Test group definition
Examples of Test group in a sentence
Test group consisted of one facilitator/notetaker, six end users and one product expert.
Test group 3: mandatory labelling – lifespan labelAll products were labelled with a lifespan label as a result of a requirement.
The denomination points at its origin; it comes from the uprightness of nations, the honest and virtuous fulfilment of the nation’s engagements.
FAO, Rome 1 www.bch-cbd.naturalsciences.be//homepage.htm 2 Communication from the Commission on a Forest Strategy for the European Union.
Reference group Test group Night Day PeakNight35 Average monthly consumption [kWh]30 25 20 15 10 5 02 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24Time of day [h] Fig.