreement, the prospective primary participant is providing the certification set out below. 2. The inability of a person to provide the certification required below will not necessarily result in denial of participation in this covered transaction. If necessary, the prospective participant shall submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the certification. The certification or explanation will be considered in connection with the NH Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) determination whether to enter into this transaction. However, failure of the prospective primary participant to furnish a certification or an explanation shall disqualify such person from participation in this transaction. 3. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when DHHS determined to enter into this transaction. If it is later determined that the prospective primary participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government, DHHS may terminate this transaction for cause or default. 4. The prospective primary participant shall provide immediate written notice to the DHHS agency to whom this Agreement is submitted if at any time the prospective primary participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 5. The terms “covered transaction,” “debarred,” “suspended,” “ineligible,” “lower tier covered transaction,” “participant,” “person,” “primary covered transaction,” “principal,” “proposal,” and “voluntarily excluded,” as used in this clause, have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549: 45 CFR Part 76. See xxxxx:// 6. The prospective primary participant agrees by submitting this Agreement that, should the proposed covered transaction be entered into, it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized by DHHS. 7. The prospective primary participant further agrees by submitting this proposal that it will include the clause titled “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions,” provided by DHHS, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. 8. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible, or involuntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may, but is not required to, check the Nonprocurement List (of excluded parties) xxxxx:// 9. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. 10. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 6 of these instructions, if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction, in addition to other remedies available to the Federal government, DHHS may terminate this transaction for cause or default. PRIMARY COVERED TRANSACTIONS 11. The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: 11.1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; 11.2. Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal (Agreement) been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State or local) transaction or a contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; 11.3. Are not presently indicted for otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (l)(b) of this certification; and 11.4. Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. 12. Where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal (contract). LOWER TIER COVERED TRANSACTIONS 13. By signing and submitting this lower tier proposal (Agreement), the prospective lower tier participant, as defined in 45 CFR Part 76, certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that it and its principals: 13.1. Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency. 13.2. Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the above, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal (Agreement). 14. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this proposal (Agreement) that it will include this clause entitled “Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions,” without modification in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions.

  • LEAVE FOR PROVINCIAL CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS 1. The employer shall grant a leave of absence without pay to an employee designated by the BCTF for the purpose of preparing for, participating in or conducting negotiations as a member of the provincial bargaining team of the BCTF. 2. To facilitate the administration of this clause, when leave without pay is granted, the employer shall maintain salary and benefits for the employee and the BCTF shall reimburse the employer for the salary costs. 3. Any other leaves of absence granted for provincial bargaining activities shall be granted on the basis that the salary and benefits of the employees continue and the BCTF shall reimburse the employer for the salary costs of any teacher employed to replace a teacher granted leave. 4. Any leaves of absence granted for local bargaining activities shall be granted in accordance with the Previous Local Agreement.

  • CFR PART 200 Domestic Preferences for Procurements As appropriate and to the extent consistent with law, the non-Federal entity should, to the greatest extent practicable under a Federal award, provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). The requirements of this section must be included in all subawards including all contracts and purchase orders for work or products under this award. For purposes of 2 CFR Part 200.322, “Produced in the United States” means, for iron and steel products, that all manufacturing processes, from the initial melting stag through the application of coatings, occurred in the United States. Moreover, for purposes of 2 CFR Part 200.322, “Manufactured products” means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe, aggregates such as concrete, class, including optical fiber, and lumber. Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, Vendor certifies that to the greatest extent practicable Vendor will provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). Does vendor agree? Yes

  • Potential Conflicts and Compliance With Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order 7.1. The Board of Trustees of the Fund (the “Board”) will monitor the Fund for the existence of any material irreconcilable conflict between the interests of the Contract owners of all separate accounts investing in the Fund. An irreconcilable material conflict may arise for a variety of reasons, including: (a) an action by any state insurance regulatory authority; (b) a change in applicable federal or state insurance, tax, or securities laws or regulations, or a public ruling, private letter ruling, no-action or interpretative letter, or any similar action by insurance, tax, or securities regulatory authorities; (c) an administrative or judicial decision in any relevant proceeding; (d) the manner in which the investments of any Portfolio is being managed; (e) a difference in voting instructions given by variable annuity contract and variable life insurance contract owners or by contract owners of different Participating Insurance Companies; or (f) a decision by a Participating Insurance Company to disregard the voting instructions of Contract owners. The Board shall promptly inform the Company if it determines that an irreconcilable material conflict exists and the implications thereof. 7.2. The Company will report any potential or existing conflicts of which it is aware to the Board. The Company will assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities under the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, by providing the Board with all information reasonably necessary for the Board to consider any issues raised. This includes, but is not limited to, an obligation by the Company to inform the Board whenever Contract owner voting instructions are to be disregarded. Such responsibilities shall be carried out by the Company with a view only to the interests of its Contract owners. 7.3. If it is determined by a majority of the Board, or a majority of its directors who are not interested persons of the Fund, the Distributor, the Adviser or any subadviser to any of the Portfolios (the “Independent Directors”), that a material irreconcilable conflict exists, the Company and other Participating Insurance Companies shall, at their expense and to the extent reasonably practicable (as determined by a majority of the Independent Directors), take whatever steps are necessary to remedy or eliminate the irreconcilable material conflict, up to and including: (1) withdrawing the assets allocable to some or all of the separate accounts from the Fund or any Portfolio and reinvesting such assets in a different investment medium, including (but not limited to) another Portfolio, or submitting the question whether such segregation should be implemented to a vote of all affected Contract owners and, as appropriate, segregating the assets of any appropriate group (i.e., annuity contract owners, life insurance contract owners, or variable contract owners of one or more Participating Insurance Companies) that votes in favor of such segregation, or offering to the affected contract owners the option of making such a change; and (2) establishing a new registered management investment company or managed separate account. The Company’s responsibility to take remedial action shall be carried out by the Company with a view only to the interests of Contract owners. 7.4. If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because of a decision by the Company to disregard Contract owner voting instructions and that decision represents a minority position or would preclude a majority vote, the Company may be required, at the Fund’s election, to withdraw the Account’s investment in the Fund and terminate this Agreement; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the Independent Directors. Any such withdrawal and termination must take place within six (6) months after the Fund gives written notice that this provision is being implemented, and until the end of that six-month period the Adviser, the Distributor and the Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (and redemption) of shares of the Fund, subject to the terms of the Fund’s then-current prospectus. 7.5. If a material irreconcilable conflict arises because a particular state insurance regulator’s decision applicable to the Company conflicts with the majority of other state regulators, then the Company will withdraw the Account’s investment in the Fund and terminate this Agreement within six months after the Board informs the Company in writing that it has determined that such decision has created an irreconcilable material conflict; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by the foregoing material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the Independent Directors. Until the end of the foregoing six-month period, the Fund shall continue to accept and implement orders by the Company for the purchase (and redemption) of shares of the Fund, subject to the terms of the Fund’s then-current prospectus. 7.6. For purposes of Sections 7.3 through 7.5 of this Agreement, a majority of the Independent Directors shall determine whether any proposed action adequately remedies any irreconcilable material conflict, but in no event will the Fund be required to establish a new funding medium for the Contracts. The Company shall not be required by Section 7.3 to establish a new funding medium for the Contracts if an offer to do so has been declined by vote of a majority of Contract owners affected by the irreconcilable material conflict. In the event that the Board determines that any proposed action does not adequately remedy any irreconcilable material conflict, then the Company will withdraw the Account’s investment in the Fund and terminate this Agreement within six (6) months after the Board informs the Company in writing of the foregoing determination; provided, however, that such withdrawal and termination shall be limited to the extent required by any such material irreconcilable conflict as determined by a majority of the Independent Directors. 7.7. If and to the extent that Rule 6e-2 and Rule 6e-3(T) are amended, or Rule 6e-3 is adopted, to provide exemptive relief from any provision of the 1940 Act or the rules promulgated thereunder with respect to mixed or shared funding (as defined in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order) on terms and conditions materially different from those contained in the Mixed and Shared Funding Exemptive Order, then (a) the Fund and/or the Participating Insurance Companies, as appropriate, shall take such steps as may be necessary to comply with Rules 6e-2 and 6e-3(T), as amended, and Rule 6e-3, as adopted, to the extent such rules are applicable: and (b) Sections 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.5 of this Agreement shall continue in effect only to the extent that terms and conditions substantially identical to such Sections are contained in such Rule(s) as so amended or adopted.

  • Limitation of Vendor Indemnification and Similar Clauses This is a requirement of the TIPS Contract and is non-negotiable TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, is prohibited from indemnifying third-parties (pursuant to the Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution) except as otherwise specifically provided for by law or as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction. Article 3, Section 52 of the Texas Constitution states that "no debt shall be created by or on behalf of the State … " and the Texas Attorney General has opined that a contractually imposed obligation of indemnity creates a "debt" in the constitutional sense. Tex. Att'y Gen. Op. No. MW-475 (1982). Thus, contract clauses which require TIPS to indemnify Vendor, pay liquidated damages, pay attorney's fees, waive Vendor's liability, or waive any applicable statute of limitations must be deleted or qualified with ''to the extent permitted by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas." Does Vendor agree? Yes, I Agree TIPS, a department of Region 8 Education Service Center, a political subdivision, and local government entity of the State of Texas, does not agree to binding arbitration as a remedy to dispute and no such provision shall be permitted in this Agreement with TIPS. Vendor agrees that any claim arising out of or related to this Agreement, except those specifically and expressly waived or negotiated within this Agreement, may be subject to non-binding mediation at the request of either party to be conducted by a mutually agreed upon mediator as prerequisite to the filing of any lawsuit arising out of or related to this Agreement. Mediation shall be held in either Camp or Titus County, Texas. Agreements reached in mediation will be subject to the approval by the Region 8 ESC's Board of Directors, authorized signature of the Parties if approved by the Board of Directors, and, once approved by the Board of Directors and properly signed, shall thereafter be enforceable as provided by the laws of the State of Texas. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Vendor agrees that nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of sovereign or government immunity; nor constitute or be construed as a waiver of any of the privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department. The failure to enforce, or any delay in the enforcement, of any privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities available to Region 8 Education Service Center or its TIPS Department under this Agreement or under applicable law shall not constitute a waiver of such privileges, rights, defenses, remedies, or immunities or be considered as a basis for estoppel. Does Vendor agree? Yes, Vendor agrees Vendor agrees that TIPS and TIPS Members shall not be liable for interest or late-payment fees on past-due balances at a rate higher than permitted by the laws or regulations of the jurisdiction of the TIPS Member. Funding-Out Clause: Vendor agrees to abide by the applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to Texas Local Government Code § 271.903, or any other statutory or regulatory limitation of the jurisdiction of any TIPS Member, which requires that contracts approved by TIPS or a TIPS Member are subject to the budgeting and appropriation of currently available funds by the entity or its governing body.

  • CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION The undersigned (authorized official signing for the contracting organization) certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that the contractor, defined as the primary participant in accordance with 45 CFR Part 76, and its principals: are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal Department or agency have not within a 3-year period preceding this contract been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, State, or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; are not presently indicted or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State, or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in Section 2 of this certification; and have not within a 3-year period preceding this contract had one or more public transactions (Federal, State, or local) terminated for cause or default. Should the Contractor or Subrecipient not be able to provide this certification, an explanation as to why should be placed after the assurances page in the contract. The contractor agrees by signing this contract that it will include, without modification, the clause above certification in all lower tier covered transactions (i.e., transactions with sub-grantees and/or contractors) and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions in accordance with 45 CFR Part 76.

  • CERTIFICATION REGARDING CERTAIN FOREIGN-OWNED COMPANIES IN CONNECTION WITH CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: Proposing Company is prohibited from entering into a contract or other agreement relating to critical infrastructure that would grant to the company direct or remote access to or control of critical infrastructure in this state, excluding access specifically allowed by the Proposing Company for product warranty and support purposes. Company, certifies that neither it nor its parent company nor any affiliate of company or its parent company, is (1) owned by or the majority of stock or other ownership interest of the company is held or controlled by individuals who are citizens of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country; (2) a company or other entity, including governmental entity, that is owned or controlled by citizens of or is directly controlled by the government of China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country; or (3) headquartered in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country. For purposes of this contract, “critical infrastructure” means “a communication infrastructure system, cybersecurity system, electric grid, hazardous waste treatment system, or water treatment facility.” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.0101(2) of SB 1226 (87th leg.). The company verifies and certifies that company will not grant direct or remote access to or control of critical infrastructure, except for product warranty and support purposes, to prohibited individuals, companies, or entities, including governmental entities, owned, controlled, or headquartered in China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, or a designated country, as determined by the Governor.

  • Certification Regarding Prohibition of Boycotting Israel (Tex Gov. Code 2271)

  • Regulation AB Compliance; Intent of Parties; Reasonableness The parties hereto acknowledge that interpretations of the requirements of Regulation AB may change over time, whether due to interpretive guidance provided by the Commission or its staff, consensus among participants in the asset-backed securities markets, advice of counsel, or otherwise, and agree to comply with requests made by the Depositor or the Master Servicer in good faith for delivery of information under these provisions on the basis of evolving interpretations of Regulation AB. In connection with the Trust, the Servicer shall cooperate fully with the Master Servicer and the Depositor to deliver to the Master Servicer and/or the Depositor (including its assignees or designees), any and all statements, reports, certifications, records and any other information available to such party and reasonably necessary in the good faith determination of the Depositor or the Master Servicer to permit the Depositor to comply with the provisions of Regulation AB, together with such disclosures relating to the Servicer reasonably believed by the Depositor or the Master Servicer to be necessary in order to effect such compliance.