Individual Partner Agencies. 5.1 The Governance Framework provides a bridge between governance frameworks that already exist in partner agencies and one overall framework to support KA2.
Individual Partner Agencies. The Governance Framework provides a bridge between governance frameworks that already exist in partner agencies and one overall framework to support the Cumbria Agreement. Individual partner agencies will use existing governance frameworks (including existing internal financial, performance and risk management systems). It is anticipated that these will require only minimal alteration to fit within the overall Governance Framework for the purposes of supporting the Cumbria Agreement. Partner organisations will have a duty to contribute to the planning and mitigation of risk and also seek opportunities to align funding. Partner organisations also have a duty to ensure that the outcomes and actions they are committed to delivering through the LAA are in their own strategic and operational plans. They must also ensure that performance frameworks support the management of delivery of their share of the outcomes and actions. District Councils are key partners in the CSP Executive and the Thematic Partnerships. District Councils, as with other partner delivery bodies including the County Council, can also be commissioned to deliver specific work.