Payment Details payments due to the School by Parents under this agreement or from time to time due to the School by Parents must be made to the School paid by BACS to Widford Lodge School Ltd, Account number: 00000000, Sort Code: 60-05-13. The Parents should use the Child’s name as reference when making any payment.
Account Details (a) Account for delivery of Shares to Dealer: To be furnished (b) Account for delivery of Shares to Counterparty: To be furnished (c) Account for payments to Counterparty: To be advised under separate cover or telephone confirmed prior to each Settlement Date (d) Account for payments to Dealer: To be advised under separate cover or telephone confirmed prior to each Settlement Date
Contact details 9.1. Any notice, demand, offer or other written instrument required or permitted to be given pursuant to this Standard Transmission Agreement and to the Access Code for Transmission shall be sent to the contact persons mentioned in the contact details sheet as published on the Fluxys Belgium website. The duly filled contact details sheet will be added to attachment 1 of this Agreement. 9.2. Each Party may change these contact detail to which notice shall be sent, or specify one additional address to which copies of notices shall be sent, in accordance with the provisions of this Standard Transmission Agreement.
Included Services If any services, functions, or responsibilities not specifically described in this Agreement are an inherent, necessary, or customary part of the Services or are required for proper performance or provision of the Services in accordance with this Agreement, such services, functions, or responsibilities are deemed to be included within the scope of the Services to be delivered for the Charges, as if such services, functions, or responsibilities were specifically described in this Agreement.
Notice Details Party A: Swiss Re Financial Products Corporation Address: 55 East 52/nd/ Street 39/th/ Floor Xxx Xxxx XX 00000 XXX Xxxxxxxxx Xx.: +0 000 000 0000 Xxxxxxxxx: Head of Operations Xxxxx X: Permanent Financing (No. 6) PLC Address: Blackwell House Guildhall Yard Xxxxxx XX0X 0XX Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx: 000 0000 0000 Xxxxxxxxx: The Secretary With a copy to: (i) the Security Trustee:
PRICE LISTS AND PRODUCT INFORMATION Contractors should provide an electronic version of the proposed price list in an Excel format or pdf on a jump drive. Also provide a dealer list, if applicable in an Excel format with "read and write" capabilities on the same jump drive. No costs or expenses associated with providing this information in the required format shall be charged to the State of Arkansas. At the time of contract renewal contractor will furnish OSP with an updated dealer list and published price list.
Generic Generic drugs must be substituted where applicable in order for the insurance provisions to apply.
Invoice Detail All charges for services rendered or for reimbursement of expenses authorized by Department pursuant to the Grant Work Plan shall be submitted to Department in sufficient detail for a proper pre-audit and post-audit to be performed. The Grantee shall only invoice Department for deliverables that are completed in accordance with the Grant Work Plan.
Proposed Goods and Services Proposed Goods and Services pdf D/M/WBE Certification OPTIONAL No response Warranty No response
Comprehensive Evaluation The Comprehensive evaluation is a growth-oriented, teacher/evaluator collaborative process that requires teachers to be evaluated on the eight (8) state criteria. A teacher must complete a Comprehensive evaluation once every six (6) years. During subsequent years, teachers will be evaluated on a Focused evaluation unless a comprehensive is requested by administration or the teacher.