Generic Sample Clauses
Generic. Generic drugs must be substituted where applicable in order for the insurance provisions to apply.
Generic. Refers to manuals that are applicable for all Airbus aircraft types/models/series.
Generic. DRUG. means a drug that has the same active ingredient as a Brand Name Drug and is allowed to be produced after the Brand Name Drug's patent has expired. In determining the brand or generic classification for Covered Drugs and corresponding payment level, the Plan utilizes the xx xxxxx/brand status assigned by a nationally recognized provider of drug product database information.
Generic. The Board shall provide Dental Coverage for single, husband/wife, parent/child, and family. Orthodontic coverage is $2,000.
Generic. Refers to manuals that are for all aircraft types/models/series. E ENVELOPE. Refers to manuals that are applicable to a whole group of Airbus customers for a specific aircraft type/model/series. P PRELIMINARY. Refers to preliminary data or manuals which may consist of either: - one-time issue not maintained by revision service, or - preliminary issues maintained by revision service until final manual or data delivery, or - supply of best available data under final format with progressive completion through revision service. ATA Manuals established in general compliance with ATA 100 Revision 23 and digital Standards established in general compliance with ATA Specification 2200 (iSpec 2200), Information Standards for Aviation Maintenance. Subsequent revisions of the ATA Specification will be considered. QUANTITY (Qty) Self-explanatory. DELIVERY (Deliv) Delivery refers to scheduled delivery dates and is expressed in either the number of corresponding days prior to first Aircraft delivery, or nil (0) corresponding to the first delivery day. The number of days indicated shall be rounded up to the next regular revision release date. A319/A320 – CSN – Amdt.5 – 05/07 Flight Crew Operating Manual FCOM P2 C NO *** *** *** per Aircraft at delivery. FCOM CD-A C NO *** *** FCOM OL-A C NO *** *** Consultation only Flight Manual FM P1 C NO *** *** *** per Aircraft at delivery. Master Minimum Equipment List MMEL P2 C NO *** *** *** per Aircraft at delivery. Quick Reference Handbook QRH P2 C NO *** *** *** per Aircraft at delivery. Trim Sheet TS DD C NO *** *** Weight and Balance Manual WBM P1 C YES *** *** For the WBM the flight deck copy is an advance copy only of the customized manual, not subject to revision or updating. Weighing Equipment List delivered two weeks after Aircraft delivery Performance Engineer's Programs PEP CD-A C NO *** *** PEP OL-A C NO *** *** Performance Programs Manual PPM CD-A C NO *** *** Included in the PEP CD-ROM A319/A320 – CSN – Amdt.5 – 05/07 AI/CC-C No.337.0052/07 Exhibit G - 4/11 Aircraft Maintenance Manual AMM DVD C YES *** *** Contained on Basic AirN@v for SA and LR Aircraft (Limited to *** copies per customization) AMM CD-P C YES *** *** AMM DD C YES *** *** SGML data for further processing by the Buyer Aircraft Schematics Manual ASM CD-P C YES *** *** ASM DVD C YES *** *** AirN@v option ASM DD C YES *** *** SGML data for further processing by the Buyer Aircraft Wiring Lists AWL CD-P C YES *** *** AWL DD C YES *** *** AirN@v option AWL ...
Generic a Prescription Drug that: a) is equivalent to a Brand Drug, b) is available after the patent on that Brand Drug has expired and c) is available from more than one source. Equivalent means therapeutic equivalent as determined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Generic. Key Task Timing Appendix 2 - Quality targets and performance indicators: Quality Standards
1. All work undertaken by the combined team will meet the following quality standards: • full compliance with statutory requirements and MHCLG guidance • all CIPFA Code of Practice requirements met in full • all functions maintain MIFID II professional client status • all LGPS meet the Pension Regulator’s Code of Practice requirements • all staff to hold, or be working towards, recognised CCAB or Treasury Management qualifications • all staff to attend regular technical training and participate in local Treasury Management and LGPS networks • all team members comply with their own professional bodies’ requirements • all services provided will be subject to regular Internal Audit coverage • obtain annual independent assurance reports from 3rd party service providers • no significant issues raised by Internal Audit work • no material errors identified by external audit.
2. The following key performance targets will be applied: Funding level at least equal to LGPS averages Actuarial revaluation every 3 years Investment management costs under 0.5% of year end net asset value (NAV) of each fund Calculate based on year end Fund Accounts Maintain asset allocations in line with strategy approved by members Confirmed (or otherwise) by the independent investment advisor’s quarterly review All contributions due from employing bodies are collected promptly Reported quarterly to members and monthly to s151 Sufficient cash is available to pay pension benefits as they fall due Reported quarterly to members and monthly to s151 No breach of Prudential Indicators Confirmed by year end Treasury Management report Each Council has sufficient funds to make payments as they fall due Reported monthly to s151 Investment income matches or exceeds budget Confirmed by year end revenue outturn report Interest paid does not exceed budget levels Confirmed by year end revenue outturn reports New borrowing does not exceed Bank of England base rate +2% Confirmed by year end Treasury Management report Annual investment yield exceeds LIBID 7-day rate Confirmed by year end Treasury Management report HR Protocol for Establishing and Working in Integrated Teams
Generic. Forty percent (40%) coinsurance after deductible for up to thirty- (30-) day supply for a generic drug on the formulary.
Generic. Storage and enablement of healthcare utilization data (the “Utilization Data”) based upon healthcare cost, utilization, and expected values for a particular age and gender based upon national averages provided by the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey of the US Dept. of Health and Human Services for a consumer selecting private coverage in the United States (the “MEPS national averages”)
Generic. Id Description Type G-001 The platform must be provided as a service Generic G-002 The platform must be multi-tenant Generic G-003 The platform must be reliable Generic G-004 The platform must provide open interfaces to ensure interoperability with applications, devices and enablers Generic G-005 The platform must have load balance mechanism Generic G-006 The platform must support multiple IP-based communication channels to interact with devices and applications Generic G-007 The platform must provide the capability for applications to communicate with devices regarding the communication technology Generic G-008 The platform must be auditable Generic