Instructional Load Definitions. For classes taught concurrently, faculty load is calculated by the course with the highest credit value. Quarterly credits are a guideline and are flexible based on approval from the xxxx and Vice President. Annual Credits are the formal calculation of load and represent the maximum credits faculty will be required to teach without additional compensation. Quarterly Credits Annual Credits Lecture/Theory – the entirety of workload is lecture-based instruction 13-15 45 Lecture/Theory, Lab/Guided Practice, Field-based Experience – workload consists of a combination of two or more of these instructional types as determined by instruction area Culinary Arts 13 39 Baking and Pastry Arts 12 36 ECE/Education 13-15 45 Nursing 7-12 33 Nursing Assistant 12 36 Dental 10-15 45 Medical Assisting 9-15 45 Studio Arts 13-15 45 Performing Arts and Music 00-00 00 AEC 13-15 45 AUTO 12-17 45 CIS/CS 13-15 45 CMT 11-13 39 OFTEC/MEDC 13-15 45 WELD 14 42 Science (lab classes with merged lectures count as separate classes) 13-15 45
Instructional Load Definitions. The weekly instructional load averaged over three quarters for Probationary and Tenured Professors is based on contact hours as follows: Workload Categories Weekly Contact Hours Lecture/Theory – the entirety of workload is lecture-based instruction 15-16 Lecture/Theory, Lab/Guided Practice, Field-based Experience – workload consists of a combination of two or more of these instructional types as determined by instruction area Arts, IT, Science, Nursing, Medical Assisting, Dental Assisting, ECE 16-18 Trade & Industrial Occupation/Shop 20-22 Librarians, Counselors 35