REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. 13.1 This Section 13 shall apply to all Covered Employees.
13.2 As provided in state law and Board policy, the Board may cancel the employment contracts of Covered Employees when there is a justifiable decrease in the number of covered employee positions as a result of a fiscal exigency or program change as determined by the Board. However, before any meeting of the Board at which the Board will consider a proposed resolution or decision that a fiscal exigency exists or a program change is to be made that may require the cancellation of the employment contract of one or more Covered Employees, the Superintendent shall convene a meeting of the Professional Council established pursuant to Section 7 above to consult regarding the nature and extent of the fiscal exigency or proposed program change, and regarding any plan then contemplated by the administration for reduction of covered employee positions.
13.3 If the Board decides that the number of covered employee positions is to be reduced, normal attrition, retirement, and resignations shall be considered prior to any cancellation of Covered Employee employment contracts. In the event that cancellation of Covered Employee employment contracts is necessary to achieve the reduction required by the Board, the following shall be considered as significant factors in determining which particular employment contracts will be recommended for cancellation:
13.3.1 The needs of the district.
13.3.2 The best interest of the students enrolled in the district.
13.3.3 Education, licensing endorsements and other professional qualifications.
13.3.4 Job performance over the previous three year period as measured using the criteria and standards set by the Board for evaluation of Teachers and Counselors in accordance with applicable state law and state board of education rules governing evaluation of licensed personnel.
13.4 The probationary or non-probationary status of a Covered Employee, and the seniority of a Covered Employee, shall also be considered as additional factors in determining which employment contracts will be recommended for cancellation as a result of the decrease in covered employee positions, except that such additional factors may be considered only after the consideration of the factors set forth in the Paragraph 13.3 above, and only if consideration of such additional factors is in the best interest of the students enrolled in the district. The parties agree that such additional factors shall be applied...
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. Definitions – Displaced – A displaced person is an employee whose position has been eliminated but still has bidding rights for a position in which they are qualified. Laid off (RIF) – A laid off person is an employee who does not have a position and there are no jobs available for which they are qualified. Full Time – A person working six (6) or more hours per day five days a week.
A. Bargaining unit positions shall be filled by employees of the Board who are part of the bargaining unit as defined in Article I of this Contract. Casual employees shall not be used to avoid the filling of vacancies. This provision shall not preclude the utilization of "temporary employees" who are members of the bargaining unit for replacement purposes or to accomplish short-term projects not to exceed sixty (60) days. For the duration of this contract, no employee will be laid off and have their work outsourced to non-bargaining unit persons if there is bona fide work for that employee. The Board will meet with the Association to discuss possible alternatives to outsourcing. Parent volunteers can be utilized to work on ad hoc, short term projects as long as such work does not involve access to confidential student information and does not negatively impact any bargaining unit member.
B. A RIF shall be defined as a decision by the Board to reduce staff through a layoff of personnel or the failure to fill a bargaining unit position in whole or in part, including the failure to replace employees who are lost through attrition.
1. If the Board intends to reduce the hours for a current employee, the Association shall have the right to meet with the Assistant Superintendent to discuss the reduction of hours. A reduction in hours for an occupied bargaining unit position shall be considered a RIF.
2. A decision not to fill a vacancy shall be considered a RIF in which case, the following procedures shall be utilized:
a. When the Board intends to eliminate a vacant position, the Superintendent shall notify the Association, in writing, within five (5) working days of its decision not to fill a vacant position. The Superintendent's notification shall include a statement of the reasons for the decision.
b. After the Association receives notice of a decision to not fill a vacant position, the Association shall have the right to meet with the Superintendent or the Superintendent's designee to discuss the matter.
C. When the Board determines that it is necessary due to lack of work, lack o...
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. If the Board determines it necessary to reduce the number of teaching positions, the following procedures shall apply: A RIF may occur for the reasons set forth in Ohio Revised Code 3319.17, as well as for curriculum changes and/or financial reasons.
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. Any reduction in licensed personnel will be in compliance with the Illinois School Code.
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. 6.3.1 The District will determine which positions will be reduced or eliminated. The following process will stipulate how a layoff will occur as well as determine which employees, if any, will be displaced. The District shall notify the classified employee and the Union in writing not less than fifteen (15) workdays prior to any layoff or reduction in force, except in extenuating circumstances. The identification of employees to be laid off/displaced within a job classification group shall be determined by inverse bargaining unit seniority with the impacted employee being the least senior employee(s) in the classification group / range being affected.
6.3.2 Layoff/displacement of employees will be based upon bargaining unit seniority, but such layoffs/displacements shall occur by range within a classification group as in Appendix E. Example: Within the range the employee with the least bargaining unit seniority shall be laid off/displaced first. Laid off employees will not be paid any salary or benefits during the period of layoff, except that school year employees laid off at the end of the school year or over the summer will have insurance paid through September 30, as is normally the case for any employee who has completed the prior school year. Employees will have access to the District EAP Program during the entire time of layoff. Notwithstanding, a laid off employee may, at their own expense, continue insurance coverage, subject to the rules of the insurance carrier(s) and subject to applicable laws.
6.3.3 No permanent employees shall be laid off within a job classification group / range while any temporary employees in such classification group / range continue to be employed.
6.3.4 Employees with temporary status are not covered by this article.
6.3.5 An employee who is subject to reduction in force will be notified by certified mail or in person by their school Principal, immediate supervisor, or the Director of Human Resources. The employee notified of initial layoff may: Accept the layoff, or Within five (5) workdays of receiving the notice of layoff, exercise the right to participate in the bumping process, if applicable.
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. When it becomes necessary to reduce staff, as determined by Board action, the following descending order of priority and criteria shall be used:
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. REASONS FOR RIF: Bargaining unit members employed by the Board shall only be subject to a RIF in compliance with reasons listed in ORC 3319.
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. School districts are finding it necessary to reduce their teaching staffs because of budgetary constraints, declining enrollments, return to duty after a leave of absence, suspension of schools, territorial changes impacting the district, changing course offerings and selections, and other comparable factors. In recent years, the Wickliffe School System has found it necessary to reduce staff for similar reasons and may be required to do so in the future. In accomplishing reductions in force, the overriding concern has been, and in the future must continue to be, the welfare of the children of the school district. Staff reductions can be achieved through administrative procedures and efforts which are as fair as is practicable to the personnel of the school system as a whole, under the difficult circumstances almost always attendant when a reduction in force takes place. Because of the compiling interests that come into play, no set of procedures for staff reduction is likely to be personally satisfactory to everyone affected or concerned. Hard and fast rules cannot be applied in determining the extent to which reductions are necessary, or for determining which positions or employees will be affected. Seniority, for example, can and should play a legitimate role in determining the order in which reductions in force are made, but inflexible adherence to seniority does not. Compliance with state and federal laws relating to employment decisions or achievement of the educational aims of the school system may require taking factors other than seniority into account. These administrative procedures have been established so that the certified employees of the school district can better understand in a general way what may happen should a reduction in force take place. These procedures are subject to revision in the future to ensure accomplishment of the educational aims of the school system and to insure compliance with state and federal laws relating to employment decisions.
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. The District will conduct a reduction in force according to seniority within the RIF classification, as defined in the appendix. When the District determines to RIF employee(s), the least senior employee(s) within the RIF classification will be RIF’d. A reduction in employee(s) work hours of one hour or more shall be considered a reduction in force unless otherwise agreed to by the District and the Association. Employees laid off/reduced in hours as a result of reduction in force will be placed in a reemployment pool and will have priority (as provided by Section 10.6) in the filling of an opening/restoration of hours in the RIF classification according to seniority. Personnel shall remain in the pool for twenty four (24) months following the reduction in force. All employees who have been placed in the reemployment pool shall be reemployed before anyone from outside the District is employed. Exceptions may be made if no one in the pool meets the minimum qualifications for the open position.
REDUCTION IN FORCE (RIF. When the Employer releases a competing employee from his or her competitive level by furlough for more than [30] calendar days, separation, demotion, or reassignment requiring displacement, when the release is required because of lack of work, shortage of funds, insufficient personnel ceiling, reorganization, an individual exercise of reemployment rights or restoration rights, or reclassification of an employee's position due to erosion of duties when such action will take effect after the Employer has formally announced a reduction-in force in the employee's competitive area and when the reduction-in force will take effect within 180 days in the competitive area.