Performance Orders A Performance Order: (a) is an order made under clause 13.3.3(b), relating to a Relevant Dispute, whether by way of interim or final relief; and (b) may be applied for by Network Rail or the Train Operator in the circumstances set out in clause 8.1, subject to the qualifications in clause 17.8, and an application for a Performance Order shall be without prejudice to any other remedy available to the claimant under this contract (whether final or interim and whether by way of appeal under the Network Code or otherwise).
PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS FOR INDIVIDUAL ORDERS H-GAC’s contractual requirements DO NOT include a Performance & Payment Bond (PPB); therefore, Contractor shall offer pricing that reflects this cost savings. Contractor shall remain prepared to offer a PPB to cover any order if so requested by the END USER. Contractor shall quote a price to END USER for provision of any requested PPB, and agrees to furnish the PPB within ten business (10) days of receipt of END USER's purchase order.
Requirements Pertaining Only to Federal Grants and Subrecipient Agreements If this Agreement is a grant that is funded in whole or in part by Federal funds:
Performance and Compliance with Receivables and Contracts At its expense, timely and fully perform and comply with all material provisions, covenants and other promises, if any, required to be observed by the Issuer under the Contracts related to the Receivables.
PROPRIETARY/RESTRICTIVE SPECIFICATIONS If a prospective bidder considers the specification contained herein to be proprietary or restrictive in nature, thus potentially resulting in reduced competition, they are urged to contact the Procurement Division prior to bid opening. Specifications which are unrelated to performance will be considered for deletion via addendum to this Invitation for Bids.
REFERENCED CONTRACT PROVISIONS Term provision and Amount Not To Exceed provision, of the Contract are deleted in their entirety and replaced with the following: “Term: July 1, 2019 through September 30, 2024 Period One means the period from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020 Period Two means the period from July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 Period Three means the period from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Period Four means the period from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 Period Five means the period from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 Period One Amount Not To Exceed: $360,964 Period Two Amount Not To Exceed: $373,598 Period Three Amount Not To Exceed: $386,674 Period Four Amount Not To Exceed: $450,000 Period Five Amount Not To Exceed: $450,000 Period Six Amount Not To Exceed: $110,469 TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED: $2,131,704” Period Six means the period from July 1, 2024 through September 30, 2024 Amount Not To Exceed:
Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurements of Materials and Equipment In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the Engineer for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurements of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier shall be notified by the Engineer of the Engineer's obligations under this contract and the Regulations relative to nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.
Solicitations for Subcontracts, Including Procurement of Materials and Equipment In all solicitations either by competitive bidding or negotiation made by the Local Government for work to be performed under a subcontract, including procurement of materials or leases of equipment, each potential subcontractor or supplier will be notified by the Local Government of the Local Government’s obligations under this Agreement and the Acts and Regulations relative to Nondiscrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin.
200 Domestic Preferences for Procurements As appropriate and to the extent consistent with law, the non-Federal entity should, to the greatest extent practicable under a Federal award, provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). The requirements of this section must be included in all subawards including all contracts and purchase orders for work or products under this award. For purposes of 2 CFR Part 200.322, “Produced in the United States” means, for iron and steel products, that all manufacturing processes, from the initial melting stag through the application of coatings, occurred in the United States. Moreover, for purposes of 2 CFR Part 200.322, “Manufactured products” means items and construction materials composed in whole or in part of non-ferrous metals such as aluminum, plastics and polymer-based products such as polyvinyl chloride pipe, aggregates such as concrete, glass, including optical fiber, and lumber. Pursuant to the above, when federal funds are expended by ESC Region 8 and TIPS Members, Vendor certifies that to the greatest extent practicable Vendor will provide a preference for the purchase, acquisition, or use of goods, products, or materials produced in the United States (including but not limited to iron, aluminum, steel, cement, and other manufactured products). Does vendor agree? Yes
Performance of Contracts The Company shall not materially ------------------------ amend, modify, terminate, waive or otherwise alter, in whole or in part, any of the Employee Nondisclosure and Developments Agreements without the consent of the Company's Board of Directors.