Individual Education Plans. A Highly Qualified special education teacher will be responsible to monitor Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and supervise the implementation as written. A special education teacher will provide services in an inclusion or a pull-out model depending on the degree of accommodation necessary to meet the student's needs. These services will be delivered by a special education teacher or licensed provider, with supporting para-educator(s) as allowed by IDEA and the ESEA. The special education teacher will consult with the general education staff to utilize effective classroom accommodations, adaptations, and modifications. The continuum of settings and services will be provided at NSCS, include general education classes, resource classes, and provisions for supplemental services such as resource services, itinerant instruction provided in conjunction with the general classroom, classroom aides, replacement curricula, behavioral supports, etc. In determining appropriate settings and services for a student with a disability, the IEP team shall consider the student's needs and the variety of alternate placements and related services available to meet those needs. NSCS may contract with private providers for the provision of related services. Services may be provided by a licensed therapist, who may use a para-educator for support. In the rare event that the IEP team determines that the student's academic needs cannot be met on site, NSCS may contract with other agencies to provide those services. For all special education students, NSCS will develop, review, and revise IEPs in accordance with state and federal laws. NSCS will adhere to the IDEA Procedural Safeguards and FERPA to assure protection of student and parent rights, including the confidentiality of personally identifiable information in student special education records. These statutes also provide for the right to review and inspect records. NSCS will ensure access to charter school programs, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). NSCS’s building plan will permit access by students with disabilities. The school will provide transportation for special education students when the student’s IEP requires it as a result of the multidisciplinary team decision. NSCS uses evidenced-based programming and curricula when working with students with disabilities who need supplemental or replacement curricula. NSCS will follow the guidelines provided by the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual in regards to the disciplining of a student protected under the IDEA. This will include the consideration of a Functional Behavior Assessment and subsequent Behavior Intervention Plan when the special-education multidisciplinary team identifies that the behavior of the student impacts their learning or the learning of others. When the Behavior Intervention Plan is required, it will be developed with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. When required in accordance with the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual, the special education multidisciplinary team will conduct a Manifestation Determination to establish whether or not the misconduct of a student with a disability was (1) a demonstration of the disability, that is, an inability to understand impact and consequences or an inability to control behavior; (2) the result of an inappropriate placement; and/or (3) the lack of provision of services consistent with the IEP and placement. NSCS will not deny enrollment to a student with a disability because of that student's need for special education or related aids and services. All appropriate services will be provided for students with disabilities who meet the federally- established eligibility criterion for such services. Enrollment policies described elsewhere in this charter petition are consistent with the mission of NSCS and civil rights requirements. The nondiscriminatory policy will be stated on the school's website, applications, advertisements, etc. NSCS will provide special education and related services to eligible NSCS students in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), educating students with disabilities with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. Related services may include (but is not limited to) Positive Behavior Interventions, Adaptive Technologies, Extended School Year, etc. This will be in accordance with the Idaho Special Education Manual, PL94-142, and as identified on each student's IEP. In many cases, the LRE will be specified within NSCS. In rare cases, the LRE might be an alternative site, depending on the needs of each student. NSCS will provide assessments to admitted students as required, meeting individual student needs and IDEA requirements. LRE decisions are made individually for each student. The student's goals and required services are developed prior to the determination of the location of services and settings. The services and settings needed by each student with a disability must be based on the student's unique needs that result from his or her disability, not on the student's category of disability.
Appears in 2 contracts
Individual Education Plans. A Highly Qualified highly qualified special education teacher will be responsible to monitor Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and supervise the implementation as written. A special education teacher will provide services in an inclusion or a pull-out model depending on the degree of accommodation necessary to meet the student's needs. These services will be delivered by a special education teacher or licensed provider, with supporting para-educator(s) as allowed by the IDEA and the ESEA. The special education teacher will consult with the general education staff to utilize effective classroom accommodations, adaptations, adaptations and modifications. The continuum of settings and services will be provided at NSCSthe Academy, include including general education classes, resource classes, and provisions for supplemental services services, such as resource services, itinerant instruction provided in conjunction with the general classroom, classroom aides, replacement curricula, behavioral supports, etc. The Academy will provide as needed supplementary aids and services such as resource services and itinerant instruction, adaptations, assistive technology, extended school year, replacement curricula, behavioral supports and transportation (even if others are not transported), for special education students when the student's IEP requires it as a result of the multi-disciplinary team decision. In determining appropriate settings and services for a student with a disability, the IEP team shall consider the student's needs and the variety of alternate ofalternate placements and related services available to meet those needs. NSCS The Academy may contract with private providers for the provision of related services. Services may be provided by a licensed therapist, who may use a para-para- educator for support. In the rare event that the IEP team determines that the student's academic needs cannot be met on siteonsite, NSCS the Academy may contract with other agencies to provide those services. For all special education students, NSCS the Academy will develop, review, review and revise IEPs in accordance with state and federal laws. NSCS The Academy will adhere to the IDEA Procedural Safeguards and FERPA to assure protection of student and parent rightsrights to a free, appropriate public education, including the confidentiality protections and the special services referral process. These rights are provided under the IDEA; the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB); and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act relating to personally identifiable information in student special education records. These statutes also statutesalso provide for the right to review and inspect records. NSCS In addition the Academy will ensure access to charter school programsprograms and activities, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). NSCSThe Academy’s building plan will planwill permit access by students with disabilities. The school will provide transportation for special forspecial education students when the student’s IEP requires it as a result of the multidisciplinary multi-disciplinary team decision. NSCS uses evidenced-based programming and curricula when working with students with disabilities who need supplemental or replacement curricula. NSCS will follow the guidelines provided by the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual in regards to the disciplining of a student protected under the IDEA. This will include the consideration of a Functional Behavior Assessment and subsequent Behavior Intervention Plan when the special-education multidisciplinary team identifies that the behavior of the student impacts their learning or the learning of others. When the Behavior Intervention Plan is required, it will be developed with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. When required in accordance with the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual, the special education multidisciplinary team will conduct a Manifestation Determination to establish whether or not the misconduct of a student with a disability was (1) a demonstration of the disability, that is, an inability to understand impact and consequences or an inability to control behavior; (2) the result of an inappropriate placement; and/or (3) the lack of provision of services consistent with the IEP and placement. NSCS will not deny enrollment to a student with a disability because of that student's need for special education or related aids and services. All appropriate services will be provided for students with disabilities who meet the federally- established eligibility criterion for such services. Enrollment policies described elsewhere in this charter petition are consistent with the mission of NSCS and civil rights requirements. The nondiscriminatory policy will be stated on the school's website, applications, advertisements, etc. NSCS will provide special education and related services to eligible NSCS students in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), educating students with disabilities with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. Related services may include (but is not limited to) Positive Behavior Interventions, Adaptive Technologies, Extended School Year, etc. This will be in accordance with the Idaho Special Education Manual, PL94-142, and as identified on each student's IEP. In many cases, the LRE will be specified within NSCS. In rare cases, the LRE might be an alternative site, depending on the needs of each student. NSCS will provide assessments to admitted students as required, meeting individual student needs and IDEA requirements. LRE decisions are made individually for each student. The student's goals and required services are developed prior to the determination of the location of services and settings. The services and settings needed by each student with a disability must be based on the student's unique needs that result from his or her disability, not on the student's category of disability.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Charter School Performance Certificate, Performance Certificate
Individual Education Plans. A Highly Qualified highly qualified special education teacher will be responsible to monitor Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and supervise the implementation as written. A special education teacher will provide services in an inclusion or a pull-out model depending on the degree of accommodation necessary to meet the student's needs. These services will be delivered by a special education teacher or licensed provider, with supporting para-educator(s) as allowed by the IDEA and the ESEA. The special education teacher will consult with the general education staff to utilize effective classroom accommodations, adaptations, adaptations and modifications. The continuum of settings and services will be provided at NSCSAlturas Prep, include including general education classes, resource classes, and provisions for supplemental services services, such as resource services, itinerant instruction provided in conjunction with the general classroom, classroom aides, replacement curricula, behavioral supports, etc. Alturas Prep will provide, as needed, supplementary aids and services such as resource services and itinerant instruction, adaptations, assistive technology, extended school year, replacement curricula, behavioral supports and transportation (even if others are not transported), for special education students when the student's IEP requires it as a result of the multi-disciplinary team decision. In determining appropriate settings and services for a student with a disability, the IEP team shall consider the student's needs and the variety of alternate placements and related services available to meet those needs. NSCS Alturas Prep may contract with private providers for the provision of related services. Services may be provided by a licensed therapist, who may use a para-educator for support. In the rare event that the IEP team determines that the student's academic needs cannot be met on siteonsite, NSCS Alturas Prep may contract with other agencies to provide those services. For all special education students, NSCS Alturas Prep will develop, review, review and revise IEPs in accordance with state and federal laws. NSCS Alturas Prep will adhere to the IDEA Procedural Safeguards and FERPA to assure protection of student and parent rightsrights to a free, appropriate public education, including the confidentiality protections and the special services referral process. These rights are provided under the IDEA; the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB); and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act relating to personally identifiable information in student special education records. These statutes also provide for the right to review and inspect records. NSCS In addition, Alturas Prep will ensure access to charter school programsprograms and activities, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). NSCSAlturas Prep’s building plan will permit access by students with disabilities. The school will provide transportation for special education students when the student’s IEP requires it as a result of the multidisciplinary multi-disciplinary team decision. NSCS uses evidenced-based programming and curricula when working with students with disabilities who need supplemental or replacement curricula. NSCS will follow the guidelines provided by the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual in regards to the disciplining of a student protected under the IDEA. This will include the consideration of a Functional Behavior Assessment and subsequent Behavior Intervention Plan when the special-education multidisciplinary team identifies that the behavior of the student impacts their learning or the learning of others. When the Behavior Intervention Plan is required, it will be developed with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. When required in accordance with the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual, the special education multidisciplinary team will conduct a Manifestation Determination to establish whether or not the misconduct of a student with a disability was (1) a demonstration of the disability, that is, an inability to understand impact and consequences or an inability to control behavior; (2) the result of an inappropriate placement; and/or (3) the lack of provision of services consistent with the IEP and placement. NSCS will not deny enrollment to a student with a disability because of that student's need for special education or related aids and services. All appropriate services will be provided for students with disabilities who meet the federally- established eligibility criterion for such services. Enrollment policies described elsewhere in this charter petition are consistent with the mission of NSCS and civil rights requirements. The nondiscriminatory policy will be stated on the school's website, applications, advertisements, etc. NSCS will provide special education and related services to eligible NSCS students in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), educating students with disabilities with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. Related services may include (but is not limited to) Positive Behavior Interventions, Adaptive Technologies, Extended School Year, etc. This will be in accordance with the Idaho Special Education Manual, PL94-142, and as identified on each student's IEP. In many cases, the LRE will be specified within NSCS. In rare cases, the LRE might be an alternative site, depending on the needs of each student. NSCS will provide assessments to admitted students as required, meeting individual student needs and IDEA requirements. LRE decisions are made individually for each student. The student's goals and required services are developed prior to the determination of the location of services and settings. The services and settings needed by each student with a disability must be based on the student's unique needs that result from his or her disability, not on the student's category of disability.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Performance Certificate
Individual Education Plans. A Highly Qualified highly qualified special education teacher will be responsible to monitor Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and supervise the implementation as written. A special education teacher will provide services in an inclusion or a pull-out model depending on the degree of accommodation necessary to meet the student's needs. These services will be delivered by a special education teacher or licensed provider, with supporting para-educator(s) as allowed by the IDEA and the ESEA. The special education teacher will consult with the general education staff to utilize effective classroom accommodations, adaptations, adaptations and modifications. The continuum of settings and services will be provided at NSCSthe Academy, include including general education classes, resource classes, and provisions for supplemental services services, such as resource services, itinerant instruction provided in conjunction with the general classroom, classroom aides, replacement curricula, behavioral supports, etc. The Academy will provide as needed supplementary aids and services such as resource services and itinerant instruction, adaptations, assistive technology, extended school year, replacement curricula, behavioral supports and transportation (even if others are not transported), for special education students when the student's IEP requires it as a result of the multi-disciplinary team decision. In determining appropriate settings and services for a student with a disability, the IEP team shall consider the student's needs and the variety of alternate placements and related services available to meet those needs. NSCS The Academy may contract with private providers for the provision of related services. Services may be provided by a licensed therapist, who may use a para-para- educator for support. In the rare event that the IEP team determines that the student's academic needs cannot be met on siteonsite, NSCS the Academy may contract with other agencies to provide those services. For all special education students, NSCS the Academy will develop, review, review and revise IEPs in accordance with state and federal laws. NSCS The Academy will adhere to the IDEA Procedural Safeguards and FERPA to assure protection of student and parent rightsrights to a free, appropriate public education, including the confidentiality protections and the special services referral process. These rights are provided under the IDEA; the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), reauthorized as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB); and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act relating to personally identifiable information in student special education records. These statutes also statutesalso provide for the right to review and inspect records. NSCS In addition the Academy will ensure access to charter school programsprograms and activities, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). NSCSThe Academy’s building plan will planwill permit access by students with disabilities. The school will provide transportation for special forspecial education students when the student’s IEP requires it as a result of the multidisciplinary multi-disciplinary team decision. NSCS uses evidenced-based programming and curricula when working with students with disabilities who need supplemental or replacement curricula. NSCS will follow the guidelines provided by the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual in regards to the disciplining of a student protected under the IDEA. This will include the consideration of a Functional Behavior Assessment and subsequent Behavior Intervention Plan when the special-education multidisciplinary team identifies that the behavior of the student impacts their learning or the learning of others. When the Behavior Intervention Plan is required, it will be developed with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. When required in accordance with the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual, the special education multidisciplinary team will conduct a Manifestation Determination to establish whether or not the misconduct of a student with a disability was (1) a demonstration of the disability, that is, an inability to understand impact and consequences or an inability to control behavior; (2) the result of an inappropriate placement; and/or (3) the lack of provision of services consistent with the IEP and placement. NSCS will not deny enrollment to a student with a disability because of that student's need for special education or related aids and services. All appropriate services will be provided for students with disabilities who meet the federally- established eligibility criterion for such services. Enrollment policies described elsewhere in this charter petition are consistent with the mission of NSCS and civil rights requirements. The nondiscriminatory policy will be stated on the school's website, applications, advertisements, etc. NSCS will provide special education and related services to eligible NSCS students in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), educating students with disabilities with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. Related services may include (but is not limited to) Positive Behavior Interventions, Adaptive Technologies, Extended School Year, etc. This will be in accordance with the Idaho Special Education Manual, PL94-142, and as identified on each student's IEP. In many cases, the LRE will be specified within NSCS. In rare cases, the LRE might be an alternative site, depending on the needs of each student. NSCS will provide assessments to admitted students as required, meeting individual student needs and IDEA requirements. LRE decisions are made individually for each student. The student's goals and required services are developed prior to the determination of the location of services and settings. The services and settings needed by each student with a disability must be based on the student's unique needs that result from his or her disability, not on the student's category of disability.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Performance Certificate
Individual Education Plans. A Highly Qualified special education teacher will be responsible to monitor Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and supervise the implementation as written. A special education teacher will provide services in an inclusion or a pull-out model depending on the degree of accommodation necessary to meet the student's needs. These services will be delivered by a special education teacher or licensed provider, with supporting para-educator(s) as allowed by IDEA and the ESEA. The special education teacher will consult with the general education staff to utilize effective classroom accommodations, adaptations, and modifications. The continuum of settings and services will be provided at NSCS, include general education classes, resource classes, and provisions for supplemental services such as resource services, itinerant instruction provided in conjunction with the general classroom, classroom aides, replacement curricula, behavioral supports, etc. In determining appropriate settings and services for a student with a disability, the IEP team shall consider the student's needs and the variety of alternate placements and related services available to meet those needs. NSCS may contract with private providers for the provision of related services. Services may be provided by a licensed therapist, who may use a para-educator for support. In the rare event that the IEP team determines that the student's academic needs cannot be met on site, NSCS may contract with other agencies to provide those services. For all special education studentseducationstudents, NSCS will develop, review, and revise IEPs in accordance with state and federal laws. NSCS will adhere to the IDEA Procedural Safeguards and FERPA to assure protection of student and parent rights, including the confidentiality of personally identifiable information in student special education records. These statutes also provide for the right to review and inspect records. NSCS will ensure access to charter school programs, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). NSCS’s building plan will permit access by students with disabilities. The school will provide transportation for special education students when the student’s IEP requires it as a result of the multidisciplinary team decision. NSCS uses evidenced-based programming and curricula when working with students with disabilities who need supplemental or replacement curricula. NSCS will follow the guidelines provided by the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual in regards to the disciplining of a student protected under the IDEA. This will include the consideration of a Functional Behavior Assessment and subsequent Behavior Intervention Plan when the special-education multidisciplinary team identifies that the behavior of the student impacts their learning or the learning of others. When the Behavior Intervention Plan is required, it will be developed with Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. When required in accordance with the IDEA and Idaho Special Education Manual, the special education multidisciplinary team will conduct a Manifestation Determination to establish whether or not the misconduct of a student with a disability was (1) a demonstration of the disability, that is, an inability to understand impact and consequences or an inability to control behavior; (2) the result of an inappropriate placement; and/or (3) the lack of provision of services consistent with the IEP and placement. NSCS will not deny enrollment to a student with a disability because of that student's need for special education or related aids and services. All appropriate services will be provided for students with disabilities who meet the federally- established eligibility criterion eligibilitycriterion for such services. Enrollment policies described elsewhere in this charter petition are consistent with the mission of NSCS and civil rights requirements. The nondiscriminatory policy will be stated on the school's website, applications, advertisements, etc. NSCS will provide special education and related services to eligible NSCS students in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE), educating students with disabilities with their non-disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate. Related services may include (but is not limited to) Positive Behavior Interventions, Adaptive Technologies, Extended School Year, etc. This will be in accordance with the Idaho Special Education Manual, PL94-142, and as identified on each student's IEP. In many cases, the LRE will be specified within specifiedwithin NSCS. In rare cases, the LRE might be an alternative site, depending on the needs of each student. NSCS will provide assessments to admitted students as required, meeting individual student needs and IDEA requirements. LRE decisions are made individually for each student. The student's goals and required services are developed prior to the determination of the location of services and settings. The services and settings needed by each student with a disability must be based on the student's unique needs that result from his or her disability, not on the student's category of disability.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Performance Certificate