INCUMBENT REVIEW AND AUDIT PROCEDURES. No more than once during any consecutive twelve (12) month period, Incumbent shall be entitled to review and audit PathNet's books and records relating to the sale of Excess Capacity during business hours upon ten (10) days written notice to PathNet. Incumbent shall not have the right pursuant to this SECTION 9.9.2, to review or audit PathNet's corporate income statements, balance sheets or other forms of general corporate reporting. Incumbent shall not disclose, at any time before or after the Expiration Date, any information related to PathNet or PathNet's business obtained by Incumbent pursuant to a review or audit performed under this SECTION 9.9.2 unless such information has previously come into the public domain (other than through unauthorized disclosure) or except as required by law.
INCUMBENT REVIEW AND AUDIT PROCEDURES. No more than once during any consecutive twelve (12) month period, Incumbent shall be entitled to review and audit PathNet's books and records relating to the sale of Excess Capacity during business hours upon ten (10) days written notice to PathNet. Incumbent shall not have the right pursuant to this SECTION 10.9.2, to review or audit PathNet's corporate income statements, balance sheets or other forms of general corporate reporting, except that Incumbent shall receive a copy of an excerpt from PathNet's annual audit report that relates to the sale of excess capacity from its System. Incumbent shall not disclose, at any time before or after the Expiration Date, any information related to PathNet or PathNet's business obtained by Incumbent pursuant to a review or audit performed under this SECTION 10.9.2 unless such information has previously come into the public domain (other than through unauthorized disclosure) or except as required by law.


  • AUDIT REVIEW PROCEDURES Any dispute concerning a question of fact arising under an interim or post audit of this AGREEMENT that is not disposed of by agreement, shall be reviewed by ALAMEDA CTC’s Deputy Executive Director of Finance and Administration. Not later than thirty (30) calendar days after issuance of the final audit report, CONSULTANT may request a review by ALAMEDA CTC’s Deputy Executive Director of Finance and Administration of unresolved audit issues. The request for review will be submitted in writing. Neither the pendency of a dispute nor its consideration by ALAMEDA CTC will excuse CONSULTANT from full and timely performance, in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT. CONSULTANT and subconsultants’ contracts, including cost proposals and ICRs, may be subject to audits or reviews such as, but not limited to, an AGREEMENT Audit, an Incurred Cost Audit, an ICR Audit, or a certified public accountant (“CPA”) ICR Audit Workpaper Review. If selected for audit or review, the AGREEMENT, cost proposal and ICR and related workpapers, if applicable, will be reviewed to verify compliance with 48 CFR, Chapter 1, Part 31 and other related laws and regulations. In the instances of a CPA ICR Audit Workpaper Review it is CONSULTANT’s responsibility to ensure federal, state, or local government officials are allowed full access to the CPA’s workpapers including making copies as necessary. The AGREEMENT, cost proposal, and ICR shall be adjusted by CONSULTANT and approved by ALAMEDA CTC to conform to the audit or review recommendations. CONSULTANT agrees that individual terms of costs identified in the audit report shall be incorporated into the contract by this reference if directed by ALAMEDA CTC at its sole discretion. Refusal by CONSULTANT to incorporate audit or review recommendations, or to ensure that the federal, state, or local governments have access to CPA workpapers, will be considered a breach of contract terms and cause for termination of the AGREEMENT and disallowance of prior reimbursed costs.

  • Conformity Assessment Procedures 1. Each Party shall give positive consideration to accepting the results of conformity assessment procedures of other Parties, even where those procedures differ from its own, provided it is satisfied that those procedures offer an assurance of conformity with applicable technical regulations or standards equivalent to its own procedures. 2. Each Party shall seek to enhance the acceptance of the results of conformity assessment procedures conducted in the territories of other Parties with a view to increasing efficiency, avoiding duplication and ensuring cost effectiveness of the conformity assessments. In this regard, each Party may choose, depending on the situation of the Party and the specific sectors involved, a broad range of approaches. These may include but are not limited to: (a) recognition by a Party of the results of conformity assessments performed in the territory of another Party; (b) recognition of co-operative arrangements between accreditation bodies in the territories of the Parties; (c) mutual recognition of conformity assessment procedures conducted by bodies located in the territory of each Party; (d) accreditation of conformity assessment bodies in the territory of another Party; (e) use of existing regional and international multilateral recognition agreements and arrangements; (f) designating conformity assessment bodies located in the territory of another Party to perform conformity assessment; and (g) suppliers’ declaration of conformity. 3. Each Party shall exchange information with other Parties on its experience in the development and application of the approaches in Paragraph 2(a) to (g) and other appropriate approaches with a view to facilitating the acceptance of the results of conformity assessment procedures. 4. A Party shall, upon request of another Party, explain its reasons for not accepting the results of any conformity assessment procedure performed in the territory of that other Party.

  • Purpose; Incorporation by Reference of Auction Procedures and Settlement Procedures (a) On each Auction Date, the provisions of the Auction Procedures will be followed by the Auction Agent for the purpose of determining the Applicable Rate for the of APS, for the next Dividend Period therefor. Each periodic operation of such procedures is hereinafter referred to as an "Auction." (b) All of the provisions contained in the Auction Procedures and the Settlement Procedures are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety and shall be deemed to be a part of this Agreement to the same extent as if such provisions were set forth fully herein. (c) BD agrees to act as, and assumes the obligations of and limitations and restrictions placed upon, a Broker-Dealer under this Agreement. BD understands that other Persons meeting the requirements specified in the definition of "Broker-Dealer" contained in Paragraph 10 of Article VII of the Amended By-laws may execute a Broker-Dealer Agreement and participate as Broker-Dealers in Auctions. (d) BD and other Broker-Dealers may participate in Auctions for their own accounts. However, the Trust, by notice to BD and all other Broker Dealers, may prohibit all Broker-Dealers from submitting Bids in Auctions for their own accounts, provided that Broker-Dealers may continue to submit Hold Orders and Sell Orders.

  • Office of Inspector General Investigative Findings Expert Review In accordance with Senate Bill 799, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., if Texas Government Code, Section 531.102(m-1)(2) is applicable to this Contract, Contractor affirms that it possesses the necessary occupational licenses and experience.

  • Evaluation Procedures The following procedures for employee evaluation shall be utilized for the term of this Agreement: 1. Orientation materials related to evaluation procedures will be provided to all employees by the 10th school day. 2. Employees shall submit to their evaluator a complete listing of proposed objectives, and measurement activities related thereto, to be considered in the annual evaluation by the 25th school day. 3. The evaluator shall have completed by 30th school day annual objective setting conference with employee. 4. The evaluator shall by the 40th school day determine and shall provide the employee with a complete listing of actual objectives from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities from those proposed by the evaluator and employee, and measurement activities related thereto, that will be incorporated in the annual evaluation that the evaluator will prepare for the employee. The objectives and related measurement activities referred to herein shall be in accordance with the employee job description prescribed by the District. The District will make every attempt to have the number of objectives required to be uniform from site to site. 5. Within a reasonable time after the request, the evaluator shall be provided with a written progress report from the employee containing the latter's perception of the progress being made toward the achievement of the objectives prescribed in Item 3, above. During the course of the evaluation period, circumstances may change which may result in the modification of the original standards and objectives. These changes may be initiated by the supervisor or the employee. Agreement of both parties is required. 6. The evaluator, by the 145th school day, shall have conducted classroom observations in order to gather data on employee performance as the evaluator believes to be related to: A. The actual objectives and measurement activities described in Item 3, above; B. Other criteria for employee evaluation and appraisal that are established by the District Xxxxx Act Guidelines. At the discretion of the evaluator, tenured teachers may receive only one (1) formal instructional observation per year. Probationary teachers will receive two (2) formal instructional observations per year. Prior to conducting formal instructional observations regarding the teacher's duties related to the instructional objectives herein described, the teacher shall be notified of the observation prior to the beginning of the teacher's actual instructional day. Upon the request of the evaluatee or when, in the evaluator's judgment, additional instructional classroom observations are necessary, such observations may be conducted. Within a reasonable time, an employee shall be provided with a written statement regarding instructional observations that have been conducted. Such written statements shall contain a summary of the instructional activities observed, and any suggestions being made by the observer for possible improvement by the employee to include, but not be limited to, the following: 1) Specific directives for improvement 2) Assistance to implement such directives as (a) Provisions of additional resources; (b) Mandatory training programs designed to improve performance to be paid by the District. A final and written report of the achievement of objectives, and measurement information related thereto shall be submitted by the employee to the evaluator by the 140th school day. 7. The evaluator shall prepare a written District evaluation form of employee performance and transmit the evaluation to the employee. The employee may submit a written reaction or response to the evaluation and such response shall be attached to the evaluation and placed in the employee's permanent personnel file which shall be maintained in the District Office. Permanent employees shall be evaluated at least once every other year, and in no event later than 30 days before the last school day scheduled on the school calendar of the current school year. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at least once each year and in no event later than the 150th school day. 8. Employees who meet each of the following conditions shall be evaluated up to every five

  • Search, Enquiry, Investigation, Examination And Verification a. The Property is sold on an “as is where is basis” subject to all the necessary inspection, search (including but not limited to the status of title), enquiry (including but not limited to the terms of consent to transfer and/or assignment and outstanding charges), investigation, examination and verification of which the Purchaser is already advised to conduct prior to the auction and which the Purchaser warrants to the Assignee has been conducted by the Purchaser’s independent legal advisors at the time of execution of the Memorandum. b. The intending bidder or the Purchaser is responsible at own costs and expenses to make and shall be deemed to have carried out own search, enquiry, investigation, examination and verification on all liabilities and encumbrances affecting the Property, the title particulars as well as the accuracy and correctness of the particulars and information provided. c. The Purchaser shall be deemed to purchase the Property in all respects subject thereto and shall also be deemed to have full knowledge of the state and condition of the Property regardless of whether or not the said search, enquiry, investigation, examination and verification have been conducted. d. The Purchaser shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these Conditions of Sale prior to the auction and to have knowledge of all matters which would have been disclosed thereby and the Purchaser expressly warrants to the Assignee that the Purchaser has sought independent legal advice on all matters pertaining to this sale and has been advised by his/her/its independent legal advisor of the effect of all the Conditions of Sale. e. Neither the Assignee nor the Auctioneer shall be required or bound to inform the Purchaser of any such matters whether known to them or not and the Purchaser shall raise no enquiry, requisition or objection thereon or thereto.

  • Evaluation Procedure The procedural requirements set forth in this agreement which conform with and provide specificity to the statutory obligations established by Ohio Rev. Code § 3319.111 and § 3319.112.

  • Project Review A. Programmatic Allowances 1. If FEMA determines that the entire scope of an Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances in Appendix B of this Agreement, with determinations for Tier II Allowances being made by SOI-qualified staff, FEMA shall complete the Section 106 review process by documenting this determination in the project file, without SHPO review or notification. 2. If the Undertaking involves a National Historic Landmark (NHL), FEMA shall notify the SHPO, participating Tribe(s), and the NPS NHL Program Manager of the NPS Midwest Regional Office that the Undertaking conforms to one or more allowances. FEMA shall provide information about the proposed scope of work for the Undertaking and the allowance(s) enabling FEMA’s determination. 3. If FEMA determines any portion of an Undertaking’s scope of work does not conform to one or more allowances listed in Appendix B, FEMA shall conduct expedited or standard Section 106 review, as appropriate, for the entire Undertaking in accordance with Stipulation II.B, Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings, or Stipulation II.C, Standard Project Review. 4. Allowances may be revised and new allowances may be added to this Agreement in accordance with Stipulation IV.A.3, Amendments. B. Expedited Review for Emergency Undertakings

  • Important Information About Procedures for Opening a New Account To help the government fight the funding of terrorism and money laundering activities, Federal law requires all financial organizations to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account. What this means for you: When you open an account, you are required to provide your name, residential address, date of birth, and identification number. We may require other information that will allow us to identify you.

  • Agreement Review If, pursuant to section 25.10 (Review of Agreement) of the Bilateral Agreement, the Bilateral Agreement is reviewed after three or five years, or both, of the effective date of the Bilateral Agreement, and any changes to the Bilateral Agreement are required as a result, the Parties agree to amend the Agreement as necessary and in a manner that is consistent with such changes.