Intellectual Property and Subcontractors Sample Clauses

Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services.
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Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services. 4) Xxxxxx.Xxx. Each Education Pass User who holds an Architect Education Pass (“Architect Pass User”) will receive access to “Xxxxxx.Xxx,” a MicroStrategy education offering that enables the user to request access to and join video chat rooms with MicroStrategy analysts and architects (“Experts”) during normal business hours to request tailored guidance and instruction on the features and functionality of MicroStrategy products. We will provide access to Xxxxxx.Xxx through the MicroStrategy Community site and any other interface that we make available to you. The Xxxxxx.Xxx offering is subject to the availability of an Expert with expertise in the subject area for which guidance is requested; if an Expert is not available immediately upon request, the Architect Pass User may schedule a video chat session with an Expert during the next window of availability at his/her convenience. For clarity, Xxxxxx.Xxx is an education offering and is not part of Technical Support Services. In connection with your use of the Xxxxxx.Xxx offering, you will not transfer to us or provide us any access to (1) Protected Data (except for Protected Data related to your contact persons); or (2) material in violation of third-party privacy rights; or (3) libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material; or (4) material that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other proprietary right of any entity or individual; or (5) viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs. 即提供專家,則建築師護照用戶可以在下一個可用視窗期間,安排一次與專家的視頻聊天會話。作為澄清,Xxxxxx.Xxx 是一種教育產品,並不屬於技術支援服務的一部分。與您使用 Xxxxxx.Xxx 產品相關,您將不會向我們傳輸或向我們提供任何訪問權有關於(1)受保護資料(與您的連絡人有關的受保護資料除外); (2)違反協力廠商隱私權的資料; (3)誹謗或其他非法或侵權的資料; (4) 侵犯任何實體或個人的任何版權,商標,專利,商業秘密或其他所有權的資料;或(5)病毒,特洛伊木馬,蠕蟲,定時炸彈,清除程式,腐蝕性檔或任何其他類似軟體或程式。
Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services. 사용하는 경우로 제한됩니다. (iii) 지적재산 및 협력업체. (코스웨어를 포함한)모든 교육과정 자료들에 대한 저작권은 당사에 귀속되며 당사의 비밀정보에 해당합니다. 교육 및 훈련 서비스는 당사가 직접 또는 당사의 협력업체들을 통해 제공됩니다. 귀사와 당사 간의 서면 합의(있는 경우)에 포함된 여하한 반대 취지의 규정에도 불구하고, 귀사는 당사가 교육·훈련 서비스를 제공하기 위해 협력업체를 사용하는 것에 동의합니다.
Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services. (iv) Expert.Now. Each Education Pass User who holds an Architect Education Pass (“Architect Pass User”) will receive access to “Expert.Now,” a MicroStrategy education offering that enables the user to request access to and join video chat rooms with MicroStrategy analysts and architects (“Experts”) during normal business hours to request tailored guidance and instruction on the features and functionality of MicroStrategy products. We will provide access to Expert.Now through the MicroStrategy Community site and any other interface that we make available to you. The Expert.Now offering is subject to the availability of an Expert with expertise in the subject area for which guidance is requested; if an Expert is not available immediately upon request, the Architect Pass User may schedule a video chat session with an Expert during the next window of availability at his/her convenience. For clarity, Expert.Now is an education offering and is not part of Technical Support Services. In connection with your use of the Expert.Now offering, you will not transfer to us or provide us any access to (1) Protected Data (except for Protected Data related to your contact persons); or (2) material in violation of third-party privacy rights; or (3) libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material; or (4) material that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret or other proprietary right of any entity or individual; or (5) viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs. 相反规定,(如确实有)您同意我们通过分包商提供教育和培训服务。 (iv) Expert.Now。每位持有架构师教育通行证的教育通行证用户(“架构师通行证用户”)都将获得我们的教育产品“ Expert.Now”的访问权限,该产品赋予用户在正常工作时间请求访问以及进入有我们分析师和架构师( “专家”)参与的视频聊天室的权利,目的是为了获取针对我们产品的特性和功能量身定制的 指 导 和 说 明 。 我 们 将 通 过 MicroStrategy Community 网址及我们提供给您的任何其他界面给予您对 Expert.Now 的访问权限。 Expert.Now 产品的提供取决于专家在请求指导的主题领域的专业知识的可用性;如果无法根据要求立即提供专家,则架构师通行证用户可以在下一个可用窗口期,安排一次与专家的视频聊天会话。作为澄清,Expert.Now是一种教育产品,并不属于技术支持服务的一部分。与您使用 Expert.Now 产品相关,您将不会向我们传输或向我们提供任何访问权有关于(1)受保护数据(与您的联系人有关的受保护数据除外); (2)违反第三方隐私权的资料; (3)诽谤或其他非法或侵权的资料; (4)侵犯任何实体或个人的任何版权,商标,专利,商业秘...
Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services. 設賃料をマイク➫ストラテジーに払い戻すも✰とします。 (ii) 講師による研修クラス✰ため✰コースウェア マイク➫ストラテジーは、講師による研修クラス(公開か又はプライベートか、仮想か又は対面かは問いません。)ごとに、当該クラス✰ため✰コース✰コンテンツファイル(電子バージョン)(以下「コースウェア」といいます。)をお客様にご提供し、お客様は、当該クラスに出席する従業員(又は お客様が指定するそ✰他✰個人)✰各自に対して、当該
Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and 教育護照原使用者已終止與您的僱用關係,則您可以將該教育護照訂購剩餘的訂購期,重新指派給新的教育護照使用者,但是,此類重新指派在每一教育護照訂購期,僅限一次。 i) 試用建築師教育護照。您的每個擁有公司電子郵寄位址的員工都可以註冊❹獲得一個試用建築師教育護照,自註冊之日起開始期限為 30 天(“試用期”)。在試用期內,該個人將獲得建築師教育護照的所有利益(包括參加 Expert.Now),但在試用期內,該個人將無法獲得建築師護照,也無法參加認證考試。試用期屆滿後,該個人獲得 “建築師教育護照”利益的權利將終止,❹且僅能通過購買“建築師教育護照”進行延長。
Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services. 관련하여, 당사는 수업과정 콘텐츠 파일의 전자적 버전(“코스웨어”)을 제작하여 귀사에 제공하며, 귀사는 수업에 참석하는 귀사의 각 직원들(또는 귀사가 지정한 타인)에게 코스웨어의 출력물을 1부씩 복사하여 배포할 수 있습니다. 귀사의 코스웨어 사용은 수업에 참석하는 개인들이 오로지 자신의 교육 목적으로 사용하기 위한 경우에 한해 사용하는 경우로 제한됩니다.
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Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services. 포함된 여하한 반대 취지의 규정에도 불구하고, 귀사는 당사가 교육·훈련 서비스를 제공하기 위해 협력업체를 사용하는 것에 동의합니다. iv) Expert.Now. 아키텍트 교육수강권을 보유한 각 교육수강권사용자“아키텍트 수강권 사용자“) 는 정규 업무 시간 동안 마이크로스트레티지 제품의 특징 및 기능에 대한 맞춤형 지침 및 설명을 요청하기
Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) are copyrighted by us and are our Confidential Information. Education and training Services are provided and delivered either directly by us or through our subcontractors. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any written agreement between you and us, if any, you consent to our use of subcontractors to provide education and training Services. (iii) 知识财产和分包商。所有教育课程资料( 包括课件)的版权属于我们所有,并且是我们的机密信息。我们将直接或通过分包商提供教育和培训服务。不论您与我们之间的任何书面协议是否有任何相反规定,(如确实有)您同意我们通过分包商提供教育和培训服务。
Intellectual Property and Subcontractors. All education course materials (including Courseware) 約。若您無意續訂教育護照,您必須在當前期限屆滿前至少提前三十(30)天書面(電子郵件可發送至通知我們。若教育護照原使用者未使用該教育護照,參加任何公開講師引導課程或存取任何自訂進度訓練課程,或若教育護照原使用者已終止與您的僱用關係,則您可以將該教育護照訂購剩餘的訂購期,重新指派給新的教育護照使用者,但是,此類重新指派在每一教育護照訂購期,僅限一次。 i) 試用建築師教育護照。您的每個擁有公司電子郵寄位址的員工都可以註冊❹獲得一個試用建築師教育護照,自註冊之日起開始期限為 30 天(“試用期”)。在試用期內,該個人將獲得建築師教育護照的所有利益(包括參加 Xxxxxx.Xxx),但在試用期內,該個人將無法獲得建築師護照,也無法參加認證考試。試用期屆滿後,該個人獲得 “建築師教育護照”利益的權利將終止,❹且僅能通過購買“建築師教育護照”進行延長。
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