Independent Sample T-Test Sample Clauses

Independent Sample T-Test. Independent sample test was used to compare the result of control class and experimental class to find out is there the significant difference of using whatsapp on students’ writing ability. The result was shown in the table 14 below. Table 14: Group Statistic Independent Sample T-Test Group Statistics KELAS N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean NILAI Postest Control Class 17 59,529 8,7776 2,1289 Posttest Eperimental Class 17 67,059 7,7477 1,8791 From the output above group statistic above, it is knows that there was 17 students of experimental class and control class. The mean of control class is (59.525) and experimental class (67.059). It means that there was significant difference average from control class and experimental class after giving treatment using WhatsApp as a learning tool. Table 15: Posttest of Different Test Independent Samples Test Xxxxxx'x Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means F Sig. T Df Sig. (2- taile d) Mean Differe nce Std. Error Differe nce 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper nilai Equal variances assumed 1,430 ,241 -2,652 32 ,012 - 7,5294 2,8396 - 13,3134 -1,7454 Equal variance s not -2,652 31,514 ,012 - 7,5294 2,8396 - 13,3169 -1,7419 assumed From the calculation of data above, it is known that the sig xxxxxx’x test for equality of variances was 0.241. it means data of control and experimental class was homogeneous. The sig.(2-tailed) 0.012 was lower than 0.05 ( 0.012 < 0.05), thus enough evidence to indicate that Xx was rejected and Ha was accepted or could be concluded that using whatapps as a learning tool has significant effect on student’s writing Ability. Before give the conclution the result of table 15, the researcher determine the rules as follows:
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