Additional Technical Support Terms Sample Clauses

Additional Technical Support Terms. Each order for perpetual Product licenses will state the fee for Standard Technical Support Services for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date of delivery of those Products; this fee will be priced as a percentage of the license fees on the order. Except as otherwise specified on an order, (a) upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, you have the option to renew Standard Technical Support Services on those Product licenses for subsequent annual subscription terms, each at an annual fee equal to the prior annual subscription term fee increased by the greater of CPI and five percent (5%); and (b) you agree to renew Standard Technical Support Services unless you provide written notice to us at least ninety (90) days before expiration of the then current subscription term that you desire to have your Technical Support Services lapse on all of your Product licenses. Standard Technical Support Services for term licenses is included as part of the term license fee. For each Product license, we will deliver to you, at your request, an Update at no charge as part of a Technical Support Services subscription. Updates will not include new products that we market separately. We warrant that we will not materially decrease the level of Technical Support Services provided during an active subscription to such Technical Support Services. If you purchase perpetual Product licenses and related first- year Standard Technical Support Services through a Reseller and the Reseller does not renew Standard Technical Support Services with us on your behalf, then upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, Standard Technical Support Services for those perpetual Product licenses (i) will automatically renew directly with us for one additional year at an annual rate equal to the first-year Standard Technical Support Services fee payable by the Reseller to us increased by the greater of CPI and five percent (5%), and (ii) will renew annually thereafter for subsequent annual subscription terms, each at an annual fee equal to the prior annual subscription term fee increased by the greater of CPI and five percent (5%), unless you provide written notice to us at least ninety (90) days before expiration of the then current subscription term that you desire to have your Technical Support Services lapse on all of your Product licenses.
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Additional Technical Support Terms. Each order for perpetual Product licenses will state the fee for Standard Technical Support Services for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date of delivery of those Products; this fee will be priced as a percentage of the license fees on the order. Except as otherwise specified on an order, (a) upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, you have the option to renew Standard Technical Support Services on those Product licenses for subsequent annual subscription terms, each at an annual fee equal to the prior annual subscription term fee increased by the greater of CPI and five percent (5%); and (b) you agree to renew Standard Technical Support Services unless you provide written notice to us at least ninety (90) days before expiration of the then current subscription term that you desire to have your Technical Support Services lapse on all of your Product licenses. Standard Technical Support Services for term licenses is included as part of the term license fee. For each Product license, we will deliver to you, at your request, an Update at no charge as part of a Technical Support Services subscription. Updates will not include new products that we market separately. We warrant that we will not materially decrease the level of 2. 技术支持。 (a) 技术支持产品的级别。我们提供四(4)个级别的技术支持服务 - 标准支持、延伸支持、高级支持和尊享支持。每个级别的技术支持服务在我们的技术支持政策中均有描述。我们将根据我们的技术支持政策提供每个级别的技术支持服务。 我们将按照订单上指定的级别为您提供相应技术支持服务。 每个级别的技术支持服务均根据按年订购价格模式提供。 (b) 支持联络员。您可以为以您购买的技术支持服务级别为基础的每个DSI 或您的DSI 指定一定数量的支持联络员(定义见我们的技术支持政策)。您还可以根据按年订购价格模式购买额外支持联络员。 (c) 企业支持。作为您订购的技术支持服务的一部分,您可能有资格获得技术支持政策上指明的“企业支 持”服务。您也可以通过订单按照按小时预付价格模式购买额外企业支持。 (d) 额外技术支持条款。永久产品许可的每个订单都将注明自产品交付之日起十二(12)个月内标准技术支持服务的费用,订单上将把该费用计作许可费用的一部分(百分比)。除订单另有规定外,(a)初始年度订购期限届满后,您可以选择在后续年度订购期限内续订产品许可上的标准技术支持服务,后续每个年度订购期限的年度费用,等于上一年度订购期限的费用增加居民消费价格指数(CPI)和百分之五(5%)中的较高者;以及(b)除非您在当前订购期限到期前至少九十(90)日书面通知我们,表明您希望终止您所有产品许可上的技术支持服务,否则您同意续订标准技术支持服务。定期许可的标准技术支持服务包含在定期许可费用内。对于每个产品许可,我们将根据您的要求免费向您提供更新,更新属于您订购的技术支持服务的一部分。更新将不包括我们单独销售的新产品。我们保证,在被激活的订阅技术支持服务期间内,我们不会大幅降低所提供的技术支持服务的水准。 如果您通过经销商购买了永久产品许可和相关的第一年标准技术支持服务,并且经销商没有代表您与 16 Technical Support Services provided during an active subscription to such Technical Support Services. If you purchase perpetual Product licenses and related first- year Standard Technical Support Services through a Reseller and the Reseller does not renew Standard Technical Support Services with us on your behalf, then upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, Standard Technical Support Services for those ...
Additional Technical Support Terms. Each order for perpetual Product licenses will state the fee for Standard Technical Support Services for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date of delivery of those Products; this fee will be priced as a percentage of the license fees on the order. Except as otherwise specified on an order, (a) upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, you have the option to renew Standard Technical Support Services on those Product licenses for subsequent annual subscription terms, each at an annual fee equal to the prior annual subscription term fee increased by the greater of CPI and five percent (5%); and (b) you agree to renew Standard Technical Support Services unless you provide written notice to us at least ninety (90) days before expiration of the then current subscription term that you desire to have your Technical Support Services lapse on all of your Product licenses. Standard Technical Support Services for term licenses is included as part of the term license fee. For each Product license, we will deliver to you, at your request, an Update at no charge as part of a Technical Support Services subscription. Updates will not include new products that we market separately. We warrant that we will not materially decrease the level of Technical Support Services provided during an active subscription to such Technical Support Services.
Additional Technical Support Terms. Each order for perpetual Product licenses will state the fee for Standard Technical Support Services for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date of delivery of those Products; this fee will be priced as a percentage of the license fees on the order. Except as otherwise specified on an order, (a) upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, you have the option to renew Standard Technical Support Services on those Product licenses for subsequent annual subscription terms, each at an annual fee equal to the prior annual subscription term fee increased by the greater of CPI and five percent (5%); and (b) you agree to renew Standard Technical Support Services unless you provide written notice to us at least ninety (90) days before expiration of the then current subscription term that you desire to have your Technical Support Services lapse on all of your Product licenses. Standard Technical Support Services for term licenses is included as part of the term license fee. For each Product license, we will deliver to you, at your request, an Update at no charge as part of a Technical Support Services subscription. Updates will not include new products that we market separately. We warrant that we will not materially decrease the level of Technical Support Services provided during an active subscription to such Technical Support Services (d) 기술지원에 관한 추가 조건. 본건 제품의 영구적 라이선스에 대한 각 주문서는 해당 본건 제품의 납품일로부터 개시하여 12개월간 표준기술지원서비스에 대한 사용료를 명시하며, 이러한 사용료는 주문서상의 라이선스 사용료에 대한 비율로 책정됩니다. 주문서상에 달리 명시된 경우를 제외하고, (a) 첫 서비스 연간가입기간 만료시, 이전 연간 가입 기간에서 명시된 금액을 CPI 와 5퍼센트 중 더 높은 비율만큼 인상한 비용으로 다음 년도의 연간가입조건으로 해당제품의 표준 기술지원서비스를 갱신할 수 있는 옵션이 있으며; 또한 (b) 귀사는 귀사가 해당 가입 기간이 만료되기 이전에 당사의 모든 본건 제품들에 대한 기술지원서비스를 예정대로 소멸시키고 싶다는 의향을 계약만료 90일 이전에 서면 통지하지 않는 이상 표준 기술지원서비스를 연장하는 것에 합의합니다. 기간제 (Term) 단위 라이선스에 대한 표준 기술지원서비스는 해당 기간 단위 라이선스료의 일부로 포함되어 제공됩니다. 각 본건 제품 라이선스에 대해, 당사는 귀사의 요청에 따라 기술지원서비스 가입의 일부로 귀사에 무료 업데이트를 제공합니다. 당사가 별도로 판매하는 신제품은 업데이트에 포함되지 않습니다. 당사는 해당 기술지원서비스의 가입이 If you purchase perpetual Product licenses and related first-year Standard Technical Support Services through a Reseller and the Reseller does not renew Standard Technical Support Services with us on your behalf, then upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, Standard Technical Support Services for those perpetual Product licenses (i) will automatically renew directly with us for one additional year at an annual rate equal to the first-year Standard Technical Support Services fee payable b...
Additional Technical Support Terms. Each order for perpetual Product licenses will state the fee for Standard Technical Support Services for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date of delivery of those Products; this fee will be priced as a percentage of the license fees on the order. Except as otherwise specified on an order, (a) upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, you have the option to renew Standard Technical Support Services on those Product licenses for subsequent annual subscription terms, each at an annual fee equal to the prior annual subscription 2.
Additional Technical Support Terms. Each order for perpetual Product licenses will state the fee for Standard Technical Support Services for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date of delivery of those Products. Except as otherwise specified on an order, (a) upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, you have the option to renew Standard Technical Support Services on those Product licenses. Standard Technical Support Services for term licenses is included as part of the term license fee. For each Product license, we will deliver to you, at your request, an Update at no charge as part of a Technical Support Services subscription. Updates will not include new products that we market separately. We warrant that we will not materially decrease the level of Technical Support Services provided during an active subscription to such Technical Support Services.
Additional Technical Support Terms. The following additional terms shall apply to all technical support services delivered by Novell, in addition to the terms of this Agreement and the NCSP Handbook:
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Additional Technical Support Terms. Each order for perpetual Product licenses will state the fee for Standard Technical Support Services for a period of twelve (12) months commencing on the date of delivery of those Products; this fee will be priced as a percentage of the license fees on the order. Except as otherwise specified on an order, (a) upon expiration of the initial annual subscription term, you have the option to renew Standard 2. テクニカルサポート (a) テクニカルサポート✰レベル マイク➫ストラテジーは、テクニカルサポートサービスを4 ❜✰レベル(スタンダードサポート、拡大サポート、プレミアサポート及びエリートサポート)でご提供します。そ✰各自はテクニカルサポートポリシーに記載されており、同ポリシーに従い提供されます。マイク➫ストラテジーは、注文書に記載されたレベル✰テクニカルサポートサービスをご提供します。当該サポート ✰各自は年間契約ベースで提供されます。 (b) サポートリエゾンお客様は、自らが購入するテクニカルサポートサービス✰レベルに基づいて、各自又はお客様✰ DSI に❜いてサポートリエゾン(マイク➫ストラテジー✰テクニカルサポートポリシーに定義されています。)を指定することができます。更に、追加✰サポートリエゾンを年間契約ベースで購入することもできます。 (c) クラウド エリート サポート MCE サービス✰お客様は、 MCE サービス ガイドに従って提供される「クラウド エリート サポート」 ✰サブスクリプションを購入できます。注文時に別段✰指定がない限り、かかるサブスクリプションは注文✰発効日に開始され、そ✰時点で✰ MCE サービス期間✰満了時に終了します。かかる期間✰満了時に、お客様は MCE サービス✰ クラウド エリート サポートを同じ期間✰後続✰ MCE サービス期間に更新することもできます。各更新は、そ✰時点で✰ クラウド エリート サポート✰定価に等しい年換算✰更新料金で行われます。お客様は、現在✰ MCE サービス期間が満了する少なくとも 90日前に、更新しないことを書面で通知しない限り、クラウドエリート サポートを更新することに同意するも✰とします。 (d) 追加テクニカルサポート条項 永続的な本製品ライセンス ✰各注文には、当該本製品✰納入日より開始する 12 か ☎間✰スタンダードテクニカルサポートサービス✰料金を記載するも✰とします。本料金は当該注文書において記載されたライセンス料✰一定✰割合となります。注文書に特別✰明示がない限り、(a)初年度✰年間契約期間✰満
Additional Technical Support Terms. Unless otherwise arranged through a separate service agreement, SPX is not responsible for validating an organization’s existing SharePoint environment or configuration. SPX expects that Licensee’s SharePoint environment adheres to Microsoft® best practices. Service pack and cumulative Updates should be tested and a rollback plan put in place before any Software products or updates are installed prior to production. SharePoint installation, configuration, health checks, and maintenance are all available as SPX Service Agreements at additional cost. SPX software support cannot make extraordinary efforts to resolve conflicts that may arise from the non-standard or incorrect installation or configuration of the following, including but not limited to: SharePoint environment; Windows Server environment; SQL Server environment; network; load balancing; Secure Socket Layer (SSL) termination; reverse proxies; Domain Name System (DNS) configuration; custom built or other third party tools or solutions; AJAX toolkit; custom master pages, Custom Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript, Master Pages, or manually modified web configuration files. Such conflicts may be addressed under a separate SPX Service Agreement for an additional cost. If a technical support issue arises, as part of SPX standard troubleshooting efforts, SPX may request that a new web application and/or a new site collection be created with an Out Of The Box (OOTB) SharePoint team site, and SPX Software products deployed and configured within the test area before production. If the Software works as designed in the new web application/site collection, it will be assumed that underlying environmental constraints are responsible for the issue. In the event standard troubleshooting does not allow for identification and remediation of the root cause, Licensee will be advised to utilize the Software in the new web application and/or site collection, or independently resolve the issues on the original site. It is Licensee’s responsibility to conduct all tests requested by SPX technical support personnel as part of any troubleshooting effort, including utilization of a supported version of Internet Explorer, the only browser certified for use with SPX products. Refer to 2. Orders; Payments; Refunds section regarding delinquent accounts. SPX reserves the right to refuse or deny product support for delinquent accounts. A delinquent account is when the Licensee has not paid the Order/ Invoice within the specified term...

Related to Additional Technical Support Terms

  • Technical Support State Street will provide technical support to assist the Fund in using the System and the Data Access Services. The total amount of technical support provided by State Street shall not exceed 10 resource days per year. State Street shall provide such additional technical support as is expressly set forth in the fee schedule in effect from time to time between the parties (the “Fee Schedule”). Technical support, including during installation and testing, is subject to the fees and other terms set forth in the Fee Schedule.

  • Technical Support Services 2.1 The technical support services (the "Services"): Party A agrees to provide to Party B the relevant services requested by Party B, which are specified in Exhibit 1 attached hereto ("Exhibit 1").

  • Research Support (a) Having regard to the resources reasonably available for such purposes, the Operator will cooperate with AHS to provide such participation by its Staff as may be reasonable in relation to the carrying out of research within the Province. (b) The Operator agrees to promptly notify AHS in the event that it undertakes or agrees to participate in any form of clinical trial, research project, instrument use, or similar activity which in any way relates to the Services provided under this Agreement. The Operator shall, upon request, provide AHS with written evidence of Client disclosure and consent to research.

  • Statement of Work The Statement of Work to which Grantee is bound is incorporated into and made a part of this Grant Agreement for all purposes and included as Attachment A.

  • Additional Support Under this Agreement, there shall be: (check one)

  • Technical Specifications and Drawings a) The Goods and Related Services supplied under this Contract shall conform to the technical specifications and standards mentioned in Section VI, Schedule of Requirements and, when no applicable standard is mentioned, the standard shall be equivalent or superior to the official standards whose application is appropriate to the Goods' country of origin. b) The Supplier shall be entitled to disclaim responsibility for any design, data, drawing, specification or other document, or any modification thereof provided or designed by or on behalf of the Procuring Entity, by giving a notice of such disclaimer to the Procuring Entity. c) Wherever references are made in the Contract to codes and standards in accordance with which it shall be executed, the edition or the revised version of such codes and standards shall be those specified in the Schedule of Requirements. During Contract execution, any changes in any such codes and standards shall be applied only after approval by the Procuring Entity and shall be treated in accordance with GCC Clause 33.

  • Additional Products and Services Subject to the allocation of funds, the CPO may add similar equipment, supplies, services, or locations, within the scope of this Agreement, to the list of equipment, supplies, services, or locations to be performed or provided by giving written notification to Contractor. For purposes of this Section, the “Effective Date” means the date specified in the notification from the CPO. As of the Effective Date, each item added is subject to this Agreement, as if it had originally been a part, but the charge for each item starts to accrue only on the Effective Date. In the event the additional equipment, supplies, services, or locations are not identical to the items(s) already under this Agreement, the charges therefor will then be Contractor’s normal and customary charges or rates for the equipment, supplies, services, or locations classified in the Fees and Costs (Exhibit “F”).

  • Operational Support Systems (OSS The terms, conditions and rates for OSS are as set forth in Section 2.13 of this Attachment.

  • Training Program It is agreed that there shall be an Apprenticeship Training Program, the provisions of which are set forth in Exhibit "D", which is attached hereto and forms part of this Agreement.

  • Maintenance and Support Services If this Agreement is for IT goods or services, this section applies: Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement: The Contractor shall promptly provide the Court with all Upgrades, including without limitation: (i) all Upgrades generally made available by Contractor to its other customers; (ii) Upgrades as necessary so that the Work complies with the Specifications and Applicable Law (including changes in Applicable Law); (iii) Upgrades as necessary so that the Work operates under new versions or releases of the Court’s operating system or database platform; and (iv) all on-site services necessary for installation of Upgrades. Without limiting any other obligation of Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor represents and warrants that it will maintain services, equipment, software or any other part of the Work so that they operate in accordance with their Specifications and Documentation; and The Contractor shall respond to the Court within four (4) hours after the Court reports a Technical Support Incident (such hours all occurring during Standard M&S Hours) to Contractor. DELIVERY, ACCEPTANCE, AND PAYMENT Delivery. Contractor shall deliver to the Court the Deliverables in accordance with this Agreement, including the Statement of Work. Unless otherwise specified by this Agreement, Contractor will deliver all goods purchased by the Court “Free on Board Destination Freight Prepaid” to the Court at the address and location specified by the Court. Title to all goods purchased by the Court vests in the Court upon payment of the applicable purchase price. Contractor will bear the risk of loss for any Work being delivered until received by the Court at the proper location. All shipments by Contractor or its Subcontractors must include packing sheets identifying: this Agreement number, the Court’s purchase order number, item number, quantity and unit of measure, part number and description of the goods shipped, and appropriate evidence of inspection, if required. Goods for different Agreements shall be listed on separate packing sheets.

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